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Tracking links disappeared from summary?

My summary page layout ( ) has gone strange with lots of empty space in the orders section, and all orders don't have direct links to the tracking or the actual listing without clicking through to the order details. It's just turned into a list of purchases you can't interact with without going to separate pages, making the summary page pretty useless. Have tested with firefox and edge and it's the same so it doesn't seem to be a browser related bug. Is this happening to anyone else and has anyone found a link to the old page to bookmark?

Message 1 of 19
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Tracking links disappeared from summary?

Ebay management is shorting the stock and intentionally sabotaging the site for short term profits.


I frequently purchase 30 of the same item from 30 different sellers. If I open a package from JOHN SMITH , how do I know which of the 30 orders it is? They hide both the tracking number and item number so I need to open all 30 order details and look for one with that tracking number.


Nobody can possibly be this incompetent. 


The only other possible explanation is the eBay design team is actually in a community college somewhere designing these things as part as their lab assignment. 

Message 16 of 19
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Tracking links disappeared from summary?

They hide both the tracking number and item number so I need to open all 30 order details and look for one with that tracking number.


You can hover your cursor over the item link in your Purchase History to see the item number without actually opening it, at least.


If you leave feedback as items are received you only have to check the items you have not yet left feedback for.


It would certainly be much easier if eBay included item number and tracking on the Purchase History page, but what percentage of users purchase many of the same item at the same time and have much difficulty figuring out which is which?


You can use the "Tell us what you think" link on the Purchase History page to let page developers know your opinion of the omissions.


Message 17 of 19
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Tracking links disappeared from summary?

Horrible. ebay did this again.  so stupid. 

Message 18 of 19
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Tracking links disappeared from summary?


Electronics and cell phones there are people who buy thousands of items per month. I get it if you bought a reindeer ornament and 2 pairs of socks you can look at the the picture and figure it out but what if you bought 72 hard drives and are opening 40 packages? 25 items per page was an inconvenience but at least you can open a few windows and sort it out. 

The solution is to hide/show columns but we know that isn't going to happen. Next they will probably remove the seller id and link to the listing "for a better user experience".


Message 19 of 19
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