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The new Ebay changes are horrible. NOT happy!

Change it back to the way it was!

The new "All Selling" page is NOT good. I'm trying to run a business here and you guys just randomly decided to mess everything up. I cannot find anything that I'm looking for. This is crazy to just up and change everyone's lead page. I will use the Seller Hub when I NEED IT, I don't appreciate this change at all.

Please look through this forum at all the unhappy sellers remarks. This is NOT a good change.

Message 1 of 83
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Re: The new Ebay changes are horrible. NOT happy!


After 15 years I am about to end my account because of all the horrible changes.Ended my listings and getting a payment from my last sold item impossible...ugh

Message 76 of 83
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Re: The new Ebay changes are horrible. NOT happy!

Not applicable

when ebay hates us seller than why we pay them so high fee?

Message 77 of 83
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Re: The new Ebay changes are horrible. NOT happy!

Not applicable

classic view yes this is missing to change back but we cant 🙄



Message 78 of 83
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Re: The new Ebay changes are horrible. NOT happy!

I HATE HATE HATE HATE these new changes.  And every stinkin' time they make a change, I lose time and money because it's SOOOO freaking hard to get to speed on the latest 'unprovement.'


Not that eBay cares, of course.  We could all commit mass suicide, but as long as it kept the stockholders happy. 

Message 79 of 83
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Re: The new Ebay changes are horrible. NOT happy!

It's driving me Nuts. Whoever thought this was a good idea should be fired. 

Message 80 of 83
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Re: The new Ebay changes are horrible. NOT happy!

I agree totally.  Why take something so simple and easy to navigate and randomly change it - for what purpose?  Who are Ebay's programmers?  They don't know what the H they are doing!

Message 81 of 83
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Re: The new Ebay changes are horrible. NOT happy!

We all new that they would not go back from managed payments which was a huge debacle of a rollout but come on guys- to repeat the process again! For crying out loud just test your stinkin crap before forcing people into it and hurting our businesses. 

     Managed payments serves no purpose if we do not list here because you made it take 3x longer and the whole process confusing and frustrating.  cant process payments on product we list on other platforms

Message 82 of 83
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Re: The new Ebay changes are horrible. NOT happy!

Hi everyone,


Due to the age of this thread, it has been closed to further replies. Please feel free to start a new thread if you wish to continue to discuss this topic.


Thank you for understanding. 

Message 83 of 83
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