12-07-2020 10:44 AM
Ok, so first off, I am not earning a penny off referrals or anything from any companies I might mention.
I have been selling on ebay for 18 years. Back when selling manager pro and turbo lister was it for seller tools. Then of course we had ink frog and auctiva, drop shipping tools like priceyak and profit scraper. Then we have SixBit and Kyozou.
I was very, very surprised however to find 3DSellers. Even more surprised to find out how long they had been in business because I had not ever heard of them.
They have certainly corned the market in features. I've been using them for 2 months now. As an International Ebay Seller Coach, I just wanted to share this info. I wish I had read about this company somewhere years ago. Hopefully this information helps you.
Here is what they offer.
Multi-Channel All In One (this is a basic necessity now)
#1 Most amazing feature is their customer service feature. This basically means messages from buyers. You have never seen a feature like this anywhere ...... using this feature alone makes the affordable pricing already worth it before factoring in any other features. --- Ok, so as sellers, we have all had messages from buyers; where is my item, you said you would do this, has this been done, has this been shipped, when do you ship, what exactly did I buy, etc. On eBay's message system, we can see the name of the buyer and the item they purchased. That's it. You cannot see a previous message thread so you can remember what's going on with that buyer. You cannot see their order information, nor can you click on their name, for example, and get to their order easily.
With 3DSeller, its all there for you, the entire message thread, and in a right side panel, the buyer's name, user name, # of orders, order price, order date, address, email, phone, order number, item number, shipping date, tracking number (clickable), product image, product title, and any notes you have for them. I can't explain how much time this saves me. 90% of customer messages can now be answered without ever navigating away from the message. I LOVE THIS.
Other great features:
- Dashboard with sales stats and graphs, limits, feedback....basically a seller hub, BUT FOR ALL YOUR CHANNELS IN ONE, like Amazon, Etsy and Multiples of these accounts.
- AUTO Resolution center - HELLO significant case details that ebay does not show you. Plus AUTO management of cases. I've had cases opened, closed, and won in my favor without ever knowing it.
- Of course full LISTING features which includes the awesome ability to duplicate listings to another username or channel.
- Inventory Management
- Order Management, see all your channel's orders and details in one place.
- AUTO Offers - Auto manage all offers, Auto send offers etc, see offers from all accounts and their details in one place.
- Listing/Template Designer that is feature rich and very easy to use - bye bye crazylister! (Sorry, not sorry)
- AUTO Feedback reminders sent, auto feedback left, etc., etc. Plus it tells you lots of stats with a feedback dash board.
- Auto Message Campaigns - Market Your Products!
- AUTO SHIPPING TRACKER - entire dashboard for all channels...know exactly when a package has issues or is delayed so you can get in front of it BEFORE the buyer gets upset, and so many more tracking features
- Reports - What do you want to know? You can pull a report... income? Listings? sales?
- Export listings
- GTC AUTOmation
- Webstore
- Image Editor
- Facebook Store
- Store Designer
AND SO MUCH MORE. Best thing is their customer service....and their openness and willingness to hear YOUR feature requests.
Anyway, I LOVE it. I hope this info helps you....and saves you time on your search for the perfect ebay seller tool. (and amazon, etsy......)
I think I might have a discount code if you want to try it out. You can message me. AGAIN, I do NOT make any money for referring you there. I just really love this system and I want them to stay around forever.
12-07-2020 12:47 PM
Thank you for sharing. Sellers do want to hear feedback on the features that other sellers find useful, or troublesome, when using third party listing tools.
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