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Busiest Week of the Year - Ebay Dead - AZ on Fire - What Happened?

I'm packing an AZ order every 15 minutes & a .www order every couple of hrs.  All the while I've had (3) eBay sales in 72 hrs.  Last year, it was the opposite, my eBay sales were double of my AZ sales & 4 x my .www sales.   This is not the economy or (place reason here), there is something seriously wrong with this selling platform.

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Busiest Week of the Year - Ebay Dead - AZ on Fire - What Happened?

I had the best of both worlds. Staten Island is a borough of NYC, but the island has "towns". It was underdeveloped when I was a kid and everyone knew the neighbors and the doors were unlocked, etc. But, NYC is literally 25 minutes away by car. So yeah, best of both worlds. 

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Busiest Week of the Year - Ebay Dead - AZ on Fire - What Happened?

Now days Ebay is the last place people look, sadly they all go to Amazon first, if they can’t find it there, they make there way to Ebay..

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Busiest Week of the Year - Ebay Dead - AZ on Fire - What Happened?

@hcob2693 wrote:

Now days Ebay is the last place people look, sadly they all go to Amazon first, if they can’t find it there, they make there way to Ebay..

That is an assumption, not a fact.  However when Ebay sellers continue to tell people over social media and any other method of communication they participate in that Ebay isn't the place to go, what do you expect.  Sometimes sellers are their own worst enemy.


There are sellers that have had great sales and others not so much.  The same is true on other sites.  To think that all sellers on this site are experiencing what you are experiencing is just logically and factually incorrect.  


My sales here for the Thanksgiving weekend was not great either.  However it normally isn't for me.  Historically speaking for the stuff I sell, my biggest sales period is the week after Christmas through January and often into February.  January being my highest month every year for sales.



mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
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