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Welcome to OCTOBER Chat to be continued until December











Well October is finally here!!  Does that mean some cooler temps are soon to follow?????  ( DID hear me say that!  Cat Very Happy  Much as I love summer & don`t mind the heat..even I am ready for a change! 


So, come sit a spell, grab a cup of cider & take a load off! 


As we do not have any seasonal color  change here in SC (NC got it all  lol)  I imported my own!  I now have my own fall colors & no longer have a bare wall!  (I also got a snow scene for later  lol) 








~~~Sarah~~~There's only ONE bad day when you love an animal
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126 REPLIES 126

Re: Welcome to OCTOBER Chat

It's good to hear everything was ok in your world too . 


Yes I know exactly what you mean . My word it must have been the most humid summer in years , it actually Is a relief to feel that nip in the air , I think we all could use some autumn air . I'm like you though and I just don't like winter . 


Glad to know some things never change and you are still canning and cooking . I'm sure your neighbors LOVE you ! All 3 of those applesauces sound divine . Can't decide which one sounds best . 


It's good to be back among friends . I always think about everyone here on the boards . Have a great evening ! 


Message 31 of 127
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Re: Welcome to OCTOBER Chat

LOl  Not that I`m fashion model material..but I would have for sure gotten fired, as I would have HAD to  stop & play with it!

~~~Sarah~~~There's only ONE bad day when you love an animal
Message 32 of 127
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Re: Welcome to OCTOBER Chat

Eeeeeek that is so cute . How on earth did those girls just walk on by like nothing was there ? You can see the one model with the dark hair crack a smile but the rest are just stepping over the kitty . The audience started watching the cat instead of the models . I'm with you , I wish one of them would have showed their human side and played with the little guy . 

Message 33 of 127
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Re: Welcome to OCTOBER Chat

And of course the cat was cleaning its nether regions when the models came out. Classic cat behavior. 😄 😺

Message 34 of 127
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Re: Welcome to OCTOBER Chat

It's a good thing the cat showed up. Those clothes were terrible, kitty was need to save the day.
Message 35 of 127
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Re: Welcome to OCTOBER Chat

THIS IS A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT - brought to you my your fun loving board monitor. 🙂 


Since October was a slow month, I have taken the liberty of extending this chat until the end of December, unless Sarah says different.

Though the beauty may be in the butterfly, the struggle and growth occur in the cocoon.
Message 36 of 127
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Re: Welcome to OCTOBER Chat

Works for me...thank ya Sandy. 


Feel free to change the title to reflect if ya can Cat Very Happy

~~~Sarah~~~There's only ONE bad day when you love an animal
Message 37 of 127
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Re: Welcome to OCTOBER Chat

Smiley Embarassed   Guess it pays to refrsh your browser sometimes   Smiley Embarassed

~~~Sarah~~~There's only ONE bad day when you love an animal
Message 38 of 127
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Re: Welcome to OCTOBER Chat

LOL.  If you look under the date of your first post, you will see where I edited  the title.  When ever I edit anything it will show.


Though the beauty may be in the butterfly, the struggle and growth occur in the cocoon.
Message 39 of 127
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Re: Welcome to OCTOBER Chat

Forgive me for asking a possibly silly question, but how long does it take you to can that much stock, what do you use to make stock with, and how big is your pot?


I've been making stock for decades in the crockpot using bones and leftover fat from grocery store chickens, but that would be a couple crock pots worth for me just in the chicken stock.  I'm trying to wrap my mind around the logistics of it all.


Anyone here in California?  Everyone okay?  These fires get more terrifying every year.  I'm fine.  We're lucky up here at 6,700 feet.  When people in the flats get the Santa Ana winds we just get cold temperatures.  The high today was 49.  Still, that beats the hell out of 40mph winds any day.

Message 40 of 127
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Re: Welcome to OCTOBER Chat

LOL.  This is a have on the shelf /ready thing for me..made strictly from soup bases to Better Than Bullion. 


My idea behind it is simple..its on the shelf & ready to go in a minute. If we have no power..easier to warm some ready to go broth on the grill that try & boil water & make it.


