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SPRING HAS SPRUNG ... for some of us.


Come in, smell the flowers and chat with us.

Though the beauty may be in the butterfly, the struggle and growth occur in the cocoon.
Message 1 of 110
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109 REPLIES 109


LOL  Let`s hope  that continues for awhile for ya, fredi!  


I`ve been waiting to turn my ac on until about 3pm..then I`ll cut it back off around 8.   But canning today & tomorrow so had to kick it on early.  We`ve been in the mid 90`s all week.


Garden`s looking pretty good.. I have a spot for 3 more tomato plants & that will be it.  I`ve filled everything I can  lol


So far I have 30+ tomato plants..30+ asstd pepper plants, green beans, lots of onions, lettuce,  a summer spinach that vines & I`m gonna let it grow on the fence, okra & cukes in the pastel cubes alongside the shed
















~~~Sarah~~~There's only ONE bad day when you love an animal
Message 91 of 110
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Remind me to pay attention to weather forecast a little closer!  LOL
Yesterday I`d thawed out 25 lbs of boneless chicken breasts I`d been buying along (while it was still 1.99 lb  lol) to freeze, then  can. 
Then  I found out supposed to be rainy & stormy Friday..which is the day I`d planned to mow & trim after I got housework finished.
So today I had to hustle hiney to get the chicken canned up while mowing & trimming at the same time!  LOL  I knew I`d have 3 canner loads & that would be an all day process..BUT
I got it all done!!!!  Chicken looks purdy! 
Guess who`s gonna sleep good tonite?? 😀  (hopefully!)
~~~Sarah~~~There's only ONE bad day when you love an animal
Message 92 of 110
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Sarah, You are Superwoman!

Message 93 of 110
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Sorry I've been missing in action lately. I just got a new phone. I cannot tell you about the today ordeal of trying to change to this new phone and keep my same number.  You think eBay's customer service is  bad.  They can't hold a candle to TracFone.  I was with them for at least fifteen years.  The key word being WAS.


So here I sit with my new phone and new service and about half of the hair I had when I started this.  Big sigh.


Hope everyone is doing well.  Sarah is canning and putting in her garden, I see.  Has the bunny showed back up?


Scif, hope you are still on track and Frogi has gone camping.


It is hot as all get out here.  So far the camper has stayed cool.  This week will be a real test.  We are going to Arkansas / Missouri for a month in July/August.  It will be our first big trip.  Then we will come back here for the winter and start planning for next year when we start our big adventure.  Still need to get things done over to the house.

Though the beauty may be in the butterfly, the struggle and growth occur in the cocoon.
Message 94 of 110
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Howdee, Sandy!  Good to see ya..I figured you were swamped with 'getting ready' stuff. 


Sounds like a good plant to take a trial vacation..I have a feeling you`re gonna be ready to go again sooner than next year!  LOL 


Bummer on the phone mess..I despise dealing with any of that stuff over  it phone, internet service or anything.  But hopefully everything is all straightened out with it..(less hair...less shampoo saved)  😉


