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New Seller Hub Traffic Data is Flawed for Impressions and Page Views

In reviewing the new "real time" Traffic data (supposedly updates every 20 minutes) in the Seller Hub / Performance options... things got much worse yesterday.


Though impressions and clicks (and sales) had already fallen dramatically over the past week... even with paid / promoted listings...  yesterday's new traffic reports indicate that for both Impressions and Page Views... the organic listings for both have fallen to ZERO.  They report a flatline... 100% decline... with no Impressions or Page Views of any kind reported for the entire day... other than the paid promotions (which are anemic as well... but at least they're reporting something).  The same things is happening today as well.


Customer Support asked that I process a blank refresh of all listings in my store... which I did... but that accomplished nothing.


This morning, they couldn't see what might cause the problem... and I had to specifically request that they file a ticket on the problem.  Even so, my experience is that we'll be waiting forever for information that will never come.  They might fix it.  They might not.  But one thing for sure... they'll never tell me what was wrong. It appears to be a glitch... but absolutely no one in CS was aware of a previously reported problem; nor why my traffic data is reporting as ZERO.


Yes... it's a tough time for sales right now... but it's impossible that a platform like eBay should be reflecting that my listings are generating absolutely no activity.  Still... all they could offer is that I'm supposed to wait until they resolve the issue.  IF... they are able resolve the issue.  GRRRRRR!!!

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Re: New Seller Hub Traffic Data is Flawed for Impressions and Page Views

I came here today to see if anyone else was seeing the same issue. While I'm glad I'm not alone, I'm mad that once again ebay is messing with things. When I clicked on the impressions chart and looked at that daily stats, apparently my organic impressions have been turned off completely and now promoted listings is showing 100%. I looked back at the last 3 months and that has never happened (0% organic, 100% promoted). It is usually 30% organic / 70% promoted. Today's impressions are starting out the same (0% organic, 100% promoted). So I temporarily paused my Promoted Listings to see if that helps (or maybe it will hurt even more??). Why do they continuously have to change things? Something is definitely wrong.


Normal impressions:


Screenshot 4.jpg















Impressions Now:


Screenshot 3.jpg

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Re: New Seller Hub Traffic Data is Flawed for Impressions and Page Views

Yes... this is beyond pathetic; especially when Customer Support has absolutely nothing to offer in terms of solutions.  So what if they submit a "ticket" to their tech team??  It all means nothing when they don't work with the sellers to improve a flawed eBay platform.  So much for the roll-out of the "new and improved" traffic information.  Thanks for NOTHING eBay!  My sales are in the tank... and no one's even getting a chance to look at my listings.  That's what "0" impressions and "0" page views means!!!!

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Re: New Seller Hub Traffic Data is Flawed for Impressions and Page Views

I reported it through Facebook as well. They said they would have their team look into it, and then said they think it's just a reporting error. Hmmm, I might agree, if my sales hadn't dropped off as soon as 0% organic impression started. ☹️

Message 4 of 12
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Re: New Seller Hub Traffic Data is Flawed for Impressions and Page Views

agreed. The decline in sales matches the drop in impressions and page views. In addition... very few people are watching the listings. This used to generate at least 30 watchers at any given time... though now there are only 10 to 15. Can't make a sale when so few are even looking at the listings... especially with so many different promotions being offered right now.
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Re: New Seller Hub Traffic Data is Flawed for Impressions and Page Views

SAme here for the past 2 days, no sales and no organic impression.
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Re: New Seller Hub Traffic Data is Flawed for Impressions and Page Views

Just checked our second account as well, though the volume we put through that account is far less.. still... the "new" Traffic reports for May 1 and May 2 indicate:

0: Impressions
0: Page Views
0: Sales
0: Click thru
0: Sales Conversion rate

Amazing that no one within customer support knew the new system is broken (in fact most don't even know it exists), nor have they been instructed on how to respond to sellers who inquire as to the problem. In addition, the CS rep from last night who promised to evaluate the situation today and call me with an update early this evening... well... crickets.
Message 7 of 12
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Re: New Seller Hub Traffic Data is Flawed for Impressions and Page Views

i face this issue to since 2 or 3 days

Message 8 of 12
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Re: New Seller Hub Traffic Data is Flawed for Impressions and Page Views

Within the past hour, yesterday's traffic just updated (for May 1)... and now the numbers are reflecting activity... where they used to read "zero".... However... even though 90% of my inventory is on "promoted listings"... it's pulling in only a sliver of the activity that the organic listings claim to be attracting. I sure don't get it...
Message 9 of 12
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Re: New Seller Hub Traffic Data is Flawed for Impressions and Page Views

Yeah thanks for this thread. I too noticed that this is happening. Literally just had 2 straight days of 10-12 sales per day at the end of April now barely getting 1 (I have over 1000 listings) for the beginning of May. 20 plus years of corporate retail experience and I guarantee, you simply don't just fall off a cliff like that. If you look at the latest news about what's selling on eBay right now, apparently eBay is getting the highest amount of traffic they have ever had. Clearly not us. The biggest concern here is that if all I'm getting is promoted impressions and zero organic, then if I make a sale then by default I am forced to pay the extra promoted listing fee, which is criminal and I dare say is worthy of a law suite. eBay best get this fixed... IMMEDIATELY!!!

Message 10 of 12
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Re: New Seller Hub Traffic Data is Flawed for Impressions and Page Views

Hello. Great that everyone is reporting the issue here, so - hopefully - at some point someone from eBay will look and do something soon. I'm having the same problem here. In my case I've been getting 0 organic impressions and visits (0 from external sites too) since late friday. So far today and all of yesterday too I've had 0 impressions and visits and just a very few sales (and the weird thing is that they show the right sales number in this 'new' traffic hub, but still 0 views though), much less than during the last few days before saturday. Another weird thing is that the 'views' number in the 'listing' page still appears properly, but they seem to be increasing very slowly compared to last week & weekend.


Visits/impressions from Promoted listing have gone straight downhill in the last 3-4 days. It's terrible. Also tried contacting them and not even the rep that answered me was able to pull out any info (there was an issue in their end too from what the rep said) or give me any details at all regarding this bug. 


We can't just be waiting here forever for a fix, we all rely on eBay to pay our bills, we're literally losing money while they don't fix this - and the other glitches and bugs in their system. They really need to step up.

Message 11 of 12
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Re: New Seller Hub Traffic Data is Flawed for Impressions and Page Views

We can see that data isn't appearing in real time until approx. 24-48 hours has passed. THEN... they update those previous days to correct the reported activity. They shouldn't claim "real time" until they actually deliver on that claim.

However... the biggest problem right now is that since mid-April... promoted listings have fallen to nearly ZERO activity... even though (at eBay's recommendation) I'm now elevating more than 75% of my store through promoted listings. They used to reflect 50% to 65% of all daily activity... and it has all disappeared. I don't know how they plan to earn a dollar... if they never display the promoted listings. I actually had a Customer Service rep tell me it can take a couple of weeks for their servers to catch up. really??! There's just no excuse for such a steep decline in performance when it's clear that people are filling their time with online shopping.
Message 12 of 12
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