07-12-2018 04:25 PM
Here we go ....again.
Numerous searches performed.
I am seeing it shows a stated number of search results, ie...10...15...20....but only shows 1 or 2 items? Hit search, with NO other changes, and the number of results stays the same but now I see 1-2 other compleletely different resulst? Open a new Tab, run the same search...same type of results. Close all windows, open a new one, repeat...same type result.
Ok...where are all the other items from the search result? 10 results and you show me 1 Sponsored listing in the results, as the ONLY results?
07-13-2018 02:05 AM
@eburtonlab, Thank you Yes I understand how to find things, But If Someone is searching for Avon earrings it should show all, then you can break down the search.. I do not understand why it was changed....
07-13-2018 03:52 AM
This is an issue! I have the same issue since last night and still it is going on today.
07-13-2018 04:38 AM
To me this is a fiasco! How can a monopoly, that has nothing else to do, not be able to fix such issues. Search results say 12 matches but only 2 show? Spend some $$ and hire some better programmers.
07-13-2018 04:58 AM
I was shocked when I wen to shop earlier tonight. I had one thing show up even though it said there were multiple results...could not get to see anything else 'til I went to google which showed me everything on ebay and then figured out I had to use the ADVANCED feature on Ebay to see all the items.
I hope this is a glitch because I was asked by Ebay after I searched how I liked the new search function? Are you kidding me? You are going to show me ONE THING in a category where there are many available and then think I am satisfied and happy? That is nightmare shopping.
Then I checked...my own items do not show up. I tested it. My sales have pretty much completely stopped. I thought it was because it was a slow time. Now I realize it would be hard to find my items if not impossible.
07-13-2018 07:30 AM
Seach terms that are not working > 07818 Alliance
07-13-2018 03:24 PM
Hi everyone! Thank you for your reports about this issue. This does appear to be resolved now. If you see it occur again, please let me know