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First Eye Candy Wednesday of Spring

Post some if you've got some!  Keep the images smaller to speed loading, and as usual nothing from a live auction.


All of these are long gone.  A ceramic Gentian. German if I remember properly.  The yellow and green necklace was modern plastic, but a local buyer liked it just fine. The Hollycraft went up for sale and out the door. 


ceramic gentian pendantceramic gentian pendantGroovy lime green and yellow necklace - long soldGroovy lime green and yellow necklace - long soldHollycroft- coming fairly soonHollycroft- coming fairly soon

She who dies with the most toys still dies; when's the estate sale?
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First Eye Candy Wednesday of Spring

Spring????  What is this Spring you speak of????

~~~Sarah~~~There's only ONE bad day when you love an animal
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First Eye Candy Wednesday of Spring

That necklace sent me right back to the 60's and 70's, ev!  Good times 😂.  Hollycraft is one of my favorite makers 😍.


3 of my favorite Monet sets.  All sold:





I'm not a hoarder! There's a price tag on everything!
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First Eye Candy Wednesday of Spring

Cool pieces 💜


I found these interesting colorful beads. Not sure what to make of them. They have two sides, some are gaudy combinations.





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First Eye Candy Wednesday of Spring

Wow!  Those beads are cooler than cool, ocn! Be nice to find out what they are called!


Ev.., that Gentian is lovely!  New word for did you know what it was? (inquiring minds wanna know lol)  You a flower expert? 


Dream, all are lovely, but the Monet Pagoda set is awesome! 

~~~Sarah~~~There's only ONE bad day when you love an animal
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First Eye Candy Wednesday of Spring

Wish I knew what those beads are too - the look like really good marbles, but they're not. Maybe end-of-day glass?   The flower... Google.(LOL)  It was a German pendant, so before I sold it I looked up the maker and "blue flower" and it came up Gentian. Confirmed by searching the flower name.  I'd heard of them but never seen one; they grow wild in parts of Europe. 

She who dies with the most toys still dies; when's the estate sale?
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First Eye Candy Wednesday of Spring

I was going to say end-of-day, also.  They're pretty cool!

I'm not a hoarder! There's a price tag on everything!
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