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Autopay should be removed totally

When Ebay is going to remove this violation of freedom and dictatorship to buyers? I know, that this autopay options located on seller's account. What is about buyers? Buyers and sellers complain on this autopay. Unable to make a combined shipping, unable to use all convenient features of Paypal, unable to make own choice how to pay. Sellers complained about reduced numbers of offers, buyers complained about missing auctions for last second bid because requirement of payment selection takes time and auction lost. Even totally removed payment method, Ebay still charges autopay without payment method, means without my consent which payment method I want to use. I make much less offers and less bidding in auction, because of this annoying request. I am thinking that I am very bad buyer and will not pay any item without autopay. I am buyer on Ebay for more than 10 years and never had issue with payment, but now, Ebay humiliates all good buyers by this inconvenient feature. 

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Autopay should be removed totally

   Well I rather like auto pay. I put in my max bid and don't have to bother with it anymore. I almost always am bidding on one item though so no combined shipping problems. I don't feel humiliated at all, so when you say buyers (plural) you mean

   I prefer have one payment option so I like auto pay. My choice so no one took any choices away from me. I just check my purchases when I get around to it and it's either there or not. So much easier for me.

Message 2 of 10
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Autopay should be removed totally



I do not do auctions and know nothing about them -- other than the fact that they do not seem to be in fashion these days.


Maybe eBay is trying to make auctions sufficiently unpalatable so that they can eventually be removed altogether?

eBay seller since 1999. This is a posting ID.
Message 3 of 10
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Autopay should be removed totally

"When Ebay is going to remove this violation of freedom and dictatorship to buyers?"

Violation of freedom?  Dictatorship?  


A couple of other points in your stream-of-consciousness:  eBay Buyers are definitely allowed to pay with their PayPal accounts.  

eBay also offers convenience to buyers in allowing buyers to save various payment methods, including credit cards, a debit card that is attached to a checking account, PayPal, Google Pay, and other similar methods. 


When an eBay buyer decides to buy something from an eBay seller, the buyer is prompted to choose a payment method.  One difficulty that might arise for a buyer is trying to remember which four-digit number belongs to which card or account:  "Is 1234 my Bank of America credit card?  Is 5678 my Discover Card?  Is 0987 my debit card?"  


Kinda makes me wonder -- do you carry cash/payment cards/checks with you when you go shopping in person at your local grocery store or Walmart or Home Depot?  When the cashier tells you your total price, do you just kind of stare blankly and wonder why they are asking you for money?  



Message 4 of 10
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Autopay should be removed totally

You know, when I pay for the item, I can use Paypal features 1-split payment, 2-pay by installments, 3-pay by Paypall credits, or make choice which credit cards I need to use at this time. With autopay I cannot use all of those features. It requests me only one way to pay, which maybe not very useful at this time. I hate to make a bid, if required to choose payment method. I like to make bid in last couple second. This save me money. But because the request for choosing payment method takes my time, I lost several items already. I do not like to make max bid, because I do not know if I am ready to pay this amount for the item, need to participate in auction and see what is going on. When I go shopping and cashier asks me to pay, I have choice, how to pay, partially by cash, by credit card, or by other way to pay. In grossery I can pay by 2-3-5 cards, and no cashier, no owner of the store dictates me how I must pay. They are not requested to choose payment method, when I put items into cart. Is that clear? Or you need more explanation to avoid you stare blanky on all the above? 

Message 5 of 10
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Autopay should be removed totally

I read oppinions from other buyer, many of them agree with my oppinion, maybe they just expressed in different words, that is response on your "plural" means only me. Please review many comments for other related topics on this place. Usually, I buy several items, and definitely expect combined shipping. That is what I believe, Ebay should put this option for autopay on the buyer accounts, not to on the sellers. If you like autopay, make your choice and use this feature. If I hate it, I should have ability to get rid of it. 

Message 6 of 10
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Autopay should be removed totally

I agree with you, today, with autopay, it very annoying to participate in auctions or make an offers. Usually, I purchased 8-12 items per month, I am a doll's collector. In January I purhased only 2, in February-did not buy anything yet.  I have some interesting things on my watch list, but when I try to make an offer, it requested me to choose payment method, I just cancel it. I am looking for similar items on other auctions or sale place. 

Message 7 of 10
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Autopay should be removed totally

   " I do not like to make max bid, because I do not know if I am ready to pay this amount for the item, need to participate in auction and see what is going on."

   I look at the bidding history of the auction and place my max bid late (not in the last few seconds) as to not draw attention or start a bidding war with someone. I often win an auction way below my max bid, other times I lose out to someone who is willing to spend more. I never put in a max bid I'm not willing to pay if I win.

Message 8 of 10
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Autopay should be removed totally

   Either way I was just saying how it works for me, not everybody. I was just expressing that not everyone hates it.

Message 9 of 10
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Autopay should be removed totally

Absolutely agree with you, one person totally different from another person and both of them have different priorities. That what I try to bring to Ebay. Everybody must have options according to the priorities of each other. It must be button "Turn on/off autopay". On buyer account. I can use autopay if I bid or send offers for items with small price, but if I need to buy more expensive item, I should have ability to make my own choice, how to pay: by credit card, by installments, by credit line, or splitting payment. Sometime I must make such choice. 

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