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Adding Recommended Item Specifics Not Working for me

The "Add Item Specifics" is not working for me from my desktop.   It either just goes around and around or it pops up and looks strange and will not save.   This started yesterday (Wednesday, 9-14-23). 


Message 1 of 27
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Adding Recommended Item Specifics Not Working for me

Does anyone from eBay monitor this board?

Message 2 of 27
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Adding Recommended Item Specifics Not Working for me

This is primarily a peer forum and the ID you tagged is used mainly for posting announcements, not for participating in discussions.


Did you do some initial troubleshooting to see if you could get around the error?


- Use a different browser to see if the problem persists or goes away.
- Make sure your browser is up to date.

- Disable any add ons that may be interfering.


What browser/OS are you using?


Can you post a screenshot of "it pops up and looks strange"?

Message 3 of 27
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Adding Recommended Item Specifics Not Working for me

@wastingtime101   Thanks for commenting.  I'm using Firefox.   Below is the strange screen I'm getting when it's not going around and around.   If I keep closing it and and trying again it will eventually come up with the screen where I can save it.   On the screen below it won't save it and still gives me the notification that I have recommended specifics. 

I'll try it tomorrow on my laptop and see if it's doing it there.  If it is, I guess I'll call for them to call me back.  I thought they monitored this board for technical issues.


Screenshot Item Specifics.jpg

Message 4 of 27
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Adding Recommended Item Specifics Not Working for me

Are you using an iPad? Firefox on iOS for iPads is notoriously glitchy and doesn't always play well  with eBay. See if you have the same problem with Safari.


Or switch from mobile web to classic web and try your laptop.


Re: recommended specifics - yeah, it will still show you have recommended specifics even if you accept all the ones eBay suggests auto-filling. Even in your screenshot it's suggesting to auto-fill one IS for you but there are seven recommended IS. So if you could successfully auto-fill that one IS (which apparently you can't because of the error), you'd still have recommended IS to review and potentially fill out.


Just because an IS is recommended:


- does not mean eBay will pull a suggested value to auto-fill

- does not mean the suggested auto-fill values are accurate

- does not mean you have to fill it out just because it's recommended - sometimes it won't apply to your item


Did you notice in that screenshot it's showing recommended width of 6" because you put 6" in title? When you put 6" in title, did that refer to width or to height? That's what I mean when I say just because eBay suggests auto-filling a value, it's not necessarily going to be accurate.

Message 5 of 27
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Adding Recommended Item Specifics Not Working for me

@wastingtime101  Thank you so much for trying to help me.


  I understand how the item specifics works but this is a technical issue.  I'm using my desktop and going directly into the site.  Not using the app.  The app on my phone doesn't give the option "to not recommend these specifics again."    I only use the app to check on things when I'm away from home or away from my computer. 


I did call eBay this morning and they weren't much help.  They had to me to clean my cookies and cache.  I even used another browser and the same thing happens.  This just started Wednesday and I've used this feature enough to know that it's screwed up. 


I was able to get my lap top out this afternoon and I signed into my account on it and the same thing happens.   If others aren't having a problem with this,  I'm now thinking something is screwed up with my account.  I'm going to call them back tomorrow and see if they can figure it out since I've tried it now on my laptop also.   If I keep closing it and opening it then it will eventually give me the correct screen and save it but that is really time consuming and frustrating.  Hopefully we can get it figured out. 

Message 6 of 27
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Adding Recommended Item Specifics Not Working for me

I was referring to mobile web, not the app. 🙂


Regardless, since you're using your laptop a few questions:


1. On the top right of the listing form do you see an option to switch to the business tool? I'm trying to figure out if you're on the quick lister or the unified (business) lister.


2. What OS & what version of Firefox are you using? Are they both up to date? If we're on the same system, browser and listing form I can attempt to duplicate your error.


