11-23-2022 09:36 PM
I tried twice to link my payoneer account to my eBay account. first i verified my phone number and i gave one time eBay pin but i couldn't go to next step . i don't know what is the reason.please help me to solve this problem.
thank you
11-23-2022 11:41 PM
Make sure everything on your account (information) is exactly the same is what is on your ID, bank account, whatever Payoneer asks you to remit so that you can register. Letter for letter, word for word. They all must match perfectly.
Good luck.
11-24-2022 02:26 AM
What type of Payoneer account are you trying to link? You can sell on a personal or a business account, however If you have a personal eBay account your Payoneer account has to be an Individual account. If your eBay account is a business account your Payoneer account must be a Company Payoneer account. You need a Sri Lanka business license. As @ckimodog said, your name and address must exactly match your driver's license or National ID.
After you're sucessfully linked to eBay it takes eBay 2-4 weeks to activate your account. They're send you an email when you're all set.