04-19-2023 06:02 AM
I have been an active eBay member since 2005 and have 100% Positive Feedback for 3.8K items sold and have 61 followers. And of course, that means absolutely nothing to eBay, and especially when it’s coming from the lowest form of life known as the eBay seller.
Tired of automatic returns because a musical item was repurposed by the buyer and then an eBay auto-approved return because it did not fit (read wrong size) above his bar as an art piece or decoration. Tired of buyers trying to get a refund by claiming the item was in worse shape, but yet eBay didn’t see the newer item, the one I sold in the background of the pictures the buyer used to support his claim on the eBay website. Tired of people leaving me bad feedback (which is a bear to have removed) for items I did NOT sell them. Like the glass jar and I sold them, and they'll leave feedback for a belt?!
Now I have a buyer who bought a manufacturer sealed item, never opened, yet has pictures of his older item complete with dust and wear, and eBay sends me an email saying take it back, even though I feel its fraud. Very easy for eBay to say that when it is not their money. Yes, I have a name and ticket number from eBay saying that's how it's done. So, now everyone knows how to replace their worn-out items with a new exact item and return their old items for a full refund (thus getting an item free) all because eBay wants to streamline their revenue. I mean returns.
Just blows me away that over 18 years, eBay is now about as helpful as a public utility or as helpful as a local government official when back just 8 years ago logging into eBay wasn’t so disconcerting or much less various eBay surprises awaiting you after logging in nowadays.
Also, could eBay actually hire people who use eBay? I have never dealt with ‘agents’ or ‘colleagues’ that have no actual working eBay experience trying to assist eBay members. Again, I have a name and ticket number from an eBay employee saying that's how it's done. As an eBay member, employee or executive how do you get up and go to work each day much less look in a mirror when blatant fraud is allowed?
04-19-2023 06:12 AM
"Also, could ebay actually hire people who use ebay?"
That question strikes a nerve with me. I've been harping on these boards for 23 years that a
requirement for a CSR on this site should have first hand knowledge of how to buy, list, sell, and
use this site on a daily basis.
Years ago, These boards were monitored and policed by actual ebay employees called "Pinks"
If I recall correctly, All of the Pinks had experience on ebay as sellers. Some were actual
sellers currently engaged. When you got into a discussion with them (Other than being given a time-out)
the "Pink" would know exactly what you were talking about. Or could and would find out.
Now we live and work in a land of CSRs that have no clue how the site operates and no incentive to learn.
eBay has grown into a tail that wags the dog.
04-19-2023 06:22 AM
"Now I have a buyer who bought a manufacturer sealed item, never opened, yet has pictures of his older item complete with dust and wear,"
I don't know if it's the case here but just because an item is unused in a sealed package does not mean it is brand new. Dust and dirt can collect over the years leaving marks. New condition implies an item fresh off a store shelf. Not an item stored in the basement ten years and passed through many hands including at a thrift store before ending up on eBay.
04-19-2023 06:31 AM
@toysaver wrote:"Now I have a buyer who bought a manufacturer sealed item, never opened, yet has pictures of his older item complete with dust and wear,"
I don't know if it's the case here but just because an item is unused in a sealed package does not mean it is brand new. Dust and dirt can collect over the years leaving marks. New condition implies an item fresh off a store shelf. Not an item stored in the basement ten years and passed through many hands including at a thrift store before ending up on eBay.
I think he mean he sold a new/in box/sealed item and his buyer provided a picture of it out of the box covered in dust.
04-19-2023 06:41 AM
Here's the issue. You may be an honest seller, but ebay doesn't know what you shipped to the customer. You've been around a long time and have a lot of experience, but if ebay just started to take the seller's word for it, seller fraud would be rampant. You buy a PS5 from me and I send you a ham sandwich. Hey, I've been around for 20 years and have 10,000 feedback...enjoy your $800 sandwich. I'd imagine as a buyer you'd be pretty angry. You'd probably go online and tell everyone. Then everybody who was ripped off this way goes online and tells everyone. Before you know it ebay is bleeding buyers. Ebay doesn't need more sellers, they need more buyers. It sucks, but their stance makes sense.
04-19-2023 06:50 AM
I'll add more. I see I am a "Rising Star" according to Ebay. I was a "Power Seller" up until the pandemic and supply chain issues. Those were both mentioned across the eBay website in 2020, and 2021. Yet eBay said I didn't mail 50+ items on time, but the tracking numbers show otherwise.
Guess how helpful eBay and its employees were towards my concern?
04-19-2023 06:52 AM
Your "rising star" designation is only a term used on the board. These change as you post more.
