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OT Well some people are just too dumb for words

  OK so the title is kind of rude, but I'm just needing to vent.

Had a sale about a month ago stating in the title "faux".

In the area for material I again stated plastic & mixed materials.

It was listed in the costume jewelry catagory.

   The buyer who lives in China (they had it delivered to Calif. addie) e-mails me today, telling me how upset they are that the item isn't "real."

The mean part of me was thinking "HAH China complaining about fakes!!!" 

  So anyhow, I very nicely e-mail her and tell her that I had "faux" in the title, it was listed under costume jewelry and the material was listed as plastic, etc.

   She had the nerve to come back and ask if she could keep the item and if I'd give her 1/2 the money back, because the item wasn't "real"  and she didn't "understand."

  So I tell her return for refund, yada yada yada.

 She e-mails again asking for my address, which I tell her is on the shipping label.

At this point I am not going to make like easy for her.

 So far she hasn't opened a return, I really don't care if it comes back, I'm sure I can resell.

  But I was basically thinking the nerve of some people, they don't read (or understand) and then they want money back AND keep the item.

Rant done  Smiley Happy everyone have a great weekend and enjoy your St Patty's day!!! 


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Re: OT Well some people are just too dumb for words

I'm with you, OY!


I have listings up now for 2 lots of antique silver salt spoons. I get an email from someone saying they are nice and he would be interested in both, but how do I know they are antique without marks. I replied based on the people I am selling them for, plus things I have gotten from them in the past, yadda, yadda, they are antique.


He replies that 1 lot is not marked sterling. I reply, quoting my listing, "These salt spoons are not marked but acid test as sterling silver". Hello! Can you read????


It really amazes me that semingly inteligent people don't read the descriptions. I think I might add him to my blocked buyer list, he seems like trouble! God forbid if he does buy them, I am sure he will give me H__L!!

Message 2 of 12
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Re: OT Well some people are just too dumb for words

If it's the faux coral pendant you couldn't have made it clearer, there is no way anyone could have thought that this was genuine coral, you took super pics of the back clearly showing resin/plastic.


I think that the mentality is that if someone gets a "sleeper" then all is good, but the rules change when they lose the bet, so to speak. I call it the last art of good manners, fair play and the basic tenets of decent behaviour, but sadly these rules vanish with the anonymity of the internet, the lack of protection for seller no thanks to Paypal and the feedback system, so basically, standards are being eroded online.  


Yup, I get pretty annoyed as well, because I think that the erosion of online behaviour is spilling into our real interactions as well ...


I am going to be doing a large antique show later this month and hope that I won't run into the aggressive buyers who are always for some reason after coral, amber, jade, ivory and antique Chinese silver, for rock bottom prices of course, often very disrespectfully as well.


Phew, well now I have vented as well! 

Message 3 of 12
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Re: OT Well some people are just too dumb for words

So I wake up to a retrun request this morning, reason "doesn't seem authentic"!

I call EBay and get a CS rep in the Statesgrinning

He reads the e-mails and the listing and says yuppers it is a remorse return.

He said just reply with return for refund, buyers pays return shipping as per my return policy.

So let's see how this plays out....

People are just unbelievable sometimesscream 



Message 4 of 12
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Re: OT Well some people are just too dumb for words

Arlene, do you think that these buyers might be wanting to resell these items to the hot Chinese buying market?

(Just kidding, of course they are).
Message 5 of 12
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Re: OT Well some people are just too dumb for words

I had a return a couple of months ago for a marked sterling silver Italian mesh bracelet.  The buyer stated it was not sterling since the bracelet turned her wrist green she said  it could not be sterling.   I  accepted the return - had to pay for shipping to return the item - yes I did get it iback.  AND YES it was sterling.  Now I add ito my listings that I have no history of smoke lotions perfumes or pets near the jewelry.   One last note - My policy is to accept returns (30 days) but buyer pays return shipping.  So sometimes you just get bad one .

Message 6 of 12
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Re: OT Well some people are just too dumb for words

Dins that would burn my butt. I sell elsewhere and touch wood, so far only one return. In that case I sold a Margot de Taxco enamel bracelet and without a doubt it was damaged in transit, because the bracelet I sold was in good shape, and the bracelet the buyer got was not.


I refunded shipping both ways and the full price of the  bracelet the minute she sent me the pics of the damage,  because I was mortified, to say the least, and knew that something had gone horribly wrong along the way. It was not the smartest thing to do I now realise, and would not recommend it, but it was my immediate instinct, and I got lucky,  because the buyer returned the bracelet to me.  I don't know that I would risk that again ....


What Vernon is dealing with, and what you dealt with, is the part of online selling that makes it less than fun, and a complete eye opener. I so admire you folks who do this day in and day out, I only sell every few months online and it plays havoc with my mental health ... 


