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I am in Hawaii, but search insists I am International.

For ages now, when I do a search for something, I get International shipping rates, if I search using my zip code.

When I change "Get Rates" up to a California zip code search is completely different. Many more items as well as the correct charge to Hawaii.

Will this ever be fixed?

My Jewels
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I am in Hawaii, but search insists I am International.

I still see the same issue you are describing if I change to a Honolulu zip code (same as before in the other threads).

With a Hawaii zipcode, the number of results drops, and results are only shown for items that also ship internationally, with higher international shipping amounts showing in the search results. When one of those items is viewed, the shipping amount is the correct domestic amount.

I played with it again, and can not figure out if there is a specific country Hawaii is mistaken for. Couldn't get amounts for search results for items with international calculated shipping to match anything. Ain't Canada, Mexico, Japan, UK, Australia - all those actual amounts are higher than the pseudo international amounts search shows.

eBay hasn't fixed this, and I don't think there is any workaround that fixes it. You can search using a California zip code to get all the items to show, and then change your zipcode back to Hawaii on each individual item page to get correct shipping amounts (sucks, but gets the job done). With a California zip code, flat price shipping listings will be correct in the search results, and some calculated USPS shipping rates will be correct (east coast sellers for which California is zone 8 same as Hawaii), but FedEx and UPS numbers will probably be way off if there at all.

That klunky workaround could maybe be made a bit better by using 2 browsers simultaneously (half screen each or 1/2 & 2/3 or whatever). Do searches in browser 1 with the California zipcode to get all the results. Drag&drop individual results for items that look promising into a tab in the second browser where the zip code should default to your default zip code (or you change it there using a listing S&P tab before starting if it doesn't), and those individual listings will have correct shipping amounts.

Hawaii has maybe 1.5 million people. Being generous and saying 10% of them buy on eBay gives 150,000. 3/4 of those don't even know there is a problem. So under 50k users (being generous) maybe having an issue, that MAY result in reduced purchasing in some cases. I suspect that makes it "Not a High Priority" on the Honey-Do list with all the other more major site breakages they are creating and sort of fixing. (Alaska with half that population is even lower priority)
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