10-23-2021 03:21 AM
I am so disappointed! I've been selling on eBay for years, 100% mutual trust. When you partnered with Payoneer I sent all the required documents and even more, spend money and infinite times trying to satisfy them. I rent part of a house and all the house bills go to my landlord and pay her directly, so I sent them the contract...
My Payoneer account is active and i receive payments from other platforms.
Then when I received the mail from eBay saying to update my details, i tried so hard but by anyhow i was unable, spend hours trying and you can check with eBay support.
now ebay erased all my listings, feedback...my years work! cannot believe you guys!!!
finally, today by some mysterious ways i could answer your request...by my beloved eBay store is down!
guys it is unfair, i do everything i can and because of bureaucratic-technical issues you just erase all the mutual trust built-in years of very hard work and money....unfair!!!!!!
never received negative feedback from my clients, and eBay (which is like the house) just shuts me down!
please be fair and release my listings
thank you
10-23-2021 04:44 AM
Sorry, nobody here can help you.
Click on this link, then scroll down to the bottom of the page to find your options for contact the Managed Payments team:
but if you ignored the invites that eBay sent you about joining managed payments, they may have removed you from the list already
10-23-2021 05:14 AM
Sorry for you situation, but nobody from Payoneer or Ebay control these boards. You would have to contact them direct. Hope things go well for you and you'll be up and running soon. Good luck.
10-26-2021 11:11 AM