03-29-2019 11:43 AM
OK - So I have been trying to figure out a way to stop Auto-Relist on my Fixed Price - now all GTC - listings. I thought that maybe if I went to my active listings > selected all > and then changed my Automation Rules to "No Rule" that would stop my listings from auto-relisting (still don't know if it will work). My only other options in Automation Rules was to either "Relist Once . . " or "Relist Continuously . . .", so I opted for 'No Rule" (no clue what that even means).
Does anyone know if what I just did will keep the listings from auto-relisting or did I just mess everything up? I could find no way to create my own rule and I feel certain after days of researching, that my only other option is to watch the clock - end all listings manually before they relist - and then manually start them all back when I WANT THEM RELISTED.
03-29-2019 01:28 PM
my only other option is to watch the clock - end all listings manually before they relist - and then manually start them all back when I WANT THEM RELISTED.
You would be correct. All fixed price listings going forward will be 'good til cancelled' and will auto relist directly after the thirty day mark. I don't thing those "settings" you mention will work anymore.
03-29-2019 01:32 PM
04-02-2019 09:41 AM
Thank You. I was afraid of that. Sorry for the delay - wi-fi has been down. I guess we just have to manually end and begin. Wow. OK Then and Thanks!
04-02-2019 09:43 AM
So sorry for the delay - wi-fi has been down. Thanks & Shucks Huh? I will certainly go take a look right now at the sites you mentioned. Automation where I am in charge of when it happens is sounding pretty great about now. Thanks for the Help!