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Bulk Image upload to existing listing in file exchange

Trying to figure out how to add additional photo's to existing listings in file exchange without deleting the images that are already in the listings. I sell postcards and really you only need a front and back image. However, eBay wizardry is advising I need at least 4 photo's. When I download a revision template it doesn't have the "Item photo URL" column. So, when I add a "Item photo URL" column and add my two additional photo links and upload the revision. The file exchange removes the two existing photo's and revises it to the two new photo's. I don't know if there is a work around to this issue? Or a way to download a report that has the existing URL address??? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks

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Re: Bulk Image upload to existing listing in file exchange

Traditionally speaking bulk loaders tend remove images because as people bulk revise listings it'd add say the base image over and over and over.  I don't use the bulk loader here, in all honesty I think eBay should rework the code for it.  Day after day after day there are sellers who simply write over their listings attempting to gain advantage in browse results as "Newly Listed" which pushes down browse order that which actually are new listings.  Can't be good for browsing sales and has to cost eBay potential revenues.  Sellers who do it may gain a few sales organically yet they are destroying there external search engine rankings in process which likely cost them more sales than they gain organically.  Unbelievable how many sellers dont understand how external search and price compare engines work.


Google for example ranks and suppresses on a variety of criteria and pages that constantly try change on a regular basis or schedule to try increase rank more times than not will get suppressed.  More often than not they loose rank because they are essentially negating Googles page results which is a huge part of ranking.  In other words if I click through of have impressions of page(s) appear in searches people perform at Google that increase my rank relevance.  If I go in and replace all my listings anew I've essentially negated all that data.

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Re: Bulk Image upload to existing listing in file exchange

@rosecityantiques wrote:

Trying to figure out how to add additional photo's to existing listings in file exchange without deleting the images that are already in the listings. I sell postcards and really you only need a front and back image. However, eBay wizardry is advising I need at least 4 photo's. When I download a revision template it doesn't have the "Item photo URL" column. So, when I add a "Item photo URL" column and add my two additional photo links and upload the revision. The file exchange removes the two existing photo's and revises it to the two new photo's. I don't know if there is a work around to this issue? Or a way to download a report that has the existing URL address??? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks

Hello @rosecityantiques,


As you've seen, if you revise listings with Seller Hub Reports (File Exchange) to add pictures, the pictures in the file will replace existing listings. To keep the existing pictures, you would need to include them in your revision file along with the new pictures. 


While you may be able to get the existing picture URLs on your listings using a third-party program or using an API, the existing picture URLs would most like be eBay Picture Services (EPS) images.  If your revision file has a mixture of EPS and self-hosted URLs, then I would expect that you would get an error. 

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