01-12-2023 03:32 PM
I'm helping a seller of cell phones build a file exchange template. There are a lot of specifics for each one that populate automatically from the catalog when they create listings one by one in the GUI. It even builds a generic but accurate title for them. Is there any way to pull this info into a file exchange CSV?
Or is file exchange not even a good tool for these kinds of listings?
Note: I'm not a good enough coder to build them something with the API 🙂
01-13-2023 05:07 PM
I figured it out! Going to put the answer here in case anyone else cares.
If you look up the EPID for the product you're listing and put it in your File Exchange CSV in a column called Product:EPID ebay will pull the necessary item specifics from the catalog. It doesn't have two boxes on the listing page like it does if you list through the GUI, but I think it's enough specifics for this use case.
01-14-2023 09:58 AM
That's terrific! I'm glad you found the answer!
I had started researching eBay's File Exchange documents for using a product catalog field, but had not gotten too far when the power went out.
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