08-05-2022 11:32 AM
I came to eBay on the tail end of their era of what they were known for, a cozy, can leave your doors unlocked neighborhood type feeling, where the word 'scam' was barely or never seen.
It's been some years, but today I got a reminder of those days. Someone bought a gift for their friend and sent me this message (deleted personal info):
"Hello, this item is a birthday gift. By chance, would you be able to add a small note?
Please let me know. Thank you for your consideration.
Note would read:
Happy birthday, ________! We love you!
Your ______ Ladies"
With all the complaining and negative posts, I thought I'd share this little warm moment with you.
08-05-2022 12:08 PM
THank you.
08-05-2022 12:17 PM
So Sweet!
Thank you for sharing that!
08-05-2022 12:24 PM
Thanks for sharing!
I remember once gift wrapping (and it was over-the-top!) a one-gallon glass milk bottle for a buyer... and shipping it to her sister way across country. It was from a dairy in my hometown and their father had worked there his whole life. It saved double-handling and she'd have had to pay postage again if I didn't...
I also remember sending an 'after'-photo and a $15 invoice, which we had discussed. She loved both and paid promptly!
And that buyer sent me a note when her sister got it... I don't know which of the three of us was the most thrilled.
Ahhhh... those were the days!
08-05-2022 01:48 PM
There must be some sort of resurgence. I got 2 of these 'add a gift note' requests in the last couple of weeks. Though they just assumed I would do it, didn't ask as nicely as yours. Prior to these 2, it's been YEARS since I've had one. Nice to see it! Glad they didn't ask for gift wrapping though. Back in the day, I used to offer that for an extra charge LOL.
08-05-2022 02:16 PM
I get those requests all the time.
I always happily oblige. 😃
Thanks or your post!