03-13-2025 03:46 PM
The absolute best tall tale that I have EVER heard on the eBay board was someone who claimed that their uncle "special ordered" a 1977 Chevrolet Caprice Classic with a 454 V8 engine.
Back in the day I debated such nonsense as the EPA never certified a 454 V8 engine in that vehicle. The opt engine was a 350 4-bbl at 170 HP. Of course, this debate led to an endless rebuttal of my FACTS as the person on the other end wanted to believe their own lies.
I read a lot of message boards these days for the pure entertainment value. A couple of years ago I was on a board where a genius posted where his inline 6-cylinder Chevy engine with dual carburetors was "dangerous". I disagreed and informed them that more carbs might increase the total airflow but won't have a significant impact on horsepower on an old low-compression Chevy 250 engine. I got kicked off the board and who cares? Another group of George, Barney and Elmer who believe their own lies.
Instead of trying to hop up some old tired Chevy engine, buy a Mercedes and see what true power is all about. Then, junk your old Chevy.
03-13-2025 03:50 PM
Sorry, but I'll stick to my old Firebird with a 400.
Wouldn't have a Mercedes.
03-13-2025 03:52 PM
Once you drive a Mercedes, you'll junk that old Firebird.
03-13-2025 03:53 PM
Not a chance.
03-13-2025 04:01 PM
No, wouldn't give this up for some ugly Mercedes.
03-13-2025 04:32 PM
I switched from Lincoln to Mercedes in 2000 - never looked back. Nothing better. Drove them all, Mercedes is the way to go.
03-14-2025 09:23 AM