03-24-2020 04:24 PM
Since this coronavirus **bleep** my sales have gone down to almost nothing. And I guess most of us are in the same boat. But my items that are not from China are the ones selling. Do you think people see where they are from and are too scared to purchase them? All of our items from China we have had in our inventory since last year so there is no problem with the coronavirus.
03-25-2020 06:26 AM
@muskingum_relics wrote:The work force is here ! Trouble is our youth has been taught to play video games instead of learning how to get a job ! How many people are in their 20s and 30s living in mommy and daddies basements because it is allowed by mommy and daddy ???
Blame education. This isn't the 1950's or even the 1970's. In that era, less than half of the workforce age 25 and over had graduated high school. Today, 90% of the workforce over 25 has graduated high-school and 30% have graduated college. Educated people don't want to do jobs that require no education.
Put another way, it isn't that American youth aren't working, but they don't want to work hard construction jobs or blue-collar jobs for low-pay, when there exists technology, information, or service industry jobs with much higher pay. This opportunity is the reason why there is a labor shortage in full-time, manual labor minimum wage jobs like cleaning toilets, laying bricks, picking fruit, or doing landscaping ...
03-25-2020 06:40 AM
Ladies and Gentlemen Welcome to Ebay Car Talk LOL
03-25-2020 06:43 AM
@muskingum_relics wrote:my dodge ram 3/4 ton now has 235.000 miles with no issues and never needed anything but regular maintenance ! Mopar power
My "Mopar power" Jeep with 150K is sitting broken in the driveway ... I'm procrastinating with doing a leak-down test because I don't want the bad news ...
03-25-2020 06:49 AM
laying brick and block and setting stone is a skilled trade and I take it as an insult to compare it to cleaning toilets ! You stick up for what you want that is your right but do not insult my trade just because you cant do it ! Explain the youth that are just plain too lazy to get off there butts because they are living off mommy n daddy ? Oh by the way good masons can make up to 46 bucks an hour !
03-25-2020 07:25 AM
Yeah the G-M K cars, Corvair, G-M diesel engines Ford Pinto, etc did not give the US auto makers a good reputation. It paved the way for the better quality Japanese makes. Personally, have never bought anything but a US brand - Ford & GM products - grew up very near the Motor City. Never had an issue with American made products. Bought my first new car in 1966. Bought a 1998 Ford Explorer, 6 cylinder, towed a bass boat to the lakes up and down the hills of Georgia. Sold it last year, still in good running shape, 278K miles, replaced two items - a starter, and heater/AC blower fan paid less than $200 for both parts and replaced them my self. Did all the routine maintenance my self - oil, fluid, coolant changes, etc on a regular basis (since I was towing a boat i change them sooner than recommended - oil is always cheaper than metal). See Ford Motor Company provided me with summer jobs to pay my college expenses and a 4 yr degree in auto engineering - plus grew up on a farm and did a lot of repairs/maintenance on our equipment.
03-25-2020 07:37 AM - edited 03-25-2020 07:40 AM
@muskingum_relics wrote:laying brick and block and setting stone is a skilled trade and I take it as an insult to compare it to cleaning toilets ! You stick up for what you want that is your right but do not insult my trade just because you cant do it ! Explain the youth that are just plain too lazy to get off there butts because they are living off mommy n daddy ? Oh by the way good masons can make up to 46 bucks an hour !
No insult was intended ... sorry that it came across that way. And, in case there is any misunderstanding, I also was not insulting landscapers, custodians, or farm-workers. I was just simply making a point about the impact of education on the workforce.
And, I can do it ... I have done it. I have done block and stone setting (though I have not done facade work). I have laid foundations with block, and I have laid sidewalks with stone. I have, at one time or another, done every construction job. In my experience, block and foundation work is the most physically demanding construction job that exists.
03-25-2020 09:17 AM
I understand ! I have been in the trade for 40 years now ! What I see nowadays from education mainly on the college level is the educator teaching anti American values and that truly disturbs me ! Sadly those are facts ! I would love to see the old American values come back ! We should be proud to be in such a great and free country that we are and many living here oppose our flag and much more which many have fought and died for to protect ! It really is sad to me !
03-25-2020 09:25 AM - edited 03-25-2020 09:27 AM
Just want to weigh in on mommy and daddy. Housing is much more expensive than when the greatest generation lived and received discounts from uncle sam. Not to mention exponentional explosion of costs in healthcare and other areas. In highschool I looked for a apt for rent. Studio Apt.$420 in 2000 today it goes for about $2000 in same area so unless scrubbing toilets pays 5 times what it did in 2000 than Mommy and Daddy are out of luck. Another example...1968 My grandma paid 28,000 for her house now worth 800,000. So unless jobs have increased pay by 30X over since then than your young people just don't want to work theory is a little slim.
03-25-2020 09:33 AM - edited 03-25-2020 09:35 AM
I just take ofense to millennial bashing. I am original millennial class of 2000. My friend younger than me working 2 and 3 jobs to rewnt a place and have people acting like because they were able to have a job for 40 years and retire is the hardest thing imaginable but I guess I'm doing the same thing. And yes American cars suck
03-25-2020 09:39 AM
enlist in the military !
03-25-2020 10:34 AM - edited 03-25-2020 10:37 AM
Guess that is why so many folks are moving out of California. There are a lot of places that are less expensive than Cali.
In 1982 had a chance to relocate, looked at Cali (San Diego area). At that time lived in the Chicago area in a very decent area. Found that homes in Cali were at least 3 times what I could sell mine for and they were at least 25% smaller than mine, stucco outside, neighbors way to close, vs brick & on a 1/4 acre lot. Said no way to Cali but did move to Texas.
Life is full of choices
03-25-2020 10:41 AM
I could handle Texas ok and love Ohio. Even without the virus you could not pay me to live in california or new york. The politics in those places has turned them into toilets and have friends and family in both ! They say it is so bad there is noway I would live in any of the big cities ! The cost of living should be much lower considering what is allowed to go on in those places. Sanctuary cities are good for no one except criminals ! What a shame !!
03-25-2020 11:06 AM
Yeah a lot of people moved away, not much family left. Democrats coming your way. I moved to the mountains to afford a house. Working at home really helps with options. Ski in the morning sun bathe at the beach in the afternoon but ohio sounds nice. JK Just trying to state we all get along best we can where we are at. Lived at home until I was 26 and moved out in 2008, that didn't work out so well but eventually now My wife finally got back teaching after that and we bought a house and had kids at 35 not ideal but hey could be worse there could be a virus that comes along 2 years into our mortgage. God blesses us and keeps us all. Let's be together and lift each-other my my brothers.
03-25-2020 11:34 AM
people do need to try and get along,