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Managed Payments not depositing. Really mad.

So I have been on Managed payments since Late August.  I provided a checking account and they said they would start depositing my sales.  I opted for daily deposited.  As of almost 2 weeks nothing has been deposited.  I have been on the phone twice with customer service and they were unable to help me.  The best they could do is to put me on a TECH report.  The rep yesterday says that ebay has not even tried to make a deposit to me. 


So if this is happening to a lot of sellers (the rep stated  it is) ebay is just sitting on sellers money.  Are they making money off of this in the way of interest. 


Does anyone know aor have any ideas of what I can do? 

Message 1 of 61
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Managed Payments not depositing. Really mad.

ebay is so full of glitches to begin with and now the MP glitches begin !!! Ebay needs to go back a few years to the ebay selling model that worked !!! And pay pal was the best !!!! No fuss no muss and you were paid !

Message 31 of 61
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Managed Payments not depositing. Really mad.

Good evening,


I haven't received a single MP disbursement since I went on the program, by force in early Sept.My first sale while on MP was made, paid for and shipped on Sept. 10, 2020. Ebay now owes me $1500+ but continues to resend my sales proceeds funds over and over to the wrong bank account number. My bank alerted me to this problem, not  Ebay who is leaving the first digit off of my acct number. The ACH makes it to my bank but not to my account. It is now Sept 28, 2020, I have waited through 390 minute callback bait times which usually are more that 3 hours later. They never call back until after 7pm DST. regardless of when I get a callback appointment in the am. Customer service has been polite but ineffective for weeks now. I did finally learn after untold hours on the phone that there is:



THEY OFFICIALLY  RECOGNIZED this ON SEPT 22, 2020 by assigning it                      ALERT STATUS  # 12194. Last Monday I was told the problem would be fixed in a week. This evening I was just told the same thing, wait YET ANOTHER WEEK. I've tried deleting my bank info and re-entering but  their system won't allow any changes. Customer Services  did a test and confirmed  that this is true and more evidence of the software "BUG"  Furthermore Ebay reps say that in "EBAY SPEAK" PRIORITY TERMS  that a P-5 trouble designation has the least priority and P-0  is given  the highest priority in terms of  assigned problem solving manpower. According to Customer Service, this Managed Payments account number/ ACH transfer problem is a 2. Why isn't it serious enough to be a  P-5 TOP PRIORITY?


Anyone else experiencing this trouble in Setember 2020? My rep said he had 4 calls like mine the same day he spoke to me. I've been waiting for a solution since Set 14th 2020 and still nothing. We all should get together and compare notes. Something stinks at Ebay! 



Message 32 of 61
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Managed Payments not depositing. Really mad.

CORRECTION, I meant: Why isn't this MP software BUG problem considered serious enough by Ebay to be escalated to a P-0, their highest priority level?

Thank you

Message 33 of 61
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Managed Payments not depositing. Really mad.

Agreed! I've been with Ebay for 20 years, have 100% Positive feedback and have never so much as stepped on a crack on their sidewalk. What I wouldn't do to have PayPal back!!!!


It doesn't appear by Ebay's lack of candor or progress that they take this MP problem very seriously. They seem to have ZERO corporate ethics or values. They expect sellers to pay their Ebay fees on time and SHIP BEFORE SALES FUNDS ARE RECEIVED, but refuse to pay sellers in a timely fashion. EBAY TOLD US TO TRUST THEM, THAT OUR MONEY WAS ON ITS WAY via MP. What a crock that turned out to be.


How long should we as sellers wait? 1 week, 2-3 weeks, maybe 4 weeks? Ebay's assurances are meaningless.  Apparently they think nothing of ignoring or slow walking a fix to their own ALERT STATUS No. 12194 MP BUG. MANY SELLERS are not receiving THEIR HARD EARNED MONEY from Ebay's Managed Payment program.


