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still zero promotional sales since banner went hidden <sigh> to the bottom of listings

About a week now and no sales from promotional listings....since ebay changed the placement of the banner. Also noticed doing search on items that the promo is listed at thee right appears like another poster stated "a twinkling star" here today gone tomorrow.


Anyone else making any sales from their promos since the change?

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still zero promotional sales since banner went hidden <sigh> to the bottom of listings

Just got off the phone with eBay as I have been calling concerning the placement of the banner throughout the past week.  It is basically worthless to me at the bottom of my ad vs at the top.  Well, well...their new statement is that this is NOT a technical issue.  This was the decision of eBay marketing to MOVE the banner from the top of the page to the bottom.  The banner was CHANGED ON PURPOSE TO THE BOTTOM OF LISTINGS!!!!   It is tagged as in "EXPERIMENTAL" mode to see reaction from the eBay community. all of you...I gave them my opinion that I totally dislike it, and I suggest that you all call and give them your 2 cents worth to!!!!  

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Message 4 of 14
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still zero promotional sales since banner went hidden <sigh> to the bottom of listings


About a week now and no sales from promotional listings....since ebay changed the placement of the banner. Also noticed doing search on items that the promo is listed at thee right appears like another poster stated "a twinkling star" here today gone tomorrow.


Anyone else making any sales from their promos since the change?

Not 8 Day promotion ended yesterday...the finally tally was ZERO! 

Message 2 of 14
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still zero promotional sales since banner went hidden <sigh> to the bottom of listings

Me neither. Moving the Promos to the bottom of the page, way after description, was a very bad move by eBay developers. Promos used to be at the top, where they belong, to catch the buyers' eyes.

Message 3 of 14
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still zero promotional sales since banner went hidden <sigh> to the bottom of listings

Just got off the phone with eBay as I have been calling concerning the placement of the banner throughout the past week.  It is basically worthless to me at the bottom of my ad vs at the top.  Well, well...their new statement is that this is NOT a technical issue.  This was the decision of eBay marketing to MOVE the banner from the top of the page to the bottom.  The banner was CHANGED ON PURPOSE TO THE BOTTOM OF LISTINGS!!!!   It is tagged as in "EXPERIMENTAL" mode to see reaction from the eBay community. all of you...I gave them my opinion that I totally dislike it, and I suggest that you all call and give them your 2 cents worth to!!!!  

Message 4 of 14
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still zero promotional sales since banner went hidden <sigh> to the bottom of listings

Unfortunately even a call to ebay you get both stories, it's intentional and it's technical. Seems even their employees on the lines are clueless really. I called too again today and was told technical after he asked his supervisor. I said ok why no notice on announcement boards. I also asked why are we left reading the chat boards and wondering who knows what and if its accurate. Or why should we have to go to some social media site for what may or may not be accurate info? CS rep then said let me look at the chats by Trinton on the boards. He then announced yes this was intentional to place banner at the bottom. I said even Customer Service is confused and uninformed.


So ok...but I think ebay should "make an official announcement" then sellers, buyers, customer service will all know.  Leaving ebay customers to seeking out info on chats and social media platforms rather than 1 simple announcement is UNPROFESSIONAL.  The amount reading these boards are probably so little or chasing out info on social media sites for answers  as compared to those that read the official ebay "announcement" on the seller hub page.


Are they afraid too many will know whats been done and call to complain and flood the phone lines? Why are their own employees in such confusion on all of this? This is all just crazy and costing many $$$ of sales and frustration for many sellers. So yes, for those who know please call and let them know your opinion.

Message 5 of 14
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still zero promotional sales since banner went hidden <sigh> to the bottom of listings

Message 6 of 14
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still zero promotional sales since banner went hidden <sigh> to the bottom of listings

NONE here either....  Sales have dropped like a rock...


I suggest every Professional Seller call them and flood their phone lines and let them know what an dumb ass move this was!  If it was indeed - done on purpose as some type of Marketing experiment.  Even if was just a technical issue - there have been way too many bugs lately that are directly effecting the bottom-line of Sellers...



What is going on with the Management of this company?  Some of the moves I've seen them do lately just border on the ridiculous - what do they have a bunch of "fresh out of College" kids with zero business experience making these decisions?  It's a wonder their stock hasn't completely tanked...  


Call them and complain!  Maybe if we flood their phone lines, someone will wake up and do something.....

Message 7 of 14
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still zero promotional sales since banner went hidden <sigh> to the bottom of listings

Good grief.  I just redone all my promotions because I couldn't see the 20% banner even though the promotions were not expired.  I still couldn't find it, so I came here.  Now, I scroll clear to the bottom of the page and see the the 20% off banner.  This is ridiculous.  I wondered why I hadn't seen anyone take this offer for a couple of weeks and that's why I went to work on it.  Why?  This has to be the dumbest thing they ever did.   Most people don't even read the description let alone scroll clear to the bottom of the page.  Now, I'm doubled up on offers which their system shouldn't have allowed.

Message 8 of 14
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still zero promotional sales since banner went hidden <sigh> to the bottom of listings


NONE here either....  Sales have dropped like a rock...