04-19-2023 06:54 AM
@busdriver4dashow wrote:I have been an active eBay member since 2005 and have 100% Positive Feedback for 3.8K items sold and have 61 followers. And of course, that means absolutely nothing to eBay, and especially when it’s coming from the lowest form of life known as the eBay seller...
...As an eBay member, employee or executive how do you get up and go to work each day much less look in a mirror when blatant fraud is allowed?
The answer to that question is you(I) don't - It is the main reason I quit listing items on this site - I got tired of seeing a sale come through with the thought of - 😀OH BOY! I sold something on ebay!😀 Only to have that bubble burst moments later with a more realistic thought of - 🙄ohhhhh boy... I sold something on ebay😓...due to the EVER-INCREASING risk of fraud.
Increasing fraud risk in conjunction with the advent of the "Promoted Listings" program was the final straw - It was easy for me to see the nature of the company I was dealing with - a company that would, in my opinion, cannibalize, victimize and sacrifice their seller assets for the sake of increased revenue boosts - I believe this site has lost its way at some point and has had to monetize in a weaponized manner, making its users pay for its mistakes.
I wish you and the owners of this site good luck and hope they turn things around before its much too late...
04-19-2023 07:25 AM
There are no simple/easy solutions in the direction the internet or third party commerce for that matter have went and depending on venue much the same exists in retail. I mean where does one begin this discussion?
Does theft happen online? Absolutely! It happens in retail as well albeit perhaps at times a bit easier to catch folks. Any customer in retail can perform a chargeback against an item purchased and in most circumstances will win but there exists a different standard in sizes of retailers in chargebacks and the same via online third party venues. Ask where a chargeback or return is more likely as a consumer yourself, eBay or say Macy's online? Of course it's the former not the latter.
Now put yourself for a moment in eBay's shoes. They are not a retailer, they are a venue... Let's say they are like an in person Co-Op venue with many sellers in the building, they lease space, they perform the transactions and take a commission on every sale. Where would a customer service rep be able to act on co-op members behalf's? How can a CSR online represent you're buyer/seller interests in transactional problems? Listing, explaining FVF's on and on sure, but in a transactional issue becomes a different matter.
The disconnection of those transacting makes for a he said/she said environment and there is a solution to that. eBay has a merchant interface whereby sellers can get a merchant account and transact through their own card processor/merchant account provider. Thus a seller can represent their own disputes but that is expensive as every communication in disputes w/ you're own card processing tends to cost $25 and a minimum of $50 right from word go.
Now if we're talking about how to make eBay a safer environment for buyers / sellers the transactional methods need change as does what metrics are public facing and I'm not sure about the legality of that. That is to say if buyers had to have a forward facing metric(s), how many orders, how many returns, how many disputes and of what nature, how many negatives FB's issues. Some that information may not be legal to have forward facing just as Walmart doesn't get a display at the checkout counter of how many times a buyer punctured his new Goodyear tires in the warranty term attempting get replacements deeming the tires defective. Having a more detailed forward facing seller metric would be more consumer friendly except for the fact we're still in a he said/she said mode.
These threads pop on here all the time and the discussion is always the same basically but there exists little discussion in ideas on how to solve the problems. The fact the problems did not exist in magnitudes of order 10 years ago has no bearing on the world now. This would be like saying these youth that mass invade retail stores stealing the places blind before police can even arrive didn't happen 10 years ago, so a solution didn't need to exist now it does.
All that said, the sort of changes that would help eBay become a safer venue of commerce for example as I noted above may well detract good buyers. Take feedback, leaving negative feedback to a buyer would help caution sellers to a buyer. Yet the feedback might be invalid, the seller actually did wrong by the buyer and is retaliating, good buyer say's goodbye, I'm done here.
It'd take a VERY sophisticated algorithm albeit doable to help filter bad buyers. Have to look at who they are transacting with, that sellers record, how many times said buyer has had transactional problems across their buying history WEIGHTED against the entire seller demographic at high data resolution of said sellers. Well that sounds like a plan there are pitfalls when injecting the simple matter of new sellers or new buyers where little data is established. So Joe/Sephine has two fine transactions, third goes awry, now their metric looks horrible and no sellers care transact yet he/she was taken by a seller.
Don't think it happens at Amazon or Macy's or Home Depot? Sure does. Heck, my lady just sent back two tops to QVC as when they arrived she wore one and doesn't like how the material feels.
The brass tacks of transacting via plastic cards sit's within' the banking system and franchises that refuse to change as they make money coming and going no matter the circumstances. You don't see Visa/MC/Amex or Discover creating centers whereby goods shipped to them for inspection before being forwarded to a consumer, sounds ridiculous right? They could actually afford it but it still doesn't change buyer regret or the fact buyer claim it damaged or not as described when it arrives on their doorstep.
