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All good things come 2 an end

Prediction: sellers mass exodus 2020

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134 REPLIES 134

All good things come 2 an end

Personally I do not see that happening.



Message 2 of 135
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All good things come 2 an end

May be a good idea for some.


A vacation can sometimes do wonders for an attitude, sometimes not.

Message 3 of 135
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All good things come 2 an end

I'm going to use the site A LOT LESS!  2 sales all week.  One since 2020 started & those funds just went to refund for lost mail.   Nothing but disappointment in 2019.  feeBay isn't doing to bring me down this year.  I'll let other sites do that.  lol  

Message 4 of 135
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All good things come 2 an end

Published in 2008:


Seen and heard this prediction multiple times every year, and it has yet to reach a conclusion. 

Message 5 of 135
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All good things come 2 an end

Could be there was a mass exodus EVERY year. 


But that many sellers and more came on board. 


I see this all the time at the library booksales I attend. Old familiar faces disappear and more newbies show up. These days they are whole families traveling in packs. Dang that YouTube.  Maybe after a year they will admit that it's a losing game.  If I didn't have a commission to sell for I wouldn't be online.

Message 6 of 135
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All good things come 2 an end

Prediction: sellers mass exodus 2020


Prediction: people will continue to post predictions of eBay's demise, just as they have for the past decade or more. 


Message 7 of 135
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All good things come 2 an end

Our libraries here in San Antonio have ongoing $1 book sales every day and "free" boxes in the lobby.  I have gotten some great books to sell from both.  You sell more books than I do, but I can point out a few areas that always do well for me if you would like.  Won't make you rich, but it is a steady business.

Message 8 of 135
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All good things come 2 an end

@cashmere99   The sky is falling ... as a matter of fact it's been falling for that past 37 years ... it will continue to fall through 2048 ... however, it is not predicted to fall all the way so we'll still be able to walk around ...

Mr. Lincoln - Community Mentor
Message 9 of 135
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All good things come 2 an end

The sellers that aren't actually big businesses are already leaving en masse. The large businesses (Wal-Mart, Target, etc) will never leave, so those "sellers" will remain. As will the sellers from China selling knock-offs.

Those "sellers", combined with the few remaining low volume sellers create the illusion of a competitive open market place which dupes new consumers.  That is all eBay needs and the powers in charge don't seem care.

In the last two months I've had at least half a dozen people try to exploit the return system for free items or services and attempt feedback extortion. I'm currently dealing with a fraudster who most likely will return something similar to an empty box (or worse) for an item that was worth $80.

This just isn't a way that I can make money anymore.  It isn't even a way I can generously unload old electronics because the abuses of the fraudsters will eventually cause my account to look suspicious.

Message 10 of 135
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All good things come 2 an end

In other words, eBay doesn't need individual "sellers". They need the "illusion of sellers". So the "mass exodus" is sort of a meaningless statement.
Message 11 of 135
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All good things come 2 an end

@b86fiero wrote:

Personally I do not see that happening.




It has been happening and will increase due to the multiple glitches, the lack of sellers independence and loss of control over our stores, the GTC who buries listings to death but automatically charges listing fees, the dysfunctional Managed payment experiment where some buyers can't even pay for their items and sellers wait for days to get paid...

the lack of seller protection who are being scammed with Snads galore, the irrelevant search results that turn legit buyers away, the Seller Metrics money grab machine (4% to 5% make it 10%! :),  the Promoted listings that benefit the lowest feedbacked worst of the sellers (mainly from China) who pay to promote their broken selling practices, successfully.

The less the venue makes, they more they take from the sellers, things changed, nowadays the buyers have plenty of alternatives to ebay, and they are leaving, yes, sellers are buyers as well.

other venues are reporting double digits increase in sales, ebay is not, in 3 weeks we will learn about the Q4 results


90% of the issues on the list are relatively new, quite recent from the last few months, not from 2008, 09 or 12.

and no, they don't have enough new sellers to replace the ones who leave, not enough buyers,  it's a fact and it's in the stale GMV numbers.

nothing lasts forever, and it won't.

Message 12 of 135
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All good things come 2 an end

Highly unlikely.


Users 2010-Q3-2019.JPG

mam98031  â€¢  Volunteer Community Member  â€¢  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 13 of 135
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All good things come 2 an end

@lagarto_electronico wrote:

The sellers that aren't actually big businesses are already leaving en masse. The large businesses (Wal-Mart, Target, etc) will never leave, so those "sellers" will remain. As will the sellers from China selling knock-offs.

Those "sellers", combined with the few remaining low volume sellers create the illusion of a competitive open market place which dupes new consumers.  That is all eBay needs and the powers in charge don't seem care.

In the last two months I've had at least half a dozen people try to exploit the return system for free items or services and attempt feedback extortion. I'm currently dealing with a fraudster who most likely will return something similar to an empty box (or worse) for an item that was worth $80.

This just isn't a way that I can make money anymore.  It isn't even a way I can generously unload old electronics because the abuses of the fraudsters will eventually cause my account to look suspicious.

Do you also know how many new sellers have signed up.


In the USA we are about 6.7 million strong with active sellers.  A handful of sellers leaving or a few thousand sellers leaving won't dent that number.  Then of course there are the new sellers that start selling.  The threads often represent new members.

mam98031  â€¢  Volunteer Community Member  â€¢  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 14 of 135
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All good things come 2 an end

I specifically mentioned professional businesses and businesses in China as being distinctly different than low volume sellers (who definitely are leaving eBay in large numbers).

Then someone posts a graph that does not distinguish between old low volume sellers, new low volume sellers, and the large number of professional businesses that are increasing retail space on eBay.

Talk about not seeing the forest for the trees. Astonishing.

Message 15 of 135
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