11-17-2020 09:52 AM
Why is it that Ebay will give me access to my funds immediately, to pay for postage and refunds, yet they are keeping the rest of the payment for AT LEAST 2 more days? How is that acceptable?
11-17-2020 10:00 AM
If you're in MP, it takes a couple days for the payment to process, before Ebay receives the funds.
11-17-2020 03:10 PM
Well they don't exactly.
MP allows you to pay for shipping charges through your funds in MP. It will go against your Available Funds. That may or may not put your Available funds into a negative balance from time to time. MP will not ask you to fund that negative balance as long as your Pending funds exceed the amount of the negative balance that is for shipping labels. As your money moves from Pending to Available, it will cover the negative balance.
In other words, they are fronting us the money for shipping.
Money clears in 1-2 days for MP and PP. The process isn't different for PP. PP just front us the money right away for the entire purchase, MP isn't doing that. PP is a wallet, MP is not. There are many differences between the programs. MP is what we have to deal with and learn to adapt to. We won't be going back to PP. It is a harsh truth, but it is the truth.