02-09-2024 12:15 PM
It's been almost 2 weeks now since I've made even a single sale on the site, despite actively trying as much as I can to get more of my products sold and shipping. Is anyone else having trouble making sales at this time?
02-09-2024 12:29 PM
A lot of sellers are having low sales right now.
02-09-2024 12:33 PM
I have noticed a slowdown but that is typical for the type of items I sell this time of year. I took a look at your listings and I noticed you have a lot of listings that are auctions with buy it now. You might get a better response if you instead list them as a buy-it-now best offer or auction only. Buyers don't respond well to auctions with the buy it now features since someone can just outright buy it out from under them if they bid on it. For hotter items you can list them as auction and the ones that get less attention are better suited for a buy-it-now (with or without the best offer). Just my opinion, hope things pick up for you.
02-09-2024 12:36 PM
It is just the nature of internet sales.
Take this time to clean up and update your listings as needed.
For example, we depend on buyers coming to the site through Google Search. We get far more buyers that way than you might think.
Now things could have changed, but there are some things that Google Search just doesn't like and it lowers those things in the search return. A couple of things I see are your titles. Don't use All Caps in your entire title. Not only does that make it harder to read, Google doesn't like it. My personal rule of thumb is no more than 3 words in all caps.
Don't repeat words. Not only is that a complete waste of the valuable title space, Google doesn't like it.
I buy some of my packaging materials and I use some recycled stuff. In your feedback, you have quite a few complaints about bad packaging. That is something you really need to resolve and just step up your game before it damages the health of your selling account.
Please know I shared this with you in an effort help, nothing else. I wish you the best of luck with your sales in 2024.
02-09-2024 12:43 PM
I responded on a similar thread started by a seller with similar characteristics to you.
When you are selling "one of" items, your total number of listings will not generate consistent levels of sales.
A drought is not unexpected.
Your inventory might be cherrypicked. You might be facing more competition than usual.
As another poster on that thread suggested, you need to look at your sales over a longer window.
And you need to list more items.
Selling on Ebay is like walking on a treadmill.
02-09-2024 01:28 PM
I get domestic sales for like 4 days and then only International sales for like 3 days in a week. It makes no sense to me. It feels like the traffic of my items are limited to lookers to domestic 4 days and then only lookers International for 3 days...I had nothing but UK buyers the last 3 days. And then I have "repeat buyers" which falls out of this norm.
02-09-2024 01:31 PM
I was thinking about listing my items as UGLY! LOL😀 Do you suppose that would work???? to get* A *view?
all the junk is.
I may try that tomorrow.
02-09-2024 01:34 PM
@12345jamesstamps has close to 3K listings.
The OP has about 100 listings.
I have about 4.5k.
We all get to see different shadows and patterns in our sales, which we can interpret based on our creative skills
02-09-2024 01:36 PM
Just don't bring back the titles in the fashion we used to see:
"`****OoooohhhhH VINTAGE 2021 Y0-yO ImpReSS EVERYone!!!*****"
Oh please no!!! 😁
02-09-2024 01:41 PM
😀got any other ideas? very funny- i like it tho... YO!
02-09-2024 02:42 PM
@mpssupershop wrote:It's been almost 2 weeks now since I've made even a single sale on the site, despite actively trying as much as I can to get more of my products sold and shipping. Is anyone else having trouble making sales at this time?
Every day of every week of every month of every year...someone posts that they are having slow sales. Seriously - it's the nature of the game. For what you have and as few listings as you have, I think you're doing pretty well, actually! Just keep going and be consistent with activity on the site.
02-09-2024 02:56 PM
I think ebay should adopt the same deal as some realtors.
"If you're item doesn't sell, we'll buy it."
02-09-2024 03:01 PM
02-09-2024 03:02 PM
Isn’t that an oxymoron?
02-09-2024 03:17 PM
You may wish to consider changing the Buyer Requirements that eBay gave you with the default set to YES. Likely you don't even know they are there. They were supposed to help with non-paying buyers, but they are doing a great job of discouraging buyers that DO pay. They limit a buyer's payment choices, and discourage multiple purchases for combined shipping.
Take a look:
Buyer Payment Requirements
*Require buyers to provide a payment method before they place a bid.
*Require buyers to provide a payment method before they make an offer.
Click submit.
It might be a good idea to encourage sales, as opposed to sending a potential but to another seller or site.