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Custom label (SKU) not showing on the lister page

I have my templates set up with the start of my SKU and I just add the number when I list.   I just noticed today that the SKU is not showing up at all on the create listing page.  Is anyone else having this issue?  I am still using the classic lister.


I just wanted to add that everything else is showing up from the template, just not the SKU...

Message 1 of 28
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Custom label (SKU) not showing on the lister page

This is still not working.  I just did a sell-similar of one of my items (on another ID), edited the Custom Label field, and the old number still showed up when listed.

Message 16 of 28
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Custom label (SKU) not showing on the lister page



Do you have an update for us?

Message 17 of 28
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Custom label (SKU) not showing on the lister page

It is not working for me either.  Any updates?

Message 18 of 28
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Custom label (SKU) not showing on the lister page

I have another ebay account that it is working fine on, but it isn't on this one.

Message 19 of 28
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Custom label (SKU) not showing on the lister page

I started a second account in 6/2022 and never had Custom Label SKU option. I started on classic, then switched to Seller Hub and now the new version that rolled out. Never seen the Custom Label SKU in any verision. IDK but it fustrating.

Message 20 of 28
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Custom label (SKU) not showing on the lister page


Open the "Edit all options" at the top right of the TITLE to turn on the SKU slot.



ShipScript has been an eBay Community volunteer since 2003, specializing in HTML, CSS, Scripts, Photos, Active Content, Technical Solutions, and online Seller Tools.
Message 21 of 28
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Custom label (SKU) not showing on the lister page

Unfortunately on one of my accounts, the custom label field isn't there (after clicking the 'edit options') - the subtitle is.

Message 22 of 28
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Custom label (SKU) not showing on the lister page

Nope - not there.   Ebay is supposedly working on it.  On my other account it is showing up.

Message 23 of 28
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Custom label (SKU) not showing on the lister page

Ive tried 9 ways to Sunday to get mine to work, it does not, Im one of the sellers that just got transferred ( against my will ) to the new listing format, and the option to go back has been removed. Not a happy camper. I really need that part to function, or Im going to start putting my locations in my titles.. like old days..

Message 24 of 28
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Custom label (SKU) not showing on the lister page

The first screen you sent with item title and subtitle and custom label. I only have item title and subtitle and no custom label area. Towards the right it has a "edit all options" to click, I click that and the second screen shoot you sent shows the exact same thing but no Custom label sku. I only have the item title or the option to turn on/off the subtitle option. there is no Custom label sku option at the very bottom.

Message 25 of 28
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Custom label (SKU) not showing on the lister page

Thank you very much I owe you a coffee or beer

Message 26 of 28
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Custom label (SKU) not showing on the lister page


I revised some listings and found, as before, that the SKU would not stick in the new Unified Lister. But this time, on two separate tests, I scrolled down and opened "Preview" and those SKU values stuck. eBay saves the data before creating the preview, so there is something about the Preview "save" that is different than the Revise "save".  elizabeth@ebay   could you send this finding to the listing tool team?



I can add the SKU using the Seller Hub bulk editor.


ShipScript has been an eBay Community volunteer since 2003, specializing in HTML, CSS, Scripts, Photos, Active Content, Technical Solutions, and online Seller Tools.
Message 27 of 28
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Custom label (SKU) not showing on the lister page

Open the "Edit all options" at the top right of the TITLE to turn on the SKU slot.


Message 28 of 28
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