On a cold chilly day..ya want something hot but not coffee or tea..zap a cup in the microwave..ready to go.


Needed to make some soup for a shut in this week..pulled  almost all the ingredients from my pantry and took her some Stuffed Pepper Soup...Only thing I did not have was the green peppers and that`s cause I did not get any in freezer I had to buy some


To try & make that amount of Bone way..NOT gonna happen.  That`s a TON of work & for such a small amount to have.   It might be very healthy for you, but..I`m all about convenience on this one!  lol


Still canning..did 16 pints of sausage this week....hoping to can some sliced apples next week...maybe some apple pie filling.    Am getting close to the end of items I wanna can this year.   French Onion Soup might be next, tho


Hungry yet??? Cat Very Happy


Hope all our joolies here that  are in CA  are safe from the fires sad.

~~~Sarah~~~There's only ONE bad day when you love an animal
Message 41 of 127
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Re: Welcome to OCTOBER Chat

Yes I am hungry Sarah !!!


Good thing I just made dinner . I had a salad with a homemade creamy apple cider vinaigrette and since I've really been into roasting veggies this fall ....I also had salt , pepper , and garlic roasted sweet potatoes and beets with cumin , smoked paprika cauliflower . The flavor combo was A-mazing ! Best part is I made extra so I can have more later . 😄


Something really has me sitting here shaking my head and I wanted to share ...


Some of you know , I like to sell dresses so instead of yard sales this week , I went thrifting . First place I went was a Goodwill where I always score good vintage dresses . They had 2 jewelry jars soooo I asked to look at them . One was very colorful because it was full of plastic Mardi Gras beads . Second one could not have looked more full of broken , junky jewelry . Nothing in either jar caught my attention , but I couldn't help myself and I asked how much ........


$69.99 a piece !!!! Seriously ? Come on . Are people actually paying that ? For junk and plastic ? They must be or else why on earth would that be the price ? I was blown away . How much are they in your area and do they look good ?


Mermaid 🐳



Message 42 of 127
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Re: Welcome to OCTOBER Chat

One of the GWs here occasionally has bags of stuff but it appears to be a bunch of junky new stuff that they obviously hadn't a hope in hell of selling for $20 apiece. Asking price? $49.99 !  Another "independent" thrift store sometimes has bags and they all seem to be priced at about $45. Haven't bought one so I don't know for sure, but based on the jewelry they actually put out in the display cases, those bags are probably full of relatively new Chinese-made **bleep** that broke before it was ever merchandised at Claire's.


A place I stop in occasionally handles estate sale leftovers. They never have much in the way of jewelry, but I've found a few pieces of glass and some cheap CDs and DVDs.  So anyway --- the last time I went in several weeks ago I started out kind of excited because there were 15 to 20 large jars of miscellaneous jewelry on one of the tables. I looked at each of them and was SOOOOO disappointed that the jars' contents were 99% very "blah" new-ish things, and a lot of those were broken. I fix broken jewelry when I can, but even the broken pieces in those jars wouldn't have netted me anything useable for parts or stones. Price of the jars?  $30 each.


If anyone here is in need of Mardi Gras beads I have oodles. I'm happy to share for the price of postage to get them to you.



Message 43 of 127
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Re: Welcome to OCTOBER Chat

Good to know I'm not alone . 


I will say about 3 years ago I bought a jar from the same Goodwill for $ 7.99 . There were 2 vintage rhinestone brooches in it that caught my eye . There was a delicate Italian 18 K white gold multi strand necklace in it . Took me forever to get it untangled , but I finally did . Yayyy  me ! 


Those were the days 😄

Message 44 of 127
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Re: Welcome to OCTOBER Chat

P.S. I'm good on the Mardi Gras beads . Lol 🤣

I did come across some cool old Mardi Gras coins at a yard sale . They were pretty metallic colors and had really cool pictures on them . A mermaid , Neptune , Indian chief , etc . I actually got them . Hmmmmm now where did I put those ? 

Message 45 of 127
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