06-09-2023 11:04 AM
I am a retired lady selling off a few possessions to downsize my household. I am not interested in international shipping, and resent the fact that eBay opted me in automatically. To add insult to injury, they claim it will take 24 hours for "international shipping" to drop off my listings. I did go into settings and opt out (though it wasn't available on the eBay app). So...theoretically, until tomorrow, someone from overseas could see an item, buy it, expect me to ship it to them (I can't; I send things from home by handing them to my carrier as I no longer drive), and if I don't? I'll get dinged because my listing said I would send the thing? Nope nope nope. Opting out should go into effect IMMEDIATELY, not 24 hours later.
Solved! Go to Best Answer
06-09-2023 03:09 PM
OK, thanks for that correction.
In that case, EIS may be something that would increase sales by adding the "international" option with all the burden being on eBay after the hub.
06-09-2023 03:20 PM
Hi, this program is actually fantastic. There is NO way for you to lose your money once you get it. No matter what the buyer claims, Ebay will refund them and your funds are forever protected. You ship to Illinois. That is it. You are done. No forms to fill out. Any negative feedback will be removed. The program is NO risk to the seller.
06-09-2023 03:53 PM - edited 06-09-2023 03:56 PM
I opted out of Ebay's international shipping program. Let me share a different perspective.
I do ship worldwide and have been shipping internationally since 2002. However, I do not want a third party, as an Ebay hub involved. I ship international only through DHL. They have been the only reliable carrier in my opinion and is the gold standard in international shipping. I have an account with DHL and receive 45% off rates. I have an Account Manager who works hard to get me the best rates each year. He haggles with his Manager to get me the lowest rates, even though I don't ship much internationally.
When shipping via DHL, I know the package will arrive in 3-4 days, pass through Customs easily and the signature will show up as "delivered" and signed for. That company is run like a finely tuned clock. USPS has been losing packages galore in the past 3 years, things get stuck in Customs, they are slow and the package may not show delivered at the end. In the past, I have had bad experiences with USPS and so has my family and 2 close friends who are also business owners. USPS used to be more reliable.
I decided to opt out of Ebay's international shipping program because I want to manage and control my shipments. I sell expensive items and I do not want to take a chance that the item I am sending is, lost, stolen or switched out with something else. Too many hands will touch the package and there is great margin for error and mistakes. I was never interested in the Global shipping program either.
I don't even buy regular shipping labels from Ebay. I use Fedex for shipping, I have my own account.
Each year, I speak to my Account Manager and they give me highly reduced rates. When you have your own Fedex account, you get great rates and can control your packages. For example, I put a security measure on my account where no one can re-route the package to another address. They also can't sign online and must show ID during delivery. I was able to set 5 security measures.
The safest way to ship is with your own account. For domestic parcels, I have 45% off Fedex Express and 25% off of Ground. I could get a better rate on Ground, but I mostly use Express so I have a maximum % discount on that service.
Another thing to consider, there have been a lot of problems with the Authenticity program. Sellers are shipping sneakers and handbags to third party hubs that Ebay contracted with and things are getting lost, stolen and switched. In theory, the concept was a good one but, the people who work for these authentication programs are sketchy at best. I am skeptical about the Ebay hub international shipping program because the authentication program had quite a few problems. Both are hubs where you send your package out to and then it is sent to the buyer.
My situation is a bit different because I can spring for DHL because I sell pricey pieces. I realize that is not possible for all sellers. I did use USPS Express 4 times in the past and 2 of the times were a disaster. I gave up on USPS for international. I can't even imagine USPS regular economy shipping.
06-09-2023 07:06 PM
What is disingenuous about this is eby charges an added fee when a buyer makes a purchase from a non-USA bank account. Unless this has changed, this is somewhat underhanded, to me at least.
06-09-2023 07:16 PM
So I just opted out. It all sounds to be good to be true. I spent a 1/2 hour on the phone with an Ebay rep.