I suggest every Professional Seller call them and flood their phone lines and let them know what an dumb ass move this was!  If it was indeed - done on purpose as some type of Marketing experiment.  Even if was just a technical issue - there have been way too many bugs lately that are directly effecting the bottom-line of Sellers...



What is going on with the Management of this company?  Some of the moves I've seen them do lately just border on the ridiculous - what do they have a bunch of "fresh out of College" kids with zero business experience making these decisions?  It's a wonder their stock hasn't completely tanked...  


Call them and complain!  Maybe if we flood their phone lines, someone will wake up and do something.....


You might want to try this too...They are having a repeat of the last Promotions and Marketing tools Webinar tomorrow...We are supposed to be able to ask questions that we would like answered with live support!  Check it out...I'm going to post this on the main selling board so more can see this.

Promotions and Marketing Tools webinar information:
@February 7th @ 9:00 am Mountain Time (MST)
Register here:




Message 9 of 14
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still zero promotional sales since banner went hidden <sigh> to the bottom of listings

I missed that but still no sales from the marketing promotions and I have as many going on if not more than before the change...bad placement=0 multiple item sales....still notta a bite, and was going along so good before they changed it <bummed>

Message 10 of 14
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still zero promotional sales since banner went hidden <sigh> to the bottom of listings


I missed that but still no sales from the marketing promotions and I have as many going on if not more than before the change...bad placement=0 multiple item sales....still notta a bite, and was going along so good before they changed it <bummed>

Here are 3 Questions I asked at the webinar...And the replies.  


Q: The promotions no longer are appearing where you are showing on this webinar. No promotion above the gallery picture and the add to cart area is at the BOTTOM of the page. Why was this change made? It has destroyed my sales - ZERO sales on a recent promotion.

A: I am sorry to hear that this change has negatively affected your sales and will pass that feedback along. What caused the change to the banner at the top of the listing is currently only affecting View Item on desktop, and the offer is still visible at the bottom of the page and at checkout. There is also the 'offer page' that is presenting all the items in a promotion and available from View Item on Mobile and the Search Results Page teaser on desktop.


Q: Why have the promotions been moved to the bottom of the page where no one can see them?

A: This is the information that our development team sent to us about the choice to move the promotions box: "We are experimenting the placement of promotions below the description on the View Item page on desktop. This change was actually tested at the end of last year and a decision has been made to make it permanent. We currently monitoring the effect on conversion and basket size – and this decision may be under review if it turned out that this is not improving conversion. There were no changes elsewhere (only desktop) and it is not a bug."

Q: Sometimes the promotion (Buy 4+ Save 15%) shows up in the search and sometimes it doesn't. Why?

A: This is similar to the answer I provided to you earlier. We are currently experimenting with the placement of promotions. These should only be affecting the view item on desktop.


So there you go...I decided to try another promotion a few days ago and even deleted my template so the listing would be shorter so someone might accidentally see the promotion box at the bottom...So far still ZERO on the multiples, as well!

Message 11 of 14
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still zero promotional sales since banner went hidden <sigh> to the bottom of listings

Promoted listings has never worked very well. I have run over 4000 promotions and have sold only 8 items while promoted.  If my listing impressions are at say -15% before i run the promotion it will drop my listing impressions to -40-60% _( my impressions get worse with promotions). Then when the promotion enhds or i end it my listings will drop mu8ch much further down in best match. Before running promotion my item will appear at number 10-12 in best match but after Promoting it it drops to the 2 or 3rd page. 

Message 12 of 14
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still zero promotional sales since banner went hidden <sigh> to the bottom of listings

The problem is that NOT ALL promotional banners are at the bottom of the listings.  Mine is, but another seller I know still has theirs show at the top.  This is really unfair as we have the exact same type of store.  Her promotional sales continue while mine have plummeted. 


In addition, on the mobile app her promotion appears right under "watch" while mine will not appear ANYWHERE until the customer actually puts an item into their cart and then goes to the cart.  


I have no idea why they are making the playing field so stacked in favor of some.



Message 13 of 14
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still zero promotional sales since banner went hidden <sigh> to the bottom of listings

Bob Kupbens, a vice president at eBay held a mid year check in where he answered questions including one about the hidden banners.

He said they had been experimenting with the promotions to figure out how to avoid the type of sales promotion that turn off buyers (see video to hear his explanation) and that now the experimenting was over, eBay was going to suppress bad offers. Otherwise they would be going back to the way it was. He did say he realized "bad offer" was subjective - and if you feel your offer is good, to contact them. Unfortunately he did not explain how to best contact them. On my other store, I had a two for one offer and no banner or mention of the sale until the buyer put one of the items into their cart. Now the banner is back, but down at the bottom, basically invisible.  These are collectible items, so all I can figure is they are comparing to new items and thinking my price is too high to start. But not so bad to have zero banner, just bad enough to have banner at the bottom? Or maybe that is their final decision - "good" promotions get a banner at the top, "bad" ones get a banner at the bottom.

We need to know who to contact to argue for our promotions.

Message 14 of 14
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