08-18-2023 10:15 PM
I have a buyer who filed an INAD-"Parts or Pieces Missing".
Buyer even took a picture as some kind of proof they didn't receive what they should have. Photo actually shows they got exactly what was described in the listing....One item! Ebay for Business would not help me. I didn't try customer service. But, knowing eBay they'd side with buyer. I did message buyer and politely let them know they were mistaken. No reply, of course. I finally relented and approved the return. Would I have had any chance had I fought this return? Buyer's claims were so blatantly false, it's not even subjective.
Note: There was absolutely no bottle or tube pictured or described in my listing...None! Buyer made the whole thing up in their little pea brain head. I don't sell a bottle or tube of this product and never have.
" I received a tiny flat envelope with a pill inside a thank you card. I thought I was buying a serum in a small bottle or tube inside a small box as it shows on the ad with the small tablet inside. I copied the information about the ad but never let me copy the photo when purchased it. I went back to review and clearly states Serum and I pod sample. I am very disappointed. So this purchase was not complete and would like to ask for a refund."
08-18-2023 10:19 PM - edited 08-18-2023 10:20 PM
You really can't fix stupid. Some buyers can neither see or read. Have to wonder if maybe they are not taking some other type of pill(s) or smoking something.
08-18-2023 10:37 PM
08-18-2023 10:38 PM
They are just scamming you for free item and there is not a lot you can do if ebay is siding with them. Some people like this in the world I don't know how they live with themelves. We sellers just have to take this b s and move on. The only thing you can do is block them.
08-18-2023 11:38 PM
The only other choice was to call eBay and fight the return and hope to be the lucky 1 out of infinity they agree buyer is misusing the return policy. Can't officially call them a thief, since I haven't received my empty package yet.
08-18-2023 11:46 PM
eBay didn't side with them, I never called. Just didn't feel like wasting my time pounding sand today. Scammer's gonna scam and ebay's motto seems to be "The more the merrier".
08-18-2023 11:59 PM - edited 08-19-2023 12:00 AM
If it's the serum, that's Health and Beauty which is a notoriously twitchy market. I used to sell makeup and health products and quit because of the nutters, and I have strong nerves. eBay for business on Facebook was useless - they actually sided with a YouTube video by some miscellaneous dude for 'authenticity' over a dispute when I was selling supplements...that I had gotten from the manufacturer - SMDH.
08-19-2023 11:58 AM
@chapeau-noir wrote:If it's the serum, that's Health and Beauty which is a notoriously twitchy market. I used to sell makeup and health products and quit because of the nutters, and I have strong nerves.
I can also absolutely understand how the buyer made the mistake they did. Looking at the stock image for the item, it makes it look like you're going to be getting something in a box.
I would change the image to showing JUST the pod to eliminate any potential confusion.
08-19-2023 02:22 PM
@yuzuha wrote:
@chapeau-noir wrote:If it's the serum, that's Health and Beauty which is a notoriously twitchy market. I used to sell makeup and health products and quit because of the nutters, and I have strong nerves.
I can also absolutely understand how the buyer made the mistake they did. Looking at the stock image for the item, it makes it look like you're going to be getting something in a box.
I would change the image to showing JUST the pod to eliminate any potential confusion.
Yup. Main photo shows a box. We all know most buyers don't read. Change your photo. Also says you won't be getting instructions, but there's a photo of the instructions. I understand why OP wants to do this, but it's not a good idea. Many buyers ONLY look at the pics.