Amazon sells pallets, oodles and oodles of them that are returns as does Walmart though Jacobs Trading for example. They do that as it's more costly to try test, deal with warrants of merchantability than just dump em' as loss. Then of course there are those who buy those pallets and bam, some items are back on Amazon again or here!
We've a place opened up where Monday's everythings $1, Tuesday $2, Weds $4, Thurs Closed (restock), Fri $10 etc... ALL of what's there are pallet returns, mostly Amazon's, even have cardboard mystery boxes $35 and every box has Amazon's logo plastered on them. BIG SIGN NO RETURNS. Yet in reality, no returns doesn't exist when using a charge card. If I bought a widget there for $1 and want chargeback I can and irregardless of outcome it's going to cost that place $50 at a minimum, $25 from their bank and $25 from the card processor, possibly $25 from the merchant account provider. Understand? Banks, merchant account providers, aggregate card processor ALL MAKE MONEY on chargebacks. Here you're not getting hit with those fee's and they are very very real, I've had merchant accounts. Here you're shielded from card fraud, stolen cards used, own merchant account, uh uh, out the money, out the goods and out any expense trying pursue it.
Anyways... The harsh reality and yeah, it sux is what exactly does any seller expect Customer Service Rep's at eBay to do when the problem relates to transactional issues, claims. They are NOT in a position nor authorized by any banks or card processor risk units, government, courts, laws to do anything, not a thing. I mean does anyone think eBay itself enjoys sellers being taken? Consumers being taken? Having countless manufacturer brands accusing the venue of fraud? Being the "Poster Boy" of third party ecommerce regulatory discussions around the globe?
Of course not!
Wouldn't it be nice to have a website where any seller or business go to and look up a name/address and see a buying history? Sure would, probably be a matter of two weeks before it'd go absolutely insane with letters from consumers, attorneys and then some.
There are no simple solutions but that said, IMHO potential solution idea are what folks as sellers should be discussing. Sometimes "Hive minds" come up with real answers.
04-19-2023 07:53 AM - edited 04-19-2023 07:54 AM
Maybe you are just suffering burn-out and need to step back for awhile.
You cannot be in retail without accepting losses and accounting for them in your pricing and practices. If you have a brick-and-mortar, you suffer losses due to employee and customer theft, employee and customer damage to merchandise, shop wear, selling off the non-starters for less than you paid for them, bogus returns and charge-backs.
When you sell mail-order or on-line, where people cannot see and handle what they're buying, you get get even more returns from disappointed or dissatisfied buyers.
It is just the nature of the retail beast. Dealing with it can certainly be wearing, especially if it seems to be on the increase in your own case. So, take a break, maybe, and rethink your approach.
04-19-2023 08:05 AM
One thing buyers and sellers on ebay have in common with the Venue called ebay?
We all (Including the corporation) have to thread our way thru the minefield of
selling (Or buying) online.
eBay has to find some sort of way to protect the buyers that are spending their money. eBay also has to find
a way to protect the sellers from the buyers crimes and other nonsense.
Who said? She said? Who to believe? Who not to believe? Whether a buyer or a seller, Just cause you said it don't make it true. What do we expect ebay to do?
I have no doubt in my mind that the OP was sent a picture of something other than what he
mailed the buyer.
But how can We prove what's true and what's not? Is the only sane solution to protect ourselves, Pull the plug and walk away?
People are dishonest. They lie and they steal. They care not at all if you the seller can make rent
or buy groceries this week. Ain't their problem.
I remember the idiot in Canada that claimed he didn't receive the $150.00 package I sent him and I had no way to prove whether he did or not. When I told him the Postal inspector was going to contact him as
part of the "investigation" He suddenly found the package.
04-19-2023 08:08 AM
When they emloyed anymal there is time to move to better sell web
04-19-2023 08:09 AM - edited 04-19-2023 08:11 AM
@dirk12955 wrote:"Also, could ebay actually hire people who use ebay?"
That question strikes a nerve with me. I've been harping on these boards for 23 years ... Years ago, these boards were monitored and policed by actual ebay employee...
An outfit called Live World developed, maintained, and ran the boards, more or less as Khoros does now, BUT you're right that each category also had an actual eBay employee who had knowledge (including selling knowledge) in that area. Those "Pinks" had some authority and would offer help on the boards, clarify or settle matters, or guide you to the info you needed. (And, yes, occasionally deliver a "Pink Slap." 😬)
04-19-2023 08:10 AM
@tryel9415 wrote:When they emloyed anymal there is time to move to better sell web
Something got lost in translation there.
04-19-2023 08:29 AM
That is not what he meant,Maybe read it again