He was very informed but I mentioned, that I don't have many of my listing with dimensions and weight since I set my own flat shipping costs and mostly use USPS flat rate packaging and mostly ship in the US + some stuff to Canada via UPS. So I asked what happens when someone orders a 10 lb package that's listed as 0x0x0 and 1 oz? He says the buyer ONLY PAYS the amount you charge and nothing more! No, I just did some reading and I already know thats **bleep**. It says quite plainly that the buyer is charged intl handling fees and brokerage fees etc. So I asked who will pick up the difference when you only collect the amount needed on 1 oz package for 10lbs going to OokaBooka land? I mean they are shipping EVERYWHERE! 200 countries! Afghanistan is on the top of the list. Really? Taliban? How about Nigeria? Yeah the scammers capital of the world. How's that going to work out? Who's going to communicate with the buyers who's grasp of the english language is not so great and information is lost in translation? "Where my package, it's been 2 weeks" blah blah.
What happens if they say you shipped them the wrong item, when you know **bleep** well you didn't. Ebay gonna cover that?
I really hope people will post their experiences, in fact there are a number of people touting how wonderful this program is! So has anyone here actually used this program? All you people who says it's wonderful? How is working out for you? Or are you Ebay employees trying to dispel any objections, get everyone onboard, **bleep** the torpedos full speed ahead!
Yes, this could mean increased sale for sellers AND EBAY.
So basically it a revamped Global Shipping program with extra protection for sellers...supposedly.
Shipping is 11-20 BUSINESS days with weekends and holidays that's basically up to a month! I have enough problems with people not bothering to notice when to expect their shipment, and I end up sending screen shots etc. to show them when the anticipated receipt time is. They repackage your packages I was told also. Open them, inspect them, repackage them.
Oh yeah, no problems there right?
So please anyone who already has used this program supposedly in places since Aug. 2022, please post your experiences good and especially bad, worst case senarios!!
06-10-2023 02:48 AM
Yes, I would like more information on this. This is from another thread that was on EIS. I replied to it, but, think the thread is kind of dead. Recentlly being accepted into EIS I would like more information on this please. This is from another post I replied to.
(((((Have they moved past the minimum size box being ~7” x ~10”? Can we ship 6x6x4 etc?
A 6x4x4 box should be fine. I think 7x10 was referring mainly to envelopes. This is the last update I have on package size minimums:
In reagerds to the above posted. Has this ever been confirmed or has anyone using the service had success shipping items in smaller packages( say 6 x 4 x 2). I was assuming the minimum size of 7.25 x 10.25 had to do with customs/duty lables sizes from the EIS hub to the international country.
Before posting this I looked everywhere with no luck at all for more information, all I could find was the *Packages must meet or exceed 7.25 inches in width and 10.25 inches in length*.
I was just enrolled, and, this could make a big difference as going to a 7.25 x 10.25 package instead of say a 6 x 4 x 2 could easily add 2+ ounces.))))))
Thanks for your time.
06-10-2023 03:08 AM
They did not opt in everyone. I haven’t been opted into it.
06-10-2023 03:16 AM
They do it in rolling waves. Your chance to ride the wave is coming.
06-10-2023 03:17 AM
Looks like you got opted out completely and no sales took place.
06-10-2023 01:08 PM
I don't recall anyone confirming that it was ok to ship something below those minimums. However, the EISD had the same wording and I've seen sellers commenting that they shipped items below that size. EIS may have just copied that wording from the other program and not put any thought into it. I wouldn't worry about it but then I'm not the one using EIS as I'm in Canada.
06-10-2023 03:01 PM
We need to be able to combine shipping for multiple items to the the same buyer. Their reasoning behind why they aren't allowing it is **bleep**
06-14-2023 10:14 PM
@oldold-timer wrote://
What is disingenuous about this is eby charges an added fee when a buyer makes a purchase from a non-USA bank account. Unless this has changed, this is somewhat underhanded, to me at least.
There is no international fee on items sold thru the EIS program.