07-28-2021 12:27 PM
OMG I am beyond frustrated with ebay at this point. I have been trying to get my managed payments account verified for 2 weeks now. First they couldnt verify because my name is Josh and they needed it to say Joshua. So I provided a bank account that stated Joshua. Then that wasnt good enough because I do not have my middle name on my bank account, only on my ID. So now I'm stuck trying to get a bank account that allows middle names or trying to get my bank account to change my name so it includes my middle name on my drivers license. Then I have to wait 10 business days to have them verify all this info. Meanwhile I'm selling things like crazy and cant access any of my money. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO. I HATE managed payments they should have stayed with paypal.
07-28-2021 12:36 PM
Might want to put your listings in Time Away unless you can afford to keep shipping with no money coming in. There's no guarantee that they'll get in straightened out in 10 days. Odds are, it'll be longer than that.
07-28-2021 12:39 PM
Bank account should, be exactly like your information is on ebay.
Also when contacting ebay ask for a payment specialist..
07-28-2021 12:43 PM
When they catch you selling toilet paper, you might not have to worry about Managed Payments.
07-28-2021 12:57 PM
Many of the MP issues are the result of new online only 'banks'. Folks are opening and closing accounts. I used my 40 yr old account from a large bank and was up and registered in about three minutes. No small deposits etc.
07-28-2021 02:07 PM
When I set up my account I was concerned as the bank account had a longer version of my first name than my ebay account but when I set up my managed payment account, I was able to change my name there so that it matched my bank account. You might want to try going to payouts/payout settings/edit/change bank and set up the information for your bank account....somewhere in that process I was given a chance to change my name to match my bank account.
Changing my name in my ebay info didn't carry through..I had to change it directly in my managed payments account. Actually...is ebay not able to change that info for you?
07-30-2021 02:59 AM
Apparently not, lol. I changed it myself they told me to. But the problem is my ID has my middle name and my bank does not. So they are giving me **bleep** over the ID now. I'm trying to get my bank to add my middle name to my account but its a process. This is ridiculous
07-30-2021 09:20 AM
I signed up 12 accounts and never had to give them my ID. Wonder why they made you give one? Usually you only have to change the name on your eBay account to agree with your bank account.