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Business license

Good morning all,
I have been selling on ebay now for about 4 yrs. So as with most sellers I have had to get a business license to continue selling.
My question is do I need to add my business license to ebay? They all ready have my social security #.

Thanks for the help!

Message 1 of 18
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Business license

I never knew a business license was mandatory. At least not in the U.S. Other countries may require it.

Message 2 of 18
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Business license

Not aware of a Business License mandate.


We have one, but it is not required by e-Bay to sell here.

....... "The Ranger isn't gonna like it Yogi"......... Boo-Boo knew what he was talking about!

Posting ID Only.......
Yes, I have no Bananas, only Flamethrowers.......
Message 3 of 18
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Business license

Never heard of it being mandatory for eBay 


I have one but it is because I also do business in my City so required to have one. 

Message 4 of 18
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Business license

You don't need a business license to sell here.  I let mine expire when I closed my candle business nine years ago, but as far as selling on Ebay I've always had a personal account.


Now depending on where you live you may need a business license if you have a business in your home, but that has nothing to do with selling on Ebay.

The easier you are to offend the easier you are to control.

We seem to be getting closer and closer to a situation where nobody is responsible for what they did but we are all responsible for what somebody else did. - Thomas Sowell
Message 5 of 18
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Business license

@beowulf196868 wrote:

Good morning all,
I have been selling on ebay now for about 4 yrs. So as with most sellers I have had to get a business license to continue selling.
My question is do I need to add my business license to ebay? They all ready have my social security #.

Business licenses seem to be local issues, as far as whether a home on-line selling enterprise needs one. Our hometown, for example, does not require them. eBay has never asked me for one. They do have federal obligations such as 1099s, but nothing state or local beyond collecting sales taxes where applicable.

Message 6 of 18
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Business license

Whew!  These responses are a relief because from reading the op's post, I was thinking, "But....I don't have a business license.  Am I in trouble?" 

Message 7 of 18
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Business license

@beowulf196868 wrote:

Good morning all,
I have been selling on ebay now for about 4 yrs. So as with most sellers I have had to get a business license to continue selling.
My question is do I need to add my business license to ebay? They all ready have my social security #.

I doubt that "most" sellers had to get a business license. 


That aside ... 


I have never heard of eBay requiring one, or of any means of adding it to eBay. 



Message 8 of 18
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Business license

@luckythewinner wrote:

@beowulf196868 wrote:

Good morning all,
I have been selling on ebay now for about 4 yrs. So as with most sellers I have had to get a business license to continue selling.
My question is do I need to add my business license to ebay? They all ready have my social security #.

I doubt that "most" sellers had to get a business license. 


That aside ... 


I have never heard of eBay requiring one, or of any means of adding it to eBay. 



I have a "Illinois Business Authorization" or tax # from the peoples republic of Illinois. I got it years ago mainly so I would not have to pay sales tax on items I purchased to resell. Never sent it to ebay as a seller but have as a buyer. 

Message 9 of 18
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Business license

Not sure where you live, but I don’t need one in SoCal - even when I was full time.


Do you mean a resale license?

Message 10 of 18
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Business license



Any chance you mean, with literal people inside the city? Foot traffic in a residential area or an actual storefront building?


 I still didn’t need a license because it took place inside my house. No foot traffic.

Message 11 of 18
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Business license

Never mind businesses working out of homes, here in Victoria BC most of the cannabis shops have not bothered with a business license.

They don't have weed-selling licenses either and they don't sell inspected products.


I find this confusing. Cannabis is a legal product, just like beer, but if I decided to open a beer store I'm pretty sure I'd be closed down within hours.

Message 12 of 18
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Business license

Alcohol kills people every day, weed never has. 

Message 13 of 18
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Business license

@gurlcat wrote:

Alcohol kills people every day, weed never has. 

“Saying marijuana…has never killed anyone is like saying tobacco has never killed anyone. Nobody dies from a tobacco overdose. You can’t smoke yourself to death. And yet nobody would dispute that tobacco causes death. … You die from lung cancer–you don’t die from smoking. You die from what smoking did to your lungs, which is a direct effect from smoking. And so in that same way marijuana does kill people in the form of mental illnesses and suicide, in the form of car crashes. … You can’t say marijuana doesn’t kill.”


