07-12-2024 06:50 AM
Congratulations to eBay their new "ADVERTISING" Category in Seller Hub is now in and working and MY SELLER HUB FUNCTIONALLY IS ALSO WORKING.
The Category Sort is working and the Sort By is working. I can now select any store category and get a list of all items in any category and also sort by "newly listed", "highest price" etc. Plus under Active, All Selling, my 100 active items fully populate the page, I no longer have to hit the down arrow to see all of my active items.
I just wonder why eBay didn't tell people changes were going on and those changes may affect some screens/servers, also why didn't the chat line or the service reps know anything about all these changes. Why can't this large corporation send out honest broadcast msgs to us sellers to let us know. I know it didn't affect everyone and not that many people read these blogs or report discrepancies, but I hope eBay reads the blogs, If they want feedback, I hope they are reading some of these blogs...lots of angry people here about different things that ebay does and does not do, but I think my complaints are justified. I am not angry but confused as to why they would run their business this way! This mess really screwed up my listing of items.
I am a 20+ year seller and have experienced this before, and it usually corrected itself quickly, but this has been over 2 weeks. I list daily, correct unsold and delete listings all the time. The work around did not always work either.
I worked for a large insurance company IT dept and large system changes were usually done on the weekend, so they would have time to recover if there were problems. BUTTTTTTTTTTTT...commuication was done and everyone knew what was going on.
Just a heads up...it wasn't the Chrome server, or the cookies etc, it was just a large corporation doing system changes and affecting some servers. But I thank everyone for their help. I am just glad it is "business as usual again".