08-22-2024 09:15 PM
I accepted a counteroffer from a buyer on my item. And then...nothing happened. I got no notification of a sale, no email about my item selling, nothing.
It is not listed under pending payments
When I look at active listings, there's my item. When I click on it, it has a banner saying my offer was sent to buyers. When I go to my pending offer message and click on the link to my item, it says I accepted the offer.
What is going on? Are the buyers getting the notification that I accepted their offer?
This has happened 3 times. Twice today on the same item!
08-22-2024 09:17 PM
The listing stays live until the buyer pays for it.
08-23-2024 01:02 AM
This is not an error, it's something eBay has been testing with accepted offers @janab11 . Offers remain in pending status while the item is available for anybody else to purchase until the buyer pays. It's one of several things eBay is testing to cut down on non-payers and the inconvenience to sellers when buyers lose interest after an item ends, and seller has to start from scratch when they relist.
If the buyer does not pay within a certain amount of time it will time out and be removed from the pending section. If the buyer pays then it will become an official transaction on your orders page. In the meantime, any buyer can purchase at full price or make an offer.
Offers Management Screen
08-23-2024 04:43 AM
I accepted a counteroffer from a buyer on my item. And then...nothing happened.
Chances are pretty good as well that the buyer will not see their counter offer was 'accepted'. The may find it under their "offers" as if you sent them an offer. You may wish to send a message to them stating that you did accept their offer.
As far as doing away with non-payers, this eBay program does nothing. The buyer doesn't have to pay at all, and there are no consequences if they don't. The "counter offer" becomes immediate payment required, and stays active until paid for.
08-23-2024 05:02 AM
@janab11 it a very poor design change that is causing more confusion and lost she's than anything. As others have noted it's like this now to avoid non payments but actually non payments are going up because nobody even knows I if they win the item or their offer/counteroffer was accepted.
I have been sending the buyers a message saying that I accepted their counter offer and then they pay. They thank me an mention that that had no idea and ask why they did not get a notification!
eBay innovation lol
08-23-2024 05:22 AM - edited 08-23-2024 05:26 AM
@siamjane8 wrote:@janab11 it a very poor design change that is causing more confusion and lost she's than anything. As others have noted it's like this now to avoid non payments but actually non payments are going up because nobody even knows I if they win the item or their offer/counteroffer was accepted.
I have been sending the buyers a message saying that I accepted their counter offer and then they pay. They thank me an mention that that had no idea and ask why they did not get a notification!
eBay innovation lol
I am curious about this because I am having the completely opposite experience -- sending offers on my iPhone eBay app has been seamless. (I will try sending an offer on my desktop today to see what happens.)
The only change I've noticed -- and it may not even be a change because I have not paid close attention -- is that I do not receive notification when my offer is accepted.
Rather, I just receive notification that the item has sold at the offering price.
But everything else works for me -- offers are sent, counter offers are received by me, and I can successfully accept or reject counter offers. I receive notifications for all these actions.
(I power off my phone once a week as a security measure (recommended by NSA) and that seems to keep all my apps working properly, oddly enough.)
08-23-2024 05:36 AM
@fbusoni I use and android device for my mobile needs and have found the same issues with it and the desktop. it was just a bad design fix to the "non payer problem". it was just not thought out before implemented.
Not sure about on apple phones because they are a different team. apple often has different features that android does at any given time on ebay.
Just keep messaging the offer accepters to ensure you get paid!
08-29-2024 01:10 PM
I was just on the phone with ebay about this. I've lost a couple of sales now with this change - no ability to send a follow up invoice (do they even get one in the first place?).
Ebay's response was I was the first and only one that the phone rep talked with about it, so it must be just me. Fairly frustrated with losing these sales....
10-10-2024 12:46 AM
Experiencing same issue - it's not really buyer (or seller friendly).
Has required messaging buyer directly to resolve (or relisting the item to allow buyer to purchase).
11-27-2024 03:24 PM
This just happened to me this evening and one other time last month. So now this is two sales that are lost because there is a disconnect somewhere.
11-27-2024 04:23 PM
sending offers on my iPhone eBay app has been seamless.
I think they are referring to a "counter offer" that the seller accepts. For a while, they would show up to a buyer as "you have an offer" with no notice that the seller accepted their counter offer. Now, at least the ones I have seen, show up in bids/offers with the note that "the seller accepted your counter offer" so go Pay.
The listing will remain live until someone pays for it. It has nothing to do with the "buyer rules" (no auto-pay will occur), these are immediate payment required, or no payment required if it is still working as before. Each must be paid separately by the buyer at full shipping cost. Invoicing/combined shipping is removed. A seller could not, file or cancel after 4 days for non-payment, which tends to be a disclaimer that all this is to prevent non-paying buyers.
12-26-2024 09:55 AM
Yes Yes Yes!!! This is happening to me as well and eBay is not helping, even after repeated calls! So frustrating.
12-26-2024 09:58 AM
I have called numerous times about this issue. eBay isn't taking any responsibility for this poor design.