04-17-2017 05:03 AM
Happy Easter Monday to all. I would really like to know why sales are as dismal as they can be! 2 horrible weeks. 5 straight days, and counting, without 1 sale. It's not like I am turning down any offers to make it a 0. I thought 5-6 sales a week was terrible. Never seen it so lousy. A lot of my listings have 0 competition so, it really puzzles me why no offers even knock at the door. 150 million members? Are 149,999,000 of them sellers? lol I would list more & see if sales pick up but, waiting for a free listings promo. I'm not going to pay fees & watch my postings sit & rust. lol Good luck to all!
04-17-2017 11:53 PM
Not sure what it is your trying to proove about the Playboy listings but those ads have NOTHING to do with the OP not getting buyers. There is not much demand for the stuff he"s selling.
04-18-2017 04:32 AM
I'll keep just listing on ebay. Even for free, putting my items on another site that only results in a sell here & there isn't worth tying my item up when it has a better chance of selling on ebay. I sold 6 items yesterday for nearly $108.00~~I can live with that. I've sold 28 so far this month and 47 in the last 31 days. I still have over 100 listings running. My seller fees for the month are around $65.00 which includes my 30 cent per listing fees. I think the listing fees have paid off pretty well. To each his own but I would rather spend that 30 cents and at least have a chance of selling my items. If they aren't listed they don't have a chance of going anywhere.
04-18-2017 06:06 AM
@kattinsanity wrote:I'll keep just listing on ebay. Even for free, putting my items on another site that only results in a sell here & there isn't worth tying my item up when it has a better chance of selling on ebay. I sold 6 items yesterday for nearly $108.00~~I can live with that. I've sold 28 so far this month and 47 in the last 31 days. I still have over 100 listings running. My seller fees for the month are around $65.00 which includes my 30 cent per listing fees. I think the listing fees have paid off pretty well. To each his own but I would rather spend that 30 cents and at least have a chance of selling my items. If they aren't listed they don't have a chance of going anywhere.
Glad for your success. Looked at your listings and you do a nice job. BUt, we are different in one main way. You obtain things to sell while I am just selling what I have, what I own and don't need anymore. So, I don't have to worry about making a profit on anything and I am just as happy if it goes, in a garage sale or to a pawn shop, and in some cases to Goodwill. I never know if someone wants what I have, but I do research everything I list to see if it has sold before. I just sold an electronic device for $200.00 that I was about to take to Best Buy for recycling.
What I have would sell a lot easier if eBay didn't tell my buyers to go look somewhere else on "MY" listing page. It's hard enough to get a view without eBay also showing my competition and providing a link to it. As long as they do that, I will not pay a listing fee on a listing that shows OTHER SELLERS of what I am listing. I have had 6 sales in the last 30 days. My eBay fees last month were $8.00.
eBay is a "service" business and directing my buyers to another seller is not a service I am willing to pay for.
04-18-2017 08:31 AM
I never look at those items. I don't know if any potential buyer looking at my listings look at them either. If they don't buy from me I don't know or care if they bought from someone else due to seeing those similar items. My only concern is buyers who purchase from me.
04-18-2017 10:09 AM
@megadestroyers wrote:AAAA-HA!!!!!!
I think I know why. I randomly picked one of your items, the 1987 Hockey News Yzerman/Roy mag. Your item popped up fine. Scrolled to the bottom to see similar items ebay chooses to infest listings with. Curious: people were interested in similar items like.......................Playboy......... Penthouse........Hustler.........OUI......Club...
I tried doing the same thing - its listing 252373401655 - and i got a lineup of magazines across the bottom. But except for ONE vintage Playboy (& i already have that issue ) mine selection was all Time magazines - a couple of Sporting News - Rolling Stone - Jet - Mad magazine & Yankee magazine. I must have a really boring search history.
04-18-2017 10:42 AM
Agree 100%. I have watched sales decline year after year since 09' and they have finally reached a level of "not worth doing" any longer. Downgraded store from Premium to Basic and working towards closing the basic. 4 other accounts to list 50 each and will do same with main account as soon as I sell this 500 listings to 50. Funniest part is Ebay is rolling out guranteed delivery, which will simply take more out of our pocket. It is done.
04-18-2017 10:44 AM
04-18-2017 11:42 AM
I've been on ebay for almost 17 years, and since 2008 my sales have been unpredictable. Going 5 days without a sale happens about as often as getting 5 sales in one day - both are rare occurences but they do happen.
Since I usually spend a lot of time with family during the holidays - I'm always surprised if I get sales over a holiday weekend.
I've kept number of sales per week and month stats for the past five years - while week to week and month to month sales vary widely - total annual sales have been fairly static. I've found that the wider variety of items listed and a balance between newly listed items and relists result in fewer dramatic dips in sales. I've found that my newly listed items are 5 times more likely to sell than relists.
The OP is selling primarily comics and hockey stuff - hockey season will soon be over. Sports collectibles usually sell better when in season. I list very few hockey items from May thru Sept or baseball items from Nov thru March unless a get a free listing promo for 500 items.
04-18-2017 12:47 PM
04-18-2017 01:28 PM
Put the fork in it's done. Way too much coincidence with the timing of this **bleep**. It is getting old, and is utterly maddening. Like clockwork slow to no sales in the middle to end of the month. What i really want to know is Who oe What is the hidden hand that is arm twisting Ebay make very poor business decisions for the last 10 years! Or is chapter 7 really the goal?
04-18-2017 02:24 PM
I'd sure love to know. From March 31st to present day I am down 41% in sales???? Yikes. I've added 50 new items over the past week, but it seems views are also incredibly down. Well changes did go into effect the 1st of April. God knows what they all were.
04-18-2017 02:25 PM
04-20-2017 06:29 PM
I have to say it is a bit comical that, on the same day I posted this comment, I had 3 sales. In the last 9 days, my only sales are those 3. lol Coincidence? 😛
04-20-2017 06:39 PM - edited 04-20-2017 06:40 PM
You have my permission to repost the screen shot of your item, showing the other items people were interested in. Adult pubs make for good reads!
PS: Best time of year!! Hockey playoffs!!
04-20-2017 09:25 PM
Sometimes I feel like every few weeks, I fall into a hole with no sales for days, then all of a sudden it will be like my items are seen again.