09-27-2017 02:14 PM
When using Chrome on an Andriod phone(6.x), I click 'switch to classic view' first thing(which works only for that page), but any subsequent pages get tossed back into the junk kiddie mobile pages.
When can we get this fixed?
No, it's not an ebay app question(because my phone will never see that app), but I was asked to post this question here by Heidi because supposedly this board may see an ebay employee answer.
05-07-2019 07:33 PM
As long as you open new links in the same browser tab, that tab should stay in desktop mode once selected. You may have to re-request the desktop site once in a while when the browser updates versions or if you clear your cache.
Opening a new tab will default to the mobile site for the new tab, unless you specifically request the desktop site again.
If you find that selecting eBay links in your browser winds up opening the link in the app, there is a toggle under Settings: Apps: eBay: "Open supported links": "Don't open in this app" that can undo that.