06-22-2021 06:46 AM
I give 100% with every sell. My items are packed professionally, ship same day and write out hand written note to every buyer. Sometimes, include free treats or gifts. No one is leaving feedback anymore. I always leave feedback for every buyer. In my opinion, someone spends money with you, you thank them. Most of my purchases the seller will say, we give 5 star feedback when you leave us feedback. Extortion in my opinion. Feel so unappreciated. One's that ask the most out of me, never leave me feedback.
Solved! Go to Best Answer
10-05-2021 10:22 AM
It was part of the ebay courtesy. You say thank you to your cashier right? Probably not.
10-05-2021 10:40 AM
Your trading partners have thanked you 536 times, and yet you have only thanked them 497 times
10-05-2021 11:58 AM
Wow, some buyers are just, jerks. You put in the extra effort and the transaction went smoothly?, what's not to like, leave the seller feedback.
You also mentioned something that didn't occur to me till just now, feedback can help let a seller know the package probably arrived.
Honestly, when I buy from a seller and everything goes smoothly, I leave FB. Otherwise in the rare occurrence that something is wrong, I'll contact the seller. Without feedback how do you know everything is ok with the buyer, are they happy or not?
10-05-2021 11:59 AM
No feedback is good feedback in my opinion! I think they should do away with feedback at this point anyway.
10-05-2021 12:08 PM
I...Don't...Care.... if I ever get more FB.
11-08-2021 10:44 PM
I believe in leaving feedback no matter what, I think it shows appreciation weather you are a buyer or seller. I am having the same issue when it comes to feedback on items I sell, I am even starting to see less feedback on Items I buy, It is becoming really frustrating as I am trying to "rebuild" my account do to my pervious one being hacked somehow years ago. I have sent messages asking for feedback to be left do to what happened and I either get no response or they respond telling me they will do so but then Don't actually leave feedback. It sucks that feedback isn't a required (up to a certain point). I usually leave feedback right away from receiving a payment or items I won, but I have sadly made the choice that I won't leave feedback unless I receive feedback first.
11-08-2021 11:22 PM - edited 11-08-2021 11:24 PM
This is a reactive stance that does you no good.
11-09-2021 02:45 AM
My thoughts on feedback...
First of all, I'm old school, having started selling on eBay back in 1997, so I always leave feedback for buyers and sellers. Due to the no negative feedback for buyers aspect it is less important to me than it once was.
This may be blasphemy, but when I buy I actually hope to heck the seller doesn't leave me feedback. Why? Because as a seller I like to have my most recent positive feedbacks showing right on top should a prospective buyer decide to check out my feedback.
Over the last few years since retirement I've scaled down my selling a bit. I tend to keep only from 10 to 50 or so items listed. And I try to cycle around and sell like items that I've accumulated. On this, my oldest ID, and the only one I'm currently using, I've cycled this year from old boys series books (Tom Swift, etc.) over last winter to toys in the spring to vintage dinnerware over the summer to now, starting last week, vinyl LPs. I like to start the new category a bit slow until I have a few positive feedback entries reflecting my current category, then launch a few dozen listings at a time until I move on to the next .
So currently I just received my first feedbacks for the 1st batch of LPs I sold over the last week-10 days. This is the point where I hope no sellers leave me feedback LOL. I want, should they decide to take a glance, vinyl buyers - who are a picky lot! - to see that other vinyl buyers have been satisfied. Same as when I was selling vintage dishes over the summer, I wanted those that are interested to be able to see that I managed to get those fragile items to a buyer without "incident".
I've noted over the years that buyers in some categories leave less or more feedback than others. I once sold over 50 8-tracks in about 40 transactions and never got a single feedback, although I recently sold a few stragglers and got feedback.
So, anyhow, I don't think feedback is as important as it once was. I like to get it , as I said I like to have it for selling to buyers that value it, part of the tool box I guess. I may be different than some posters her where it appears feedback is part of their self esteem or even as someone stated a way of tracking deliveries.