All Ebay sellers need to know that just because this MP problem may not be affecting them right now doesn't mean that it won't in the future. When it it does, GOOD LUCK finding an advocate at Ebay who actually cares AND has the authority to effectively address the problem. As everyone reading this already knows from first hand experience, this customer service person simply can't be found working at Ebay.

AND, Please don't forget, Ebay admitted that their software is responsible for my truncated/incorrect bank account number. The very one they seem unable to correct in spite of my efforts to assist them.

Thank you




Message 34 of 61
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Managed Payments not depositing. Really mad.

Please see my earlier replies. I'm having the same problem with MP, not a single payment since the end of August. You are welcome to contact me via Ebay messaging. We should compare notes. Thank you

Best Regards,


Message 35 of 61
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Managed Payments not depositing. Really mad.

So did you ever go open a checking account with a bank that has physical locations?

Message 36 of 61
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Managed Payments not depositing. Really mad.

I just made my first sale with new managed payments? It is absolutely horrible and thinking about ditching EBay altogether. eBay says I was paid and no pending transactions but the $ from my sale is no where to be found. 

Message 37 of 61
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Managed Payments not depositing. Really mad.

I never got any money in my account for 6 days of sales... eBay is only showing -money charges for fvf, $0.30 sold fee, tax fee, and postage lable fee... one sale was charged 2 times, promoted listings were charged 10% instead of 5%, sale in Ca. was charged for international sales (I do not mail or sell international). Where did they put my sales money? (My payout is sppose to be in 1 day). Also eBay charged my store out of sales profits... then also charged my credit card... so DOUBLE store fees! what a mess. I have 4 items to mail but ebay shipping does not work with sold items money not going into my account. How can I mail my orders now?

Message 38 of 61
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Managed Payments not depositing. Really mad.

@daisy..d wrote:

I just made my first sale with new managed payments? It is absolutely horrible and thinking about ditching EBay altogether. eBay says I was paid and no pending transactions but the $ from my sale is no where to be found. 




It is important to understand how MP functions since it is handling our money.  At the top of the Payments forum are several threads that the Payments team pinned to the top.  Those threads will give you a great overview of how the program works and well worth your time to read.



mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 39 of 61
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Managed Payments not depositing. Really mad.

Wow that was a lot of info @atoz4u . The point I am making is that when I get paid for a sale now with mp it doesn’t show up anywhere. My item sold May 1st and I can’t even see a pending deposit. My money in PayPal was showing instantly. So when you make a sale you just take Ebays word ship now? I always checked PayPal before shipping to assure I was paid. This is not like working on a budget. I guess you can’t spend your money because it isn’t there. We should be able to at least see a pending deposit. So my item was shipped days ago and I’m just hoping I was actually paid. How do sellers keep track of 100s of sales? It does seem funny EBay is still accepting PayPal to get there money for monthly fees. So are we supposed to wait to ship until the money is in the bank? Wow that would be days!!!! I normally ship same day or next day. The first time I get screwed on a sale I will be done with EBay 

Message 40 of 61
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Managed Payments not depositing. Really mad.

@daisy..d wrote:

Wow that was a lot of info @atoz4u . The point I am making is that when I get paid for a sale now with mp it doesn’t show up anywhere. My item sold May 1st and I can’t even see a pending deposit. My money in PayPal was showing instantly. So when you make a sale you just take Ebays word ship now? I always checked PayPal before shipping to assure I was paid. This is not like working on a budget. I guess you can’t spend your money because it isn’t there. We should be able to at least see a pending deposit. So my item was shipped days ago and I’m just hoping I was actually paid. How do sellers keep track of 100s of sales? It does seem funny EBay is still accepting PayPal to get there money for monthly fees. So are we supposed to wait to ship until the money is in the bank? Wow that would be days!!!! I normally ship same day or next day. The first time I get screwed on a sale I will be done with EBay 

YEP! Like you, I ALWAYS check PP and verify the payment and money is there, before I ship out.  I guess eBay wants you to ship before you see any money in your account in MP, and that's an "IF" there will be any, like if somehow the buyer's funds turns out like a bad apple. 