No bunny for a few weeks, I miss her.☹️

~~~Sarah~~~There's only ONE bad day when you love an animal
Message 95 of 110
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Sarah, you've got a nice garden there! I caved and finally turned the house AC, the garage one has been on a while now and the bedroom one (window unit) gets kicked on at nite and shut off in the am (bedroom is upstairs, so no one would be sleeping if it wasn't for the window unit!).


Do you pressure can your meat? I've been wanting to get into canning meat cuz we have a lot of deer every year (that gets vac sealed and frozen) but a longer term storage would be canning.


Sandy, still not camping, but we are headed to the lake Ozark this weekend for the Plumber's birthday! We're staying in Lake of the Ozark's at our condo/time share thingy (I'm not sure what to call it, lol)


The top has finally came off the Jeep! And the doors as well! We bought a used soft top fo cheap from a seller on facebook and currently the soft top is on it, but no doors. My hair when I get to work is...interesting, lol I'm thankful I only drive 9 blocks to work! If we like this soft top, we might invest in one that can be folded back like a convertible top for next summer. I do like the look of the top on it, that's for sure. This top will be much easier to remove when we get to the lake, with the hardtop we'd have never taken it off! lol


Other than being hotter than the blue blazes here not a whole lot going on. I'll start prepping for our weekend away this evening.


Peanut's doing very well, he's getting the Nextmune allergy shots. We're about 1/3 of the way in and he seems to be doing ok, but we haven't been camping yet and that is when he is in the grass the most. I did finally get the big spot on his foot cleared up with Lick Guard, I had it cleared up but the fur hadn't fully regrown and so he started licking again, and I started putting the Lick Guard back on it, this time until the fur was all the way back!

Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 96 of 110
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I am wondering if I can run something by you amazing folks here?


I have a friend who has for the last three times she's ordered something from the river site gets 'extra' stuff. The first two times it was huge boxes of napkins, this time two chargers (which fit none of her family's devices) and a pair of earrings. These are not things she has ordered. The river customer service says the tracking number on the not her package is going to another account. The river customer service is supposed to have 'frozen' this other account after the second box of napkins. Have you guys heard of anything like this ever happening? It's so very bizarre to me. She only gets stuff she did not order when she places an actual order. This stuff is not in her shopping cart when she makes the order! In so far as I can tell she hasn't been charged for the stuff she's getting but not actually buying!


Thank you guys, so very much!

Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 97 of 110
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That IS strange!  It seems like I did hear or read of something like this happenieng..was some kind of scam going on...hopefully she never gets charged for anything. 


As to your question of canning meat..oh boy yes!!  I enjoy it.  I do boneless chicken breasts, sometimes boneless thighs..ground beef or chuck...have done chuck rsts cut into chunks..lots of possibilites using it..pork butt same way, in chunks & also as pulled pork (no spice or sauce..I add that when opening it). turkey breast..ground sausage,,ya can can almost any meat as far as I know. 


If you have a Presto canner..all the meat guidelines are in it or go to the


Once you do some & see how easy it is.., you`ll enjoy having it on the shelf at the ready.


I will caution you...the texture of any ground meat will be a little it different than  when fresh cooked..but still works fabulous in casseroles, soups, sloppy Joes, etc.   But any roasts or stew meast are super tender! You par-cook most meats before canning them (cook about 2/3-3/4 done) And you`ll be adding broth

Hope ya give it a so worth it!  


It`s 6pm &  just now dropped to 87 here..not as hot today as they predicted of 104, thankfully..but still upper 90`s & triple digits rest of week.  I made shade canopies for my tomatoes & peppers..those temps & for that long will stress out the I`m babying as much as I can..deep water & more mulch added today.



~~~Sarah~~~There's only ONE bad day when you love an animal
Message 98 of 110
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The oven has been turned on here too. Temps are over 100 most of the time.


I am down to 290 lbs. Not easy, miss my doughnuts and pizza. 1300 calories doesn't leave room for much indulgence.


If what your friend is getting is from China, there was something going on over there for a while. Their government pays them for the shipping when used by a business, they would send random orders to make their business look bigger. The receiver is never charged for them. I haven't heard of them doing this for a while.



Message 99 of 110
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Good morning, scifi!!  That`s awesome news..sounds like you have great so very happy for you!!! 


You go girl!!!!!!!!!!

~~~Sarah~~~There's only ONE bad day when you love an animal
Message 100 of 110
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Way to go Scifi!

Though the beauty may be in the butterfly, the struggle and growth occur in the cocoon.
Message 101 of 110
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Ahhhhhh..I just went back to a peaceful it!!!!!!!!!

~~~Sarah~~~There's only ONE bad day when you love an animal
Message 102 of 110
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Thank you for sharing Sarah. I remember all of those songs and you are so right it does relax you just listening.

Though the beauty may be in the butterfly, the struggle and growth occur in the cocoon.
Message 103 of 110
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Happy hot times!! Otherwise known as summer. Hope everyone is doing well. It is only in the low 100's here right now. (106,110).


Mom is off her walker for the most part. She still takes it for long distances like Sam's club but otherwise is on her cane. 


I am down to 287. I am hoping that when I see the dr on Wed, she will let me quit my insulin. I am down to 5 units a night. I hit the gym at least 5 days a week, more if I can make it. This losing weight is hard, wish it was as easy to lose as it is to gain.

Message 104 of 110
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Way to go girl!


Yes, it has been over 100 for the last two weeks ... EVERY DAY ... too hot, way too early.

Though the beauty may be in the butterfly, the struggle and growth occur in the cocoon.
Message 105 of 110
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