01-11-2023 02:34 PM
I wanted to try listing from my 2015 MacBook Pro, and yet when I do, about 25-50% of the pictures come out terribly distorted. This never happens when I use the mobile app. I'm wondering what can be done to fix this and why it seems to affect some images and not others.
The listing in question: Main Photo looks like David Lynch ran it through one of his artsy filters, but the other three pictures look fine.
Saturday Night Live: The Best of Eddie Murphy Pre-Owned DVD, VG con...
01-24-2023 08:00 AM
This is happening to me, too. Not on my listings, but when I tried to upload pictures to one of the featured categories on the "Manage My Store" page, two of the three images look fine on my laptop but have wavy stripes across them on eBay.
Also using a MacBook - 2020 Air version.
02-02-2023 03:35 PM
I just started having a similar issue. I take photos of my items using my iPhone. I then airdrop them to my 2021 Mac mini. Photos look fine on the iPhone and on the Mac. I drag and drop them to my listing and 1 or more of the photos are distorted such that the image is "stretched" into a parallelogram rather than a rectangle...if that makes sense. I have tried retaking photos of the ones that were distorted. Sometimes the new photo loads properly and sometimes it doesn't. I have tried uploading on Safari and Chrome with the same result. This is quite annoying and time consuming so a fix would be greatly appreciated.
02-28-2023 01:14 PM
Same issue! This is an example of what I'm tying to sell. I took shots of my laptop screen with my iphone. Then tried to upload the on my desktop.
02-28-2023 10:38 PM
An update on my experience. I basically determined the following:
1. When I take photos using my iPhone they almost always rotate 90 degrees. Every once in a while if I take a sequence of say 12 photos, 6 will rotate and 6 will not.
2. When #1 happens, I edit the photos on my iphone to correct the rotation.
3. I then airdrop the photos to my mini. They look fine.
4. I drag and drop them into my listing on ebay. Most (but not all) load distorted.
5. I have found that if I DON'T edit them on my iphone before airdropping them there is no problem loading them to eBay.
Go figure that one out!
11-29-2023 10:42 AM
Featured categories are 300 x 300 pixels. When you resize and then actually add photo after clicking "DONE" the photo is no longer distorted. I think the banner is 640 pixels.