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coffe table train

Pete, Thought of you when I saw this. Maybe it will give you some ideas! Gene
Message 1 of 58
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coffe table train

just razzin ya 😉
Message 31 of 58
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coffe table train

I took another look at it today and don't like it. Too busy. Looks like a can of worms. Back to the drawing board.
Message 32 of 58
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coffe table train

Pete, This site uses Kato track but the N Scale plans can be adapted to other types. Maybe give you some ideas like it did to me. Gene
Message 33 of 58
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coffe table train

Go to N Scale and scroll down to track plans
Message 34 of 58
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coffe table train

Thanks Gene, A couple may have some basis for expansion. Maybe I should take a week off from this designing and get back to building something. B-)
Message 35 of 58
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coffe table train

I finally settled on the first layout I copied from a plan book. I have modified it a little, but the plan is mostly like the picture. I did make it 3'x6' though. I'm going to order the benck work from Seivers soon. Meanwhile, back to the big layout...... B-)
Message 36 of 58
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coffe table train

Holy Guacomole Batman!!! That sure is an ambitious plan. At least you have a variety and can even have a train running continuously. Can you say switches and turnouts!!! Gene
Message 37 of 58
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coffe table train

With the small changes I made to the plan, not shown, I can run two trains continuously or one running and the other doing some switching or both switching. It's busy but I hope to get it going sometime this summer. Need to save some gelt first. The grades will be very steep and the trains will be short. Two Shays are the primary motive power. And as you can see there are lots of trestles. I love trestles. B-)
Message 38 of 58
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coffe table train

I really like that design a lot Pete. It has the oval that you want but can be still run like a point to point and has a good share of switching for its size to keep it interesting and fun. Scenery will be fun as well. the design reminds me a lot of the "101 trackplan" book by wescott is it? I always liked flipping thru it looking at the diagrams witht he scenery drawn in. dave
Message 39 of 58
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coffe table train

This plan comes from "Track Planning Ideas from MR" 1981, long out of print. What I did was take the extreme right side loop and drop it down to the track that goes into the engine house at the bottom. Then I added a cross-over with two turnouts just to the right of the word Buckley next to the turnout at the building marked "D". The coaling tower moves to the right and the ash pit is eliminated. The result is that I can run two trains continuously without throwing a lot of toggle switches because I have created a crossover without that common section in the original plan. Using a dual transformer and an Atlas Controller, I can run both trains all over the place. The scenery will be a challenge here as the grades are steep as I said, but it is only a "come-on" for the big one in the basement. I have to figure out a drawer arrangement for the transformer and controls and I am having Seivers make me some special legs that are shorter than their usual ones as I need to get this under the wall mounted On30. The height will be 30", plus whatever size wheels I put on it. Using the Seivers benchwork, like the big layout, I can have a lot of negative scenery if I want or need it. It is still a dream so to speak. Not much room for a lot of cars, but it should be fun anyway. Would you believe the plan book says this can be done in N scale in a 2'x4' space? Maximum radius 9". I tried it and "no way Jose!". Plan books lie! This N scale rendition is based on the TT scale version; and it barely works. TheDesignFadda
Message 40 of 58
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coffe table train

Here it is guys. Full size. I drew it out and had it printed today. You can now see how I relocated that right side track I was talking about above, and just for fun I laid out several trains for you to get the feel of the size of it. I still can't believe the design of this was for a 2'x4' coffee table. No way! This is 3'x6' and still crowded. There is just over a scale mile of mainline and about 3/4 of a mile of sidings and spurs. I won't be running four trains at once like the picture, just two. I also think I have to decide if I want to make it a roll away or use fold up legs for storage on its side and I still have to design a drawer for the controls. So much to do and so little me! B-)
Message 41 of 58
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coffe table train

Lookin good Pete!!! Doug
Message 42 of 58
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coffe table train

Message 43 of 58
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coffe table train

Busy is the word....this will have some "negative scenery" below the benchwork to make the gorges deeper. B-)
Message 44 of 58
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coffe table train

I finally found the perfect layout for me. It is beautifully scenicked and has lots of trees too. Wow! I'm really impressed! My problems are now solved. :D
Message 45 of 58
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