Some sellers say to increase the handling time???  Like what? 10 days??  As I see it right now, MP (Not on it, and will not be selling via MP) has a processing time for daily deposits of 2 days, then anywhere from 1 to 3 days processing time at your financial institution. So, the money could be at worst 5 days total handling time for daily deposits? I like to have a cushion, even with INSTANT PP money, my handling time is at 3 days. Even though I ship out same or next day, I always give myself a cushion and always overestimate the time frame to my buyers.  So I would have to select the 8 to 10 day handling time for MP??? I don't think so... it's a "NO GO" for me on MP.




FEAR and Anxiety!!🤔

Message 41 of 61
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Managed Payments not depositing. Really mad.

@daisy..d wrote:

Wow that was a lot of info @atoz4u . The point I am making is that when I get paid for a sale now with mp it doesn’t show up anywhere. My item sold May 1st and I can’t even see a pending deposit. My money in PayPal was showing instantly. So when you make a sale you just take Ebays word ship now? I always checked PayPal before shipping to assure I was paid. This is not like working on a budget. I guess you can’t spend your money because it isn’t there. We should be able to at least see a pending deposit. So my item was shipped days ago and I’m just hoping I was actually paid. How do sellers keep track of 100s of sales? It does seem funny EBay is still accepting PayPal to get there money for monthly fees. So are we supposed to wait to ship until the money is in the bank? Wow that would be days!!!! I normally ship same day or next day. The first time I get screwed on a sale I will be done with EBay 




You are assuming there is no info available to you.  Have you done any research on this?  Or because you don't know where to look you are assuming the info doesn't exist.  You just need to go to your Seller Hub and then the Payments Tab.  Look at each section as there is a lot of information there in various forms.  


" It does seem funny EBay is still accepting PayPal to get there money for monthly fees. "  What does this mean?  PP doesn't charge a monthly fee nor does Ebay charge a monthly fee for using PP.  


For all sellers not yet in MP, yes they can still use MP.  For all buyers, PP remains a payment option for them whether the seller is in MP or not.  The seller in MP will NOT have to pay ANY PP fees.


You need to do some homework.  You assume WAY TOO MUCH!!



mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 42 of 61
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Managed Payments not depositing. Really mad.

Shag182 yes I have looked at all of that in the payments in seller hub. so just because EBay says I was paid and transaction is complete doesn’t mean I got paid. Still no sign of money deposited in my checking account.

Message 43 of 61
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Managed Payments not depositing. Really mad.

@daisy..d wrote:

Shag182 yes I have looked at all of that in the payments in seller hub. so just because EBay says I was paid and transaction is complete doesn’t mean I got paid. Still no sign of money deposited in my checking account.



The process in MP is what the process is.  Whether you like it or not or if I like it or not.


The buyer has PAID as soon as they submit their payment.  A buyer can not adjust, cancel or otherwise mess with a payment once they have made it.  They can't do this in MP just like they never were able to do it in PP.


I explained the process in detail in my previous post.  Whether or not you agree with it or like it isn't the issue.


Is your concern over the sale you had on April 24th or May 1st?

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 44 of 61
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Managed Payments not depositing. Really mad.

@daisy..d wrote:

Wow that was a lot of info @atoz4u . The point I am making is that when I get paid for a sale now with mp it doesn’t show up anywhere. My item sold May 1st and I can’t even see a pending deposit. My money in PayPal was showing instantly. So when you make a sale you just take Ebays word ship now? I always checked PayPal before shipping to assure I was paid. This is not like working on a budget. I guess you can’t spend your money because it isn’t there. We should be able to at least see a pending deposit. So my item was shipped days ago and I’m just hoping I was actually paid. How do sellers keep track of 100s of sales? It does seem funny EBay is still accepting PayPal to get there money for monthly fees. So are we supposed to wait to ship until the money is in the bank? Wow that would be days!!!! I normally ship same day or next day. The first time I get screwed on a sale I will be done with EBay 

Click on "payments" to see the status. 

Message 45 of 61
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