02-13-2018 02:31 PM
The only buyer block I have set up is for Locations that I do not ship to - I definitely do not have the Too Many UPIs box checked. Yet when I check the Buyer Req'ts Activity Log, I see that buyers have been blocked with Too Many UPIs as the reason given. Is there some other place than Site Preferences to be setting or unsetting the blocks? There are so few buyers around these days that I'm willing to take a chance on someone with previous transgressions.
02-13-2018 03:08 PM
Is it possible you may have also added them to your bidder blocked list?
02-13-2018 03:18 PM
You checked your selling preferences? It sounds like you’ve blocked buyers with 2 or more unpaid items in the last 12 months.
02-13-2018 03:23 PM
Have you ever had that preference set up? Perhaps it carried over into those specific listings. When you set up (or remove) a Site Preference, there's a checkbox at the bottom of the page, about applying the change to your active listings.
02-13-2018 03:31 PM
Haven't need to add anyone to my BBL in a long time
Yes, I possibly did have a UPI block at one time within the past year, but these blocks just happened on Feb 1
02-13-2018 03:38 PM
Yes, I did have that block at one time and unchecked it months ago. This latest block was for an item that was only listed in January, so it is confusing - and it was for a bid on an auction that sold for opening bid