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Militaria Collector's Corner
Hello and welcome to the Militaria Collector's Corner!

This is a special thread dedicated to all who love collecting Militaria and would appreciate chatting with others who share this interest! We hope this dedicated little corner will give you a way to more easily meet others in the community that share your interests.

Come in and make yourself at home! Tell us about your Militaria collections, your first piece, your favorite item, your favorite eBay find, share the histories behind your items--share share share!

A picture is always an enjoyable way to share with others, so feel free to use them here. If you need them, instructions for adding images to your posts are available from a thread at the top of this board.

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Message 1 of 1,071
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1,070 REPLIES 1,070

Re: Militaria Collector's Corner

how do i post pictures for everyone to see on this message board?
Message 1006 of 1,071
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Re: Militaria Collector's Corner

how do i post pictures for everyone to see on this message board?

There are instructions on the antiques message board, found here:
Message 1007 of 1,071
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Re: Militaria Collector's Corner

can anyone tell me what this is?
Message 1008 of 1,071
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Re: Militaria Collector's Corner

Only quessing, but since there is only one hook, somthing ornamental.

Maybe something to hang off the end of a strap for a saddle????
Message 1009 of 1,071
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Re: Militaria Collector's Corner

I really have no idea. I was thinking it is a buffalo soldier medal or some kind of military insigna. I would appriciate any kind of input on this. here are a few more pictures.
Message 1010 of 1,071
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Re: Militaria Collector's Corner

Help needed please. I am told this viewing apparatus came from either a US or Japanese bomber plane from WWII. There are no discernable markings or hallmarks. Any thoughts or ideas on this? Thanks!

Message 1011 of 1,071
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Re: Militaria Collector's Corner

Contact me for pics or please inform me how to do so on this page......thanks again!
Message 1012 of 1,071
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Re: Militaria Collector's Corner

Need some help and not sure if this is the right forum to get it.
I have one pair of HCH Muermann wool pants 32-34 and one pair of wood Sportra Arnsdorf 32-34. Any guesses as to whether they are German WWII vintage and possible starting price? Thx
Message 1013 of 1,071
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Re: Militaria Collector's Corner

Have anyone seen something like this before? (miniatures)

Message 1014 of 1,071
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Re: Militaria Collector's Corner

The ribbon is a civilian button hole to signify the award of a medal.  The small Infantry Assault and wound badge stickpins were also designed to be worn on the lapel of a civilian jacket.

Message 1015 of 1,071
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Re: Militaria Collector's Corner

Thank you! Do you know if they are unusual or rare.

Message 1016 of 1,071
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Re: Militaria Collector's Corner

The civilian button hole ribbon is very common.  The stickpins are more delicate but they are for common awards.

Message 1017 of 1,071
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Re: Militaria Collector's Corner



Is this really a "Gar Mourning Medal Pin Civil War" or a Masonic Jewel?


Is it an item that is at 100 years old?



I see this medel listed an ebay as both, and it is sold new all the time as a Masonic Malta Jewel (one web site sold these new for as little as buy 12 for $89.00 as a Malta Jewel for Lodges).


Some sites state that the American Eagle Emblem helps identify the Mason member as an American Member. Other Malta Jewels look the same but had someother emblem than our American Eagle to identify with that members national origin.


I understand there some early Civil War Medel - badge books out there that mis-identify this item as a Gar Mourning badge - is this correct?


Anyway just wondering


Also are most of Gar Member Badges and ecampment badges on ebay authentic or reproduction?


thanks for any info you can provide.

Message 1018 of 1,071
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Re: Militaria Collector's Corner


Umemats, Yes I have seen those before. The Riech produced minatures of lots of things over the years. From swords, daggars, pins and awards were all made m in's.

Message 1019 of 1,071
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Re: Militaria Collector's Corner


I posted a question about a bayonet on the Historical board. I want to list it but do not have information to describe it properly.

I did not know that was a Militaria Collector's Corned, or I would have ask my question here.

I do not want to "overpost" so I am asking if perhaps someone here could look at my other post and have a reply that may help in my listing description.



Message 1020 of 1,071
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