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Buyer can't pay for item. Ebay says item wont ship to his address

Hi Everyone,
I have been selling on ebay for a while now.
One buyer just won 4 auctions. I sent him an invoice for all 4 items plus the combines shipping.
When he went to pay it, ebay tells him the one item of the 4 does not ship to his location. He lives in Pittsburg, and I am in south carolina.
I have never had that problem before.
Also, to help out, i marked that item as paid, and invoiced him for the remaining 3 items, so when he went to pay, now another item cannot ship to his location.
Any ideas?
Message 1 of 12
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Re: Buyer can't pay for item. Ebay says item wont ship to his address

So to clarify, the buyer has not paid for any of the 4 items yet?


Is the buyer a relatively new buyer? Do you know exactly what error they are seeing? Did he give you a screenshot or something or did he just say something like "ebay won't let it ship to me." Many times, in technical problems like this I can't believe the buyer fully as they often make wrong assumptions based on what they are seeing. I would ask to see a screenshot of the error if you haven't already. Once you get it, then you can start to solve the problem.

Message 2 of 12
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Re: Buyer can't pay for item. Ebay says item wont ship to his address

I do not see anything in your sold list that could possibly be prohibited in Pittsburg.  Sounds like another ebay glitch.


Did you confirm that there is nothing wrong with his address?

Message 3 of 12
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Re: Buyer can't pay for item. Ebay says item wont ship to his address

Let him know that you will send him an identical Paypal invoice in the hope that that will work.

Try to sound amused and exasperated.

Remind him that PP has Buyer Protection as strong if not stronger than eBay's.


Use Send Money to send the invoice. Put the eBay transaction numbers in the text box.

With an apology for the inconvenience.

When he pays, mark the items Paid in eBay, ship.

Leave feedback with the tracking number, date and service used.



Message 4 of 12
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Re: Buyer can't pay for item. Ebay says item wont ship to his address

That is something I thought about and would do if it was a small priced item or if they were a return buyer. Paypal doesn't have as good seller protection than ebay does.

Message 5 of 12
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Re: Buyer can't pay for item. Ebay says item wont ship to his address

Guys, first, thank you for all your comments.
The buyer is not relatively new, and he does have all possitive feedbacks too.
I did not see the error, but he is describing it like he needs to remove the problem item and continue. However, when he does that, a new item has the problem.
I can send him a paypal invoice, if that is necessary, specifying all the items and transaction numbers, etc... is that recommended? i think its ok with me.
Message 6 of 12
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Re: Buyer can't pay for item. Ebay says item wont ship to his address



@dop2015 wrote:
Hi Everyone,
I have been selling on ebay for a while now.
One buyer just won 4 auctions. I sent him an invoice for all 4 items plus the combines shipping.
When he went to pay it, ebay tells him the one item of the 4 does not ship to his location. He lives in Pittsburg, and I am in south carolina.
I have never had that problem before.
Also, to help out, i marked that item as paid, and invoiced him for the remaining 3 items, so when he went to pay, now another item cannot ship to his location.
Any ideas?


Now that is strange..... random item not able to ship to Pittsburg... odd

You both should clear cookies and such


Message 7 of 12
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Re: Buyer can't pay for item. Ebay says item wont ship to his address

Sorry to say, but I think you have to make the dreaded phone call to Ebay to get this straightened out. You need an answer from Ebay as to if this was a glitch or whatever.... Then you need them to undo your "marked payed" and get it all straight.


This system is so rigid that if you start getting creative with it (work arounds) you're likely to trigger some program blocks that say something's rotten.... You've done nothing wrong, buyer should not have this hassle..... Someone at Ebay has to set this transaction straight again and over ride what ever glitch caused the initial problem. 



Message 8 of 12
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Re: Buyer can't pay for item. Ebay says item wont ship to his address

Yes, I too would be leary of marking an item as paid if it had not been. It might prevent him from paying at all when whatever the original problem was is resolved.


Message 9 of 12
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Re: Buyer can't pay for item. Ebay says item wont ship to his address

Paypal doesn't have as good seller protection than ebay does.


EBay has Seller Protection??

Message 10 of 12
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Re: Buyer can't pay for item. Ebay says item wont ship to his address

Call eBay...really that's the only answer that makes sense since the problem doesn't make any kind of sense.  If something is prohibited in Pittsburgh it would prohibited in all the USA I would assume.

Message 11 of 12
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Re: Buyer can't pay for item. Ebay says item wont ship to his address

You're not the only one with this problem.  It appears to only be a problem for me with people using the mobile app.  But still I get questions about it at least 3 times a week and can only imagine how many people come across it and just go buy elsewhere.  I contacted ebay by phone and was told it was probably a glitch in the app and they're sure someone will be fixing it but they didn't say who or how or when or give me anyone else to whom I should talk.  Very pass-the-buck but pass to nobody.

Message 12 of 12
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