3. Do you have any browser add ons in play?

Message 7 of 27
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Adding Recommended Item Specifics Not Working for me



I'm not sure what you are asking me on the first question.  I'm not seeing an option to switch to business tool in the listing form.


Answer to your second question:  My desktop is Windows 11 and my laptop is Windows 10.  The Firefox I'm using is 117.0.1 (64-bit) and it is up to date. 


I don't have any browser add ons.  I just checked that. 

Message 8 of 27
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Adding Recommended Item Specifics Not Working for me

OK, thanks. So you're on the unified listing tool already.


Since I'm on a Mac not a PC I can't replicate your settings to test, but regardless I'll try anyway with Firefox, probably on Monday. If someone else reading this discussion is willing to check Firefox on a PC that could help.

Message 9 of 27
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Adding Recommended Item Specifics Not Working for me

@wastingtime101   Just to be sure you understand what I'm saying.   I can go into my listings through revise and add any of the specifics just fine.   It's when I try to use this.  I've circled both places it does it.



Screenshot 2023-09-16 222201.jpg

Message 10 of 27
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Adding Recommended Item Specifics Not Working for me

That definitely helps. I ran a quick test.


Saw that same screen you did with the weird buttons at the bottom. Clicked SAVE without applying any changes. Listing saved and pop up closed.


After that I clicked on another listing and the buttons were back to normal. Had no trouble applying any of the recommended IS or auto-fills after that.


Can you try the same thing? Check off one item. Click the blue add item specifics button at the top. When the pop up appears with the weird buttons, click the blue save button.


When the pop up closes out, check a different listing, click the blue add item specifics button, and check to see if the pop up buttons are back to normal.

Message 11 of 27
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Adding Recommended Item Specifics Not Working for me

@wastingtime101   I'm trying what you said right now but all I'm getting is the little circle going round and round.  It won't load and then it just closes.    I finally got the screen to come up with the funny buttons and just clicked save without adding anything and it closed.  Tried again on the second one and it's just going round and round again.   Like I said before, if I keep trying it will eventually give me the correct screen.

Message 12 of 27
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Adding Recommended Item Specifics Not Working for me

I finally got it to do what yours did.   It didn't save the first one, it saved the second one, and the 3rd one has no save button so I just had to close it but it did save the second one.   So now I only have 2 showing. 

Message 13 of 27
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Adding Recommended Item Specifics Not Working for me

OK. I'll test a different browser on Monday and see what I come up with. Firefox is (right now) no longer presenting the same problem for me, but I will test that again on Monday.


In the meantime, you can consider reporting the issue via eBay CS on social media. I recommend that channel because you can upload screenshots which will help show your navigation (like the last screenshot you posted) plus the weird button pop up (in the first screenshot you posted). Send a DM to askebay on twitter or ebayforbusiness on facebook.


CS will file a ticket. If other users are reporting the same issue the tickets will be connected, and if enough users report it a site wide ticket will be created and eBay will look into it. Not an ideal system, but it's the one we have to work with.


In the meantime the best work around I can come up with is to pull listings into the bulk edit tool.


Use the recommended IS filter. On the top right click the customize columns button. Add item specifics. Save.


Then go to the IS column and it'll say something like '12 completed' next to the listing. Click on that and IS will pop up. You can enter anything recommended then "save and next" to go through all your listings.


When done save changes at the bottom of the bulk edit page before exiting.


Only other work around is to revise one by one.

Message 14 of 27
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Adding Recommended Item Specifics Not Working for me

@nanniestreasurechest wrote:

I finally got it to do what yours did.   It didn't save the first one, it saved the second one, and the 3rd one has no save button so I just had to close it but it did save the second one.   So now I only have 2 showing. 

OK great. My method was checking off one single listing as opposed to a batch of multiples. I don't know if that would make a difference if you run into this again.


Since that's helping you can disregard what I just posted except maybe about the reporting to CS part. I'd still recommend that.

Message 15 of 27
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