01-21-2023 03:04 PM
Hello! Does anyone know why the item I listed using the mobile app on my phone is not showing up in my web site account? It shows up on the web site if I go to my shop but not in my account. I would like to see it and make edits to it using my computer but I can't access it on my computer. Can I only make edits to items listed using the mobile app with the mobile app? Thanks for any help! 🐿
01-21-2023 03:06 PM
Don't know the answer to your actual question; however, are you aware that every single time you make "edits" to a listing, that listing then drifts down to the bottom of the pile and will take some time to get to the top again to be seen by potential buyers?
01-21-2023 03:14 PM
Hi! No, I did not know that. Thanks for letting me know. Will keep that in mind when making my initial post. Maybe best to keep in draft mode until truly ready to list. Thanks again!
01-21-2023 03:26 PM
Your phone app will be a little different than a computer. My iPhone app. is different than my computer using my eBay. Some stuff is better on the phone and some stuff is better on the computer. Just got to live with it.
01-21-2023 03:31 PM
Could you provide a item number or the title of the listing so we see if it shows up for us? I see a mala listed at 13:41 today. Is that it?
01-22-2023 12:33 PM
Hi, yes, the mala is the item I listed using my phone. It shows up in the shop but it doesn't show up on my computer in my account. I can't edit it on my computer because it is not available for me to see other than when I see it in the shop view.
01-22-2023 12:40 PM
Oh, i have access to it to revise it on my computer now! I just clicked on the mala in my shop and it took me to a place where I could revise it. Maybe the system just needed time to sync my mobile data to the web site account?
01-22-2023 12:43 PM
It doesn’t make sense that you can see it in one place and not the other. But if you see it in your shop then click on the listing title and then on revise listing on the top left.