02-20-2023 02:49 PM
I just started about 3 weeks ago and have about 40 listings. I've only had like 4 offers, that I accepted and the buyers just never pay! I reach out, I remind them, and nothing. I haven't had any actual sales...what the heck??
02-20-2023 02:55 PM
You're getting scammers because you are offering best offers or you did not check off "immediate payment required." You're a new seller and a scammer magnet. Drop the best offers and just list items buy it now, immediate payment required checked off and NO best offers. You'll get more serious buyers that way.
Good luck and Happy Selling.
02-20-2023 03:15 PM
Thank you! I just saw a video about the immediate payment required, so I'll definitely make sure that's on and I'll switch to all buy it now. I figured I was a scammer magnet being new - such a pain!
02-20-2023 03:22 PM
We see it here daily in multiples from new sellers. You've got a nice shop and it's set up well. You'll do fine.
Happy Selling.
02-20-2023 03:24 PM
I appreciate that, thank you!
03-10-2023 01:01 PM
I agree. Well setup! Avoid Best offers, disclose calculated shipping at reasonable costs. Like a real ecommerce store.
Perhaps it's me being an older Gen-X guy but products for young folks seem more susceptible to young folks not following through with a purchase and expecting 'Amazon Return' policies that let them essentially try out things at home and return anything for any reason. Please forgive the unintentional ageism, I was young once too.
I hear that sellers of certain products have to build in a 25% markup to cover return/loss overhead. Wish it wasnt so. Best of luck to you selling products. Integrity and Honesty do win out in the end, even if you are the only winner!