03-17-2021 01:59 PM
I started to list the 40 items I had ready to go in drafts yesterday morning the 16th of March. The 1st 2 listed just fine. All other attempts failed. And no I have come no where near my limit. There is no error message when this happens, when I hit the list item button I get a little grayed out button at the top of the page the reads "saving" & a endlessly small blue spinning circle opposite where it says fees. It goes no further. I called tech support yesterday am and tried the various things that were suggested including my mobile phone. Nothing worked, so I was told a ticket would be sent to tech to fix it. Nothing has changed in 24 hours. Called support again this am and was also told a ticket would be sent to tech. eBay is huge with lots of tech personnel. What is their problem?!!! This cannot be a huge problem to fix. They have no problem collecting our fees, right on time every time. Also note that I tried different computers as well as different browsers. This is costing eBay $$$$ as well.
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