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9 serious, thoughtful questions about my item but last 1 question ended Possible sale!

She asked 9 good reasonable questions.  I patiently answered 9 questions but last question was, 


“Do I have to pay tax if I purchase?”  & I said yes!

Ghosted.  Gone.  Vanished. Disappeared.  No sale........

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9 serious, thoughtful questions about my item but last 1 question ended Possible sale!

I would have given up and ignored, and possibly blocked,  after about the third question.

Message 2 of 7
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9 serious, thoughtful questions about my item but last 1 question ended Possible sale!

@jewelbiz wrote:

She asked 9 good reasonable questions.  I patiently answered 9 questions

I hate to say this - but if a prospective buyer asks what you consider to be 9 good reasonable questions then maybe your descriptions need a bit more fleshing out...? I notice you have ended all your listings this morning...?


As for your ghost buyer - you had a lot of high price listings for which tax would add a fair amount. I think more buyers in future are going to use that as a bargaining chip - get you to agree on a price but then get all shock and horror about the tax and hope that you will agree to pay it for them by lowering your price even more. 

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9 serious, thoughtful questions about my item but last 1 question ended Possible sale!

Ghosted. Gone. Vanished. Disappeared. No sale........


...and blocked!!!!!

Message 4 of 7
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9 serious, thoughtful questions about my item but last 1 question ended Possible sale!

@jewelbiz wrote:

“Do I have to pay tax if I purchase?”  & I said yes!
Ghosted.  Gone.  Vanished. Disappeared.  No sale........

First ... are you sure it was that answer that ended the sale?


That aside ...


My answer to the question "Do I have to pay tax if I purchase?" would have been "That would depend upon where you want the item shipped. Some states have laws that required eBay to charge sales tax, other states do not."


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9 serious, thoughtful questions about my item but last 1 question ended Possible sale!

Could also be loading up on the answers to purchase in a few days, few weeks etc. 


I get questions all the time and the buyer shows up 2-3 weeks later purchasing. Had 1 on website, asked and then purchased 2 months later. 

Message 6 of 7
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9 serious, thoughtful questions about my item but last 1 question ended Possible sale!

True. As far as I know, all States that now have an MFL already had a Use Tax that buyers were supposed to be paying. Many weren’t.

Message 7 of 7
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