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wrong routing number

Hi, i have been tring to link My bank account and it won't link. Ilooed at the information and found that I left 3 numbers of the routing number. Where can I go to correct this. I added a debit card but this card is tied the account that won't ink this payment method was accepted for payouts but else where it still says that account is still unlinked what shall I do


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wrong routing number

What bank are you using?  Not all banks are acceptable.  You may need to open a new account.

Message 2 of 5
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wrong routing number

Are you making sure that the name/address matches exactly between eBay and the bank? If the bank has your name as John Q Public, your eBay account has to match same with the address the bank has. 

Does not look like, except for the knife, that you have sold anything in the past 90 days; eBay will treat you as a new seller or returning seller and payments will be held up to 30 days (or longer in some cases). Until you get the bank thing sorted out, you may want to end your current listing and hold off re-listing them till you do so. 

Message 3 of 5
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wrong routing number

the name is the only thing I cn think of I havent checked in ebay, but would it be refuded if I used a middle initial in ebay and no middle initial in checking. I am using a local bank, it only in this areaof NY

Message 4 of 5
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wrong routing number

what account  do I make new ebay account or bank account. if bank account how do I know it will be linked. I did get a debit card for my checking account and changd payment. It says under this payment option it is primary account for payout. I still don't know if this worked

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