Karen, to answer your post .... 100% they are buying for the resale market.  Where have all the collectors gone?? 

Message 7 of 12
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Re: OT Well some people are just too dumb for words

Some people just slay me...

For those of you who don't know, i'm an insurance agent's assistant (I do all the apps for all the policies, do all the home, auto, farm & commercial quotes...)

At any rate had a guy call a couple of weeks ago: I'm gonna need a quote on a dodge, gonna go look at it this weekend, might buy it...
Me: ok, what it is it?
Him: it's a dodge.
Me: Ok, do you have the VIN?
Him: no, i'm not buying it yet, just gonna look at it.
Me: ok, i'm gonna need year, make and model to run you a quote.
Him: it's a dodge truck, it's white and has 150,000 miles on it
Me: I'm going to have to know the year and the make to get you a quote
Him: I think it's an 89, might be a 91, not sure.
Me: ...ok....

I mean i'm not being nosy when I ask what it is, in order to get you a quote, I have to know year, make and model, that's what the insurance is based on.

I do a lot of quotes based on very little information. It makes me wanna bang my head off my desk sometimes! LOL
Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 8 of 12
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Re: OT Well some people are just too dumb for words

Bueller? Bueller?

Message 9 of 12
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Re: OT Well some people are just too dumb for words

OMG fredi that's too funny.

I work for a small manufacturing company. We do work for HUGE companies-think Lockheed Martin huge.

They place an order today, with a due date of 6 months ago. I get a call from someone freaking out where are the parts, this is stopping the (assembly) line of a multi million dollar aircraft!!!

 I explain well we just received the order,  we're quoting for raw material, yada, yada, yada. The response I get is usually "oh yeah it's our fault, but what are you going to do to make it better???" Seriously??? You think I can just pull these things out of my you know what???

 Then I go home at night and do EBay, I must be a masichist!!

Message 10 of 12
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Re: OT Well some people are just too dumb for words

OMG Frendi.  I sold health auto and  homeowners insurance for a few years.  It got to where I'd pass auto quotes on to other agents in the office because I couldn't deal with it.  It amazes me how many people don't know how to find the VIN on their car!


We are required in California to run their DMV record as part of the quote process.  We would always tell them we had to do that up front and we'd always ask "Have you had any accidents or tickets in the last 3 years."  Invariably the answer is no, course not.  Then we run their DMV printout and it's two pages long.  The record I think was 10 pages of accident and tickets.  Back then we received them via fax and the pages just kept coming and coming and coming out of the printer.  This after he told us he had one or two accidents on his record.  His quote wound up being about $3000 a month.



Message 11 of 12
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Re: OT Well some people are just too dumb for words

vernon, love that. Like you waited until the last second to ask for something you know takes more than that to get. Gotta love it when clients think they are the boss 🙂

oncoyote, that's amazing! I've never seen a record that long, but we've had several VERY long ones!

oncoyote, we now get real time DMV records, but it used to take 24 hours for the report to come back...

Guy, older guy, came in, wants home & auto quotes, ok, no problem gonna run your credit and your dmv record, but the dmv record will take 24 hours to come back, have you had any tickets/accidents/turned any claims in, in the last 3 years? Guy says nope, not a single thing.

I say, ok here's your auto quote, and we can finalize tomorrow. Guy says no problem, thank you and leaves.

Next day rolls around, pull up his auto quote, what the what? dude's got like 4 tickets and 4 accidents in the last three years (all accidents were collision, not comp, and they all had tickets associated PLUS another 4 tickets without accidents!!!), the wife is clean, not a single thing on her record. So they end up having to go to our high rated/high risk co, because hey that's a lot of accidents/tickets/claims! and of course premium triples on his vehicle and doubles on the wife's (she has to go with him, even tho her MVR is clean...)

So I call their house, no one answers, and since I know these people and I know where the wife works, I call her at work, she answers and I explain what's happening and could she have her hubby call me back? please? (this was back before cell phones were very common)

She says sure.

Later on in the day I've got another client across the desk from me, when phone rings, answer it (intending to say: i'll call you back in a few) its the guy with all the tickets and accidents and suddenly i'm being cussed out, called a no good B, a fat f'en c-word and on and on and on and on. guy across the desk from me eyes are HUGE! Like dinner plate sized.

I finally hang up the phone, gently, while the guy is still ranting, deal with the client across the desk from me and then lay my head on the desk and bawl. It was awful and I remember it like it was yesterday.

Back then I was young, and kinda dumb...and I'd only been doing this for a year or so. Now? I've been doing this for 15 years, and if the guy called me now and did the same thing I would have told him to go p!ss off...ahh the wisdom that comes with age 🙂 LMAO
Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
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