RESTful Sell APIs: Fulfillment
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Finances API Signature not working

Hello together!I'm trying to access my transactions via the RESTFul API using PHP:$endPointTransaction = '['.$startDateString.'..'.$endDateString.']';Unfortunately, ...

403 for all calls - production & sandbox

Hi, is there currently issues with OAUTH App tokens? I am unable to make any calls using OAUTH app tokens in the API explorer. I just get a 403. The scopes cover what I am trying to do also.{"errors": [{"...

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Inventory vs active listings

When testing our API app to access an inventory product using:{SKU} always got the response: {"errors": [{"errorId": 25710,"domain": "API_INVENTORY","subdomain": "Selling","category": "REQUEST","...

Fulfillment API 403 error

Hello all, I am receiving the following error when attempting a call to the ebay fulfillment API get orders url using the user token I generated for my personal account. Any idea on how to get this solved? I know that my token is correct. I have also...

missing eBay Tax for UK sales

So as far as known Sales made in the UK are subject to taxes However if you check the Sale's JSON it states that no taxes were applied { "creationDate": "2023-06-06T18:59:23.000Z", "lastModifiedDate": "2023-06-06T19:05:48.000Z", "orderFulfillmentStat...

User avatar by Explorer
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Resolved! Can't POST to issueRefund endpoint

Hi everyone, I have the following code in python: from base64 import b64encode from urllib.parse import urlparse import json import sys import time import requests from Crypto.PublicKey import ECC from Crypto.Signature import eddsa from Crypto.Hash i...

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