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October Chat Already? Where has the time gone?!?

Go sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here.

As Good as It Gets I absolutely love this movie
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125 REPLIES 125

Re: October Chat Already? Where has the time gone?!?

Maybe we can get Mermaid to give us the insider's tour! 

Message 16 of 126
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Re: October Chat Already? Where has the time gone?!?

sounds like a plan!
Go sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here.

As Good as It Gets I absolutely love this movie
Message 17 of 126
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Re: October Chat Already? Where has the time gone?!?

I would love to go with y'all . That would be super fun !  


Looks like the winery was opened to the public in 1985 . I know they struggled with what grapes would grow well in NC at first . Then they brought in an expert from France and have had much more success with Biltmore wines since .


The Bistro that I worked at had a food garden which I helped plant while I was there . They served 3 meals a day for the employees plus snacks throughout the day . The food was amazing ! It was a wonderful place to work . 


Asheville is all grown up now . It's " THE HIP " place to visit in the southeast . The downtown has changed soooo much since I lived there . Everything is very expensive now . It's not the quaint , artistic mountain town I remember.


I worked in the heart of downtown for 2 years as well at a restaurant called Cafe on the square . It was really fun . There were several famous guests that visited while I was there including Andie McDowell , Ben Afleck , and several musicians . Burt of Burts bees fame was a regular . He even put the owner of the restaurant on his line of skincare for mature women , her picture and all . This was before Burts Bees really took off . 


The best story from when I worked downtown was when the one and only Robert Redford came to visit ! The owner Tracy was beside herself . He was her idol when growing up . I had never seen her so nervous or star struck ! I'll never forget it . 


Ok Im just rambling with sentimental memories now , but I just wanted to share . 


Im a little nervous about hurricane Matthew which is headed our way . People are saying it's really nasty and they have a bad feeling about it . 


I hope everyone is having a great Tuesday ! 


Mermaid 🐳

Message 18 of 126
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Re: October Chat Already? Where has the time gone?!?

S.C. Governor Haley has closed the schools along the coast starting tomorrow and calling for an early evacuation along the coast . Hurricane Matthew is getting scary . 


Sarah , I'm getting nervous ! 



Message 19 of 126
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Re: October Chat Already? Where has the time gone?!?



@southernmermaid8 wrote:

S.C. Governor Haley has closed the schools along the coast starting tomorrow and calling for an early evacuation along the coast . Hurricane Matthew is getting scary . 


Sarah , I'm getting nervous ! 



Awwww..I imagine you are.  Hopefully they will be wrong in their predictions..still too soon to could turn away.


We`re far enough inland..doesn`t look like we`ll get much wind or rain from it.  (tornado spawns I worry about more than anything)  


I forget which hurricane it was  (sometime around 1996/97/98?) I saw business boarding up windows here..that was kinda nervewracking as we were told Newberry was far enough inland to have no problems.  Thankfully nothing happened that time.


Do you have a place to go if you have to evacuate? I have a spare bed if ya need a place to hunker down. Cat Happy  Just lemme`re welcome to ride  it out here

~~~Sarah~~~There's only ONE bad day when you love an animal
Message 20 of 126
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Re: October Chat Already? Where has the time gone?!?

You are so thoughtful and caring Sarah . I'm going to stay with my Mom and Dad . They live about 20 minutes off the coast by Coastal Carolina university . If it gets real bad , I might change my mind ! 


Went to get gas a second ago and there is already a major traffic jam and the station was out of gas . People are panicking and trying to beat the mandatory evacuation ( maybe tomorrow or Thursday ) and traffic jam and creating an earlier one ! 



Message 21 of 126
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Re: October Chat Already? Where has the time gone?!?

Well just be safe..wherever ya wind up.  But the offer stands..anytime (rain or shine!) Cat Very Happy

~~~Sarah~~~There's only ONE bad day when you love an animal
Message 22 of 126
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Re: October Chat Already? Where has the time gone?!?

Thanks Sarah !!! 

Update ....traffic has died down. Went back out to go down the street and binge watch Netflix with a friend . Noticed a gas semi at the gas station and was able to fill up !!! Got some water and hurricane food at  the grocery. . Thing's are looking up .


Message 23 of 126
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Re: October Chat Already? Where has the time gone?!?

Thanks Sarah !!! 

Update ....traffic has died down. Went back out to go down the street and binge watch Netflix with a friend . Noticed a gas semi at the gas station and was able to fill up !!! Got some water and hurricane food at  the grocery. . Thing's are looking up .


Message 24 of 126
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Re: October Chat Already? Where has the time gone?!?

Batten down the hatches! I got my scuba gear ready! Man the stores were like the apocalypse had happened Crazy
Go sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here.

As Good as It Gets I absolutely love this movie
Message 25 of 126
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Re: October Chat Already? Where has the time gone?!?

Stay safe everyone!!