11-09-2021 05:03 AM
@nizaliath_15 wrote:I believe in leaving feedback no matter what, I think it shows appreciation weather you are a buyer or seller. I am having the same issue when it comes to feedback on items I sell, I am even starting to see less feedback on Items I buy, It is becoming really frustrating as I am trying to "rebuild" my account do to my pervious one being hacked somehow years ago. I have sent messages asking for feedback to be left do to what happened and I either get no response or they respond telling me they will do so but then Don't actually leave feedback. It sucks that feedback isn't a required (up to a certain point). I usually leave feedback right away from receiving a payment or items I won, but I have sadly made the choice that I won't leave feedback unless I receive feedback first.
Received: 26
Left: 32
Go ahead, keep harassing your buyers for feedback.
11-09-2021 06:35 AM
Be careful what you wish for. Feedback can backfire on you quickly!!!
11-09-2021 07:35 AM
@tdrake wrote:My thoughts on feedback...
First of all, I'm old school, having started selling on eBay back in 1997, so I always leave feedback for buyers and sellers. Due to the no negative feedback for buyers aspect it is less important to me than it once was.
This may be blasphemy, but when I buy I actually hope to heck the seller doesn't leave me feedback. Why? Because as a seller I like to have my most recent positive feedbacks showing right on top should a prospective buyer decide to check out my feedback.
Over the last few years since retirement I've scaled down my selling a bit. I tend to keep only from 10 to 50 or so items listed. And I try to cycle around and sell like items that I've accumulated. On this, my oldest ID, and the only one I'm currently using, I've cycled this year from old boys series books (Tom Swift, etc.) over last winter to toys in the spring to vintage dinnerware over the summer to now, starting last week, vinyl LPs. I like to start the new category a bit slow until I have a few positive feedback entries reflecting my current category, then launch a few dozen listings at a time until I move on to the next .
So currently I just received my first feedbacks for the 1st batch of LPs I sold over the last week-10 days. This is the point where I hope no sellers leave me feedback LOL. I want, should they decide to take a glance, vinyl buyers - who are a picky lot! - to see that other vinyl buyers have been satisfied. Same as when I was selling vintage dishes over the summer, I wanted those that are interested to be able to see that I managed to get those fragile items to a buyer without "incident".
I've noted over the years that buyers in some categories leave less or more feedback than others. I once sold over 50 8-tracks in about 40 transactions and never got a single feedback, although I recently sold a few stragglers and got feedback.
So, anyhow, I don't think feedback is as important as it once was. I like to get it , as I said I like to have it for selling to buyers that value it, part of the tool box I guess. I may be different than some posters her where it appears feedback is part of their self esteem or even as someone stated a way of tracking deliveries.
Why don’t you just open a separate account for buying, if you want your seller feedback to stay on top?
02-11-2022 05:44 PM
I suggested to eBay years ago that reviews are held until both buyer and seller provide reviews. Then the reviews get posted. eBay ignored my suggestion. I am sick and tired of going out of my way to rush a item out to receive nothing. I’m don’t posting any reviews.
02-11-2022 05:56 PM
@mjg8062 wrote:I suggested to eBay years ago that reviews are held until both buyer and seller provide reviews. Then the reviews get posted. eBay ignored my suggestion.
Of course they would ignore it, because feedback is voluntary and optional. Nobody has to leave it.
Leave it first, leave it last, leave it alone. All are acceptable.
04-22-2022 06:41 PM
I'm with you niz. I have a relatively new account and have just started selling again. Used to sell a ton in the early to mid 2000's. That I.D. went bye bye from non use so I've been kind of getting my feet wet back into selling. I left a buyer an immediate 'fast pay, good buyer' blah blah blah feedback around December right after a sale. About six weeks later the buyer left me negative (totally unfounded which I replied to his feedback). So after that experience I'm not going to willy-nilly leave + FB unless they leave it first. It's my thought that the buyer should leave the first response. My two cents.
04-23-2022 07:25 AM
Showing the Number of items sold is waaay better than feedback!