01-05-2021 10:32 PM
I've seen many posts and can't seem to find an answer. I currently sell coins (wheat pennies & old nickels) to people trying to complete their sets. I buy in bulk and sell them individually. My business model is lost cost / high volume. I do about 1000 transactions per month. The reason I'm profitable is because I've signed up for "micropayments" through PayPal.
Standard fees: $0.30 + 3%
Micro fees: $0.05 + 5%
Considering all of my individual coins sell for less than $5, I'm always better with utilizing the micro fees. PayPal makes you choose one or the other. So I'm at a disadvantage for large sales. Overall this was a very smart move for me.
In all of the examples eBay has show about how fees will be cheaper after "managed payments" goes live, they always consider that everyone is on the "standard fees" through PayPal. That's not the case.
Can anyone shed some light on this for me. What are all the other low cost sellers doing that are now on managed payments. There's no way to continue selling. For a $0.99 item sold, after $0.55 stamp & $0.33 fee, there's not profit to be made assuming you have capital invested in the product.
I'm very interested in your thoughts on this...I can't be the only one that's fighting this battle.
01-06-2021 12:16 PM
When they shove me into MP I will have to stop selling on eBay... 95% of my store is on MicroPayments.... and Managed Payments is not addressing this in any form.
You personally are going to have another issue... Coins / paper money can't be sold once you are shoved into Managed Payments.
01-06-2021 12:20 PM
Pretty sure you can't sell coins with Managed Payments
01-06-2021 12:28 PM
01-06-2021 08:58 PM
Ebay has no plans to add micropayments.
01-07-2021 10:13 AM
I'd LOVE a micropayment option like PayPal's: FVF 5% + transaction fee $.05. Selling a $1 postcard using PayPal cost $.09 eBay fee + $.10 PayPal fee = $.19 total selling fee, and a profit of $.15. Now that I'm in Managed Payments selling a $1 postcard costs $.12 eBay FVF + $.30 eBay transaction fee = $.42, and a loss of $.08, higher if sales tax is involved. This is over a 220% fee increase using Managed Payments. At a minimum, eBay should stop saying most sellers will see a fee decrease using managed payments, since collecting fees on sales tax makes this untrue for many sellers.
01-12-2021 07:36 PM
100% agree. They won't even share what the fee % will be for the coins category after MP goes live. I will lose money on every sale. I will be cancelling my store and selling all of my inventory tomorrow if this happens. The customer service won't even call me back with answers. In what world do we live in that they can roll out new fees, force you into it, but not tell you what the fees will be?
01-13-2021 12:10 PM - edited 01-13-2021 12:13 PM
@blackjck26Here's the current MP fees for those in a store : https://www.ebay.com/help/selling/selling-fees/store-fees?id=4809 you just have to scroll forever to find the final value fees.
For your math sub your current PayPal fee for a flat .30 (ebay's processing fee) and eBay's FF fee at 8.15% instead of the 6.15 it is now with a store. If a slight price increase still makes it feasible, then you might want to give it a try.
If the money is to tight or losing you money you've got time to start building your sales in various other places while you still are able to make sales here. If you were starting new somewhere else wouldn't you want to start with the lower cost/risk items till all the kinks were worked out?
I've done the math... for mine I'm out... 90% of my store is on micro payments.... 95% of my sales are through micro payments.
01-13-2021 05:16 PM
That link you provided does not tell the fees for coins. They still have not released it even though we have been forced to register for MP.
01-26-2021 10:40 AM
I got my nasty letter... I'm going to let what I have up run...
You missed the deadline to update your account details and effective February 1, 2021 your ability to revise or relist existing listings, or create new listings will be disabled. Update your account details today, including adding your checking account information so you can get paid.
While I start moving all my stuff over to facebook and craigslist... it was fun while it lasted.
Funny part was I didn't get the first notice but w/e it is what it is.