THe weather is just fabulous! Supposed to rain (thunderstorms) today, and it did rain for about 15 mins earlier...but now the sun is shining! Our high today is around 80° and I'll take that for the first week of October! 🙂 I don't mind it cooling off I just don't want to go from 90 to 50 in one day! HAHA


Fall harvest season is in high gear...which means my body is busy producing more snot that should be humanly possible! HAHA However, I did find (finally) a drug that actually works and doesn't make me sleepy! And I've been using my nasocort faithfully and I think that helps big time! 🙂


I can't remember if I told you guys about my printer problems, but a week ago on Monday when I came to work I had no printer. It's multi function printer, scanner, copier, fax machine. It didn't do anything, but copy! Called my comm center/tech support and they did a few things, sent me on to my print support team and they did a few things. Decided it's the main mother board and so will have HP (leased thru) send out a tech to repair. No call on tuesday, so I call, and print support says you'll either get a call saying when the repair tech will be there or they'll ship you a new printer. Finally late on tuesday I get a call from HP the repair tech will be here on Wednesday. Okie dokie. Repair tech shows up wednesday at about 9:45 and is here until almost noon. He was not here to fix it, he was just hear to troubleshoot it. Say what? At this point i've been without a printer for three days and it's getting really frustrating! Repair tech says they are shipping me a new main mother board and it will be here on Thursday but he can't come back until Friday. I said can they send another repair tech on Thursday? No, they cannot. My printer guy calls me Thursday afternoon, is your printer fixed? um, no, no it's not. So I give him the whole run down of what's happened and he was under the impression that the repair guy was here on Wednesday to fix it! So the repair tech calls me early Friday am and says i'll be there between 11:30 and noon. My lunch is noon to 1. Normally I'd just say I'll take lunch after repair tech leaves, but i told bossman when he came in that i'd like to go to lunch 11 to noon, bossman thought that was just fine and I'm SO glad I did. Repair tech showed up at 12:30...and stayed until 5 pm! I stayed here until 5:45 because I was waiting on my print support to call me back to set up the fax and the scan. I called them at about 5 when the repair tech was leaving and they said they'd call me back in 10 or 15 mins...I waited almost 45 for them to call me and they never did so I left. When I got to work Monday am, there was a voicemail from the print support dude who was a tad cranky that I wasn't still here at 6pm on Friday evening when he called. So I became the snarky side of I informed him that my office closed at 4:30 each day and I stayed until 5:45 giving him an additional 30 mins to call me back when he said he'd call me in 10 to basically get over being cranky. How I was to know that you would even call me back? I was not a happy camper. In fact, i'm still not!


I still cannot fax. I can print, scan and copy, but still no faxing. Repair tech was supposed to be here yesterday and he was a no show/no call. At this point in time, I'm pretty much over this multi-function printer! LMAO



Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 26 of 126
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Re: October Chat Already? Where has the time gone?!?

Doncha just love electronics, fredi!  Smiley Tongue

~~~Sarah~~~There's only ONE bad day when you love an animal
Message 27 of 126
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Re: October Chat Already? Where has the time gone?!?

Sarah, I love electronics about as much as I'd love hugging a porcupine! LMAO


Seriously! my print support dude calls right before noon, the repair tech should be calling you shortly and letting you know when they'll be showing up. Go to lunch come back, no voicemail from repair tech. around 2pm i get a phone call from HP 2nd level printer support. This dude doesn't speak english as a first language...or a 2nd...and possibly not even as a 3rd! He was hard to understand. And he didn't understand me very well either from what I can tell. Wanted to know why there's no phone line plugged into the printer...uh cuz all phone calls (including faxes) are done over VOIP. Then he wanted me to download and install software into my computer. I say I can't do that I'm not the admin on this computer. He says you are not the admin? nope, I'm not. So you can't insall this software? nope, i'm not the admin. Why are you not the admin? cuz i don't own it, my company does. Are you sure you can't install this software? nope, I cannot install this software. Ok, so go to the ip address on the printer. Ok, sure I can't do that, but when I get it opened in my browser it shows me a list of things I can do/change, but again, I'm not the admin, so i'm locked out of it all. You cannot look at the fax settings? NO I'M NOT THE ADMIN, I'M LOCKED OUT OF EVERYTHING. He finally says he'll call me back tomorrow. I say okie dokie and hang up and call MY print support, who says, this guy was not even suposed to call you if he calls again, give him my name and number. I tell print support that the HP dude said if you  put the ip address in your browser you can fix my fax. my print support guy just chuckles, and I say I know that if you coudl do that you would have already done that! He says, yes, we've done that, this is a hardware issue!


and so and so forth. The saga continues. It feels more like a farce at this point! LMAO

Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 28 of 126
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Re: October Chat Already? Where has the time gone?!?

Thinking of ya'll...Stay safe my East coast Buddies !!!



You can't fix crazy but you sure can document it.
Message 29 of 126
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Re: October Chat Already? Where has the time gone?!?

Fredi ~ Sorry you have had such a stressful week with no working electronics.  What does your boss do about that?  How can you do your job?  





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