Marijuana-Attributable Deaths

A little research, done a decade ago, reveals news articles, police reports, and academic studies on a number of marijuana-attributable deaths:

  1. December, 2014: The National Institute on Drug Abuse updated its marijuana research paper, saying, “Marijuana is the illicit drug most frequently found in the blood of drivers who have been involved in accidents, including fatal ones,” and citing research that marijuana is increasingly detected in fatal vehicle accidents.
  2. December, 2014: Oklahoma authorities reported a man with marijuana both in his system and on his person drove into oncoming traffic, crashing into another vehicle and killing its driver.
  3. May, 2014:  A study published by the University of Colorado School of Medicine found that, “the proportion of marijuana-positive drivers involved in fatal motor vehicle crashes in Colorado has increased dramatically since the commercialization of medical marijuana in the middle of 2009.”
  4. April, 2014: A 47-year-old Denver man allegedly shot his wife while she spoke with a 911 dispatcher over the phone. According to various reports, the wife called 911 after her husband consumed candy laced with marijuana and began hallucinating and frightening the couple’s children. Some sources indicate the man may have taken prescription drugs with the marijuana. CBS News reports that 12 minutes into the call with 911, the wife “told dispatchers her husband was getting a gun from a safe before a gunshot sounded and the line went quiet.” The marijuana candy had, apparently, been purchased a licensed shop in the Denver area.
  5. April, 2014: Researchers writing in the Journal of the American Heart Association investigated marijuana’s effects on cardiovascular health. They reviewed 1,979 incidents from 2006 to 2011, and found, “there were 22 cardiac complications (20 acute coronary syndromes), 10 peripheral complications (lower limb or juvenile arteriopathies and Buerger‐like diseases), and 3 cerebral complications (acute cerebral angiopathy, transient cortical blindness, and spasm of cerebral artery). In 9 cases, the event led to patient death.” (Emphasis added).
  6. March, 2014: A 19-year-old college student jumped to his death after eating a marijuana-laced cookie purchased at a licensed marijuana store in Colorado. Reports indicate the man began shaking, screaming, and throwing objects in his hotel room after eating the marijuana “edible.” He ultimately jumped over the fourth-floor railing, into the lobby of the hotel at which he was staying. According to CBS News, the autopsy report listed marijuana as a “significant contributing factor” to his death.
  7. February, 2014: researchers from Germany determined the deaths of two apparently-healthy, young men were in fact the result of marijuana. According to their article published in the journal Forensic Science International. Researchers concluded, “After exclusion of other causes of death, we assume that the young men died from cardiovascular complications evoked by smoking cannabis.”
  8. November, 2013: Seattle news outlets reported an elderly Washington resident was killed after a neighbor’s apartment exploded as a result of a hash oil operation. Hash oil is a highly-potent extract produced from marijuana using flammable chemicals such as butane.
  9. June, 2013: A 35-year-old Oregon man died as a result of an explosion and fire caused by a hash oil operation he and a friend were conducting in a garage.
  10. October, 2011: The Office of National Drug Control Policy released a report analyzing traffic accidents from 2005 – 2009. The report noted, “Among fatally injured males who tested positive for drugs, 28 percent tested positive for cannabinoids compared with 17 percent of females,” and that, “Cannabinoids were reported in 43 percent of fatally injured drivers under age 24 who tested positive for drugs.”
  11. 2004: A study in the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics examined case studies of three otherwise-healthy adolescent boys who were admitted to hospitals due to stroke following heavy marijuana use; two of the boys ultimately died, and the study concluded marijuana may cause stroke and death.
"Laissez-faire capitalism (AKA The Great Material Continuum) is the only social system based on the recognition of individual rights and, therefore, the only system that bans force from social relationships." ~ Ayn Rand
Message 14 of 18
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Business license

It will be interesting to see, when grass is more widely legalized, decriminalized and taxed, whether its use leads to cancers of the lungs or mouth, like tobacco.


Meanwhile, the uninspected products sold in unlicensed Canadian cannabis shops were the subject of a report on CBC's Marketplace last year.

An amazing amount of the products sold contained had less (or occasionally more)  THC or CBD than was on the label and many products contained neither THC nor CBD.

Message